Flag: Canada
Registered: March 30, 2021
Last post: March 8, 2024 at 4:41 AM
Posts: 59
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If on average men have a faster reaction time than women of course it would make a difference. It's not B.S. but as we discussed before there is more significant reasons on why there is a large disparity in high level valorant.

Side note. I don't really believe the "been a fan for awhile" claim. No chance you are above the age of 16 😂

posted about a year ago

What you don't understand is it doesn't have to be the "main" reason. Physical capabilities still somewhat change how good a player can be, especially FPS games. Reaction time, hand-eye coordination, muscle memory, etc all play a part. As I said my post above when you are trying to be the best of the best, minor advantages can be the difference maker.

Now if we are talking about why there is a lack of women representation at the highest level of competitive Valorant I do think genetics play a small role BUT it's not even close to the main reason why. The main reason is numbers. The number of women Valorant players is lower then men, and the number of women valorant players who have aspirations to play professional is significantly lower. To see an increase in numbers the social environment around women in gaming as whole needs to drastically improve.

posted about a year ago

Human reaction time peaks around early-mid twenties. Here's a study that says reaction time peaks at 24; https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0094215. There is plenty of other studies as well pointing to similar conclusions. Of course reaction time is just one of the many factors of Valorant but it is still meaningful. When talking about the best of the best even the smallest advantage margins can make a difference.

posted about a year ago

That makes more sense. Thanks

posted about a year ago

Tex - German
Governor - Korean
Ban - Korean
Jawgemo - Cambodian
NiSMO - Lebanese
Several players in Tier 2/3

All of these players were raised in North America and most were born in North America. Having some players flag on VLR represent their ethnic backgrounds and some players their birth country. It just seems inconsistent and confusing.

posted about a year ago

Yea they did, its already over 2-1 (C9W Win)

posted about 3 years ago

How you feeling RRoadRRunner LMAO. Brax is still in when compound buff TSM lost AGAIN

posted about 3 years ago

EDIT: Sent the same message twice because the site was lagging

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

History does repeat itself. Just look at your takes

posted about 3 years ago

Not recently (Spilt was there best map in the First Strike/Summer era). Since the start of VCT Haven is their best map by far

posted about 3 years ago

thought BR>KR and now you've made TWO messages about me. LMAO man who are you

posted about 3 years ago

Holy shit, the downvotes went from something like-70 to -25 already LMFAOOO

posted about 3 years ago

I'm an NA fan. I was just way too high on Brazil because of Rainbow 6

Edit: I also never thought BR>NA,
My predictions before Masters were EU>NA>BR>LATAM>KR>SEA>JP.
Not sure where delusional BR fan came from

posted about 3 years ago

Canada has been a huge part in NA esports.

NAF Twistzz Grand Slam winners
Canadian in R6
TenZ Penny Effys in this tournament
In the LCS system now there is 33 from USA and 20 from Canada (even though USA has almost x9 the population)

posted about 3 years ago

bro why did you have NA that low

posted about 3 years ago

This matchup is going to be so good. Both talented, I think its going to come down to who has prepared more. I'm going to go Fnatic 2-1, I'm thinking Sentinels goes on another lower bracket run.

posted about 3 years ago

TL 2-0 V1. IMO V1 went on a hot streak at the right time, I do not think they are top 2 in NA and will get team diffed by a strong TL. It makes it worse that Wippie is unable to come.


posted about 3 years ago

2-0 FNC, KRU is one of the better minor region teams but they aren't beating Fnatic

posted about 3 years ago

I could see Nuturn getting a map, but I'm going for 2-0 Sharks. Based on what I've watched NA EU BR (not in order), are the major and best regions in this tournament. Until Korea has more of a player base I'm going BR.

posted about 3 years ago

Why is he getting down voted. Getting to face a weak team in the round of 8 is lucky, no denying that. That also doesn't change that Vks are good. 2-0 VKS
EDIT: He was getting downvoted lol

posted about 3 years ago

What, not a chance you watched any game. No way you watched Japan and actually think that????????

posted about 3 years ago

V1 win 2-0, and it's not going to be close

Edit: It was much closer than I expected, GGs to CR

posted about 3 years ago

Edit: This was supposed to be a reply

posted about 3 years ago

Crazy Raccoons over V1????????????????????

posted about 3 years ago

You mean in any game. It's what makes esports really fun.

posted about 3 years ago

What I meant by that comment was they should have made the bracket in a way where they matchup in the final instead of the semi final.

posted about 3 years ago

Soniqs vs Renegades should be the final

posted about 3 years ago
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