Flag: Spain
Registered: March 18, 2022
Last post: June 29, 2024 at 11:56 AM
Posts: 24

Japanese teams feels like they don't take risks and only play supersafe and stactic and still fuck it up somehow They need to change they style and POV of the game coz since the zeta miracle run in master there is not a single good japanese team. They really need a fresh of air and change the mental of how the game works to be honest not hating just wanna a japanese team to rise.

posted 8 months ago

In my opinion cs major format is 10 times better than VCT format. The franchises ruin the VCT since the VCT has downgraded a lot.

posted 8 months ago

How do guys feel about the new promotion format for VCL promote to VCT?
For the people that does not know the new format:

-12 franchises team cap instead of 14 teams
-The team that promote has one year in VCT instead of 2 years
-If make top 8 in the league you don't downgrade in tier 2 but relegation fight for the spot
-Make champs an extra year

posted 8 months ago

WOW what a shit format how that is even fair. I want my LCQ back is more emotional and better for history tellings like kru last year. And this format is so complicate to understand for a new viewer

posted 8 months ago

But if the top 3 in points make champs by playoff how does it works then? Top 4 in points make it even tho if top 4 in playoffs is below in points than top 4 in points?

posted 8 months ago

But if you have the most points of the league and you make playoffs how does it works them? In the case of FNC they have the most points and they already make into playoff the playoffs even they are already in champs? Or they don't play playoff because they are already in champs? And if they play playoffs and win it how does it work in that case?

posted 8 months ago

Can someone explain me how do the VCT league points works? I mean who has the most points in the league is already in Champs? So they do not need to play playoffs?

posted 8 months ago

Let me guess your profile:

Pronouns in your X profile
Zodiac signs
Dyed hair
Dad issues or no Dad
Activist of greenpeace
Identity issues
Self unsecure
Art/Humanities/literature Studies on university or you don't have studies becuase there is no posibilty any college would acceot someone that dumb.
And valorant player
OMG Devil in person

posted 9 months ago

Wow that must be the reason brasil accepted so many refugies from venezuela. Actually there is not so that must the reason why Bolsanaro was your country president because Brasil is a neonazi country and you are living on it so you are nazi ass well OMG. You a zero idea the situation about or EU there is so many refugies that we cannot accept more because it is imposible 2 wars at the same time they is liteary a whole neighboorhoods of refugies in Spain legal or ilegal we accept them here, no as your country NAZIS.

posted 9 months ago

Okay this is my last reply to you for my own sake and my faith in humanity.
So you did not argument anything I just tell you because you know that im right about white people can also be discriminate by racism.What the hell I'm releated with those races opressed centuries ago, and folowing your own logic liteary Brasil bought/import/sell to other countries millions of slaves centuries ago so that make all brazilian racist? IDK you prove me that you are the racist guy here.

Dude stop replying everything and think you are a heroe you are not you look more idiot for every reply you respond, and now I'm happy that brazilian teams only have 1 win so far. LMAOOOOO brasil is so mean deserved 1/14 on games.

posted 9 months ago

And also the noises they were dog noises of a meme so no racist so far

posted 9 months ago

Mortadelo he estado argumentando con este tío y es imposible VLR es peor que argumentar con una femenista en X. Su punto es que si alguien es racista con los Brasileños hay que cancelarlos y no dejarlos jugar y castigarlos, pero en cuando a los fanes de Brasil amenazando físico o telemáticamente de muerte Nah eso no existe, o el hecho de que cuando FNC ganó el lock-in y que se hubiese ido el 90% de la grada Nah eso tampoco hablamos, o el hecho de que a pesar que le decir que se parece a un personaje negro porque Dgzin es negro yo no lo considero racista, porque en el caso de que Dgzin fuese blanco y le hubiese llamado con un personaje blanco es eso racista?. O el hecho de que sacan clips fuera de contexto para argumentar su NO sense funa de algo de hace 2 años y revivirlo otra vez no lo entiendo. Si ha pedido disculpas, aún así Keznit tuvo que jugar en un escenario protegido por las constantes amenazas de los BR fans de muerte Nah eso tampoco lo hablamos. Este tío este mal de la cabeza y solo ve lo que quiere ver. Dejemos de perder el tiempo con este pabo que solo quiere un poco de fama

posted 9 months ago

What is the source of it. White people can be also be discriminate by they skin color I had a few expierences .
When I went to a Japan holiday trip I got rejected by many ONLY JAPANESE places. In Korea as well they are a lot of club that only accept asian people. In my neighborhood their is a Dominican club and the few times I went their the staff didn't treat really well because I was one of the few white people in there with my friends.

Of course it is not the same for black people in compare to white people and it must to be changed but the fact you releate that only black people are "thugs" tell me a lot from you ,their is also white people or other races that can be releated as "thugs"

posted 9 months ago

WTF what is wrong with you and your ideas. So you just contradict yourself, so what would you know about EU and NA people of being racist or not if you are not from EU or NA you are just mean I hope that you country get better by you changing as a person.

posted 9 months ago

I did a bit of research:

The fact that Vitzsu bring up only Dgzin part of the story make me think that you are disgusting.

So I realate all the explanation to this video: https://youtu.be/6vBE-qRSXd8?si=WIh2FwxEbQMX1YtG

  1. Dgzin was mad because keznit T-bag him.
    2.Dgzin and Keznit had an argument
    3.After the prac Dgzin keeps comfronting Keznit and called him a Mc worker and a chicken (All this because of keznit appearence)
    4.Keznit respond Dgzin: "You lool like the CJ of valorant" (because of his appearence)

So what I can see is that Dgzin is black so Keznit called him he looks like in appeareace as a black character it is racist?
So if in the case Dgzin was white person and keznit insult him is this racism?

IDK this looks SUS

posted 9 months ago

It is crazy the fact that you claim yourself and your country to be the most inclusive country and hate racism and called EU and NA people racist when your last president was Bolsonaro a super racist guy that represent the country ideas.☠️☠️☠️

posted 9 months ago

I don't get how did PRX already qualifiled to Masted Shanhai. If they lose twice they are disqualifiled right? Is this scripted?

posted 10 months ago

I mean he already had a punishment by riot fot this right? He didn't have more racism accusasions since that incidence so why bring up this again I don't get it he could have change and why bring this up now when he is on his best form in many years and no before. And why Brazilian people are complaning that much many pro players said such as Boaster or Derker that when they played the Sao Pablo Lock in tournament many fans death threats them before and after playing a Brazilian team.Also Dgzin is not known by his impolute behaviour he is a very toxic player he also has a lot to improve as a pro and as a person. So cancelling someone for something that happened 2 years ago as a Brazilian HELL YEAH! But our own behaviour nah maybe later. To hypocrite and shame by the guy who bring this up again.

posted 10 months ago

Valorant just got release in China and they still got 5-6 place just imagine the glow up. Better be prepare

posted about a year ago

Does someone knows why today is not any crowd in the games ?

posted about a year ago