Flag: United States
Registered: July 20, 2024
Last post: January 18, 2025 at 10:24 PM
Posts: 20

SEN fan saying the words "BE HUMBLED" is the most ironic shit I've read in a long time

posted 1 month ago

Maybe, maybe not. It depends on what the issues were. It was a new team, playing in a new meta. If they resolve those issues then yeah it'll be a good season. I've learned not to get my hopes too high when it comes to 100T

posted 4 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Cryo will always be my king. I also love watching Asuna, Mako and Derke.

posted 6 months ago

I was on vacation for the last week and I came back to see that SEN shredded GenG. So yes I am a bit late

posted 6 months ago

I am man enough to admit when I am wrong. I thought GenG was unstoppable and that SEN was going to get absolutely stomped. I was unfamiliar with Kaplan's game. Well played SEN I will not be betting against you again.

posted 6 months ago

SEN would have qualified for winning a masters. They deserve to be there. Anybody saying otherwise is just hating SEN for the sake of hating SEN.

posted 6 months ago

Not saying it would. I'm just saying it would be more interesting to have a few underdogs in the mix.

posted 6 months ago

Not having an LCQ is so boring. GenG is going to win champs. I don't really see another team that could possibly beat them. If LCQ was still a thing then we might a least have a few underdog teams to make things interesting. But instead we're stuck with watching GenG roll everyone. IDK maybe a random team could still show up and pull off an upset but I just can't see it happening.

posted 6 months ago

Did you just not read the fucking post. I said I don't like it because it requires a lot of teamwork and I'm in a low elo. I enjoy watching it I just don't like playing it.

posted 6 months ago

That's what I say. I don't backseat but I make a lot of callouts which people say is comming too much. Pisses me off beyond belief

posted 6 months ago

So earlier today I posted saying that Fracture was my least favorite map and people got HELLA pissed. Just curious to hear from Fracture lovers, why do yall like the map? The reason I don't like it is because I think the map requires a lot of comms and map awareness to know the enemies position. Which sucks in solo q because teammates get mad at me for "comming too much". I will freely admit I'm a low elo player so it's probably worse for me then people in higher ranks. I consistently got killed from somewhere I thought was covered. Got really annoying.

posted 6 months ago

Fracture. The answer will forever be Fracture

posted 6 months ago

Aspas overall > Derke Overall

Prime Derke > Prime Aspas

Derke was tearing teams to shreds in 2023 before EG went on a crazy Cinderella run.

posted 6 months ago

If you want humor: Marved. if you want analysis: Sean Gares.

posted 6 months ago

With consistency and skill in mind, who do you guys think are the top 5 non duelist players all time?

posted 7 months ago

Ok my bad.

posted 7 months ago

I mean let's be honest, with how inconsistent 100T is right now they'd probably get knocked out early too. But to watch a team that hasn't been good since early season is really annoying. Especially when said team had an opportunity to win a game in stage 2 playoffs.

posted 7 months ago
  1. Going .500 is not an impressive accomplishment. The only good team they beat was KRU. They lost to all the competent teams.
posted 7 months ago

This site is heavily dominated by SEN fans so I know I'm going to be downvoted into non-existence but SEN do not deserve to go to champs. If LCQ was still a thing (which a majority of people want) SEN would be screwed. They've been getting destroyed by any competent team ever since split was removed from the map pool. They had a good showing at Madrid but completely fell off after that. Don't get me wrong; I would love to see them do well at champs but realistically they won't make it past the first round. Time to fight for my life against the SEN fanbase

Edit: Ok I guess a lot of SEN fans are agreeing with me on this one.
Edit 2: Forgot to mention that SEN would've qualified anyways for winning a masters which just goes to show how even more stupid circuit points are.

posted 7 months ago