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Registered: March 9, 2021
Last post: November 8, 2021 at 10:22 AM
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I liked 100T until they started destroying TSM every time they play. It’s embarrassing.

posted about 3 years ago

I would say Subroza but he’s so damn inconsistent. He has some of the best aim I’ve ever seen, but he’s PAINfully inconsistent. Right now I’d take nitr0, but we’ll see how Ethan turns out.

posted about 3 years ago

From this list, I would guess you’re a 100T fan lol. I tried my best to keep my TSM bias out of my list.

posted about 3 years ago

TSM Wardell
LG aproto
NV food
NV crashies
Some smokes player idk

posted about 3 years ago

obvious troll is obvious

posted about 4 years ago

Just a word of advice, people’s minds don’t get changed over online forums. Especially people as stubborn as that guy. It would be nice, but not happening.

posted about 4 years ago

Should have happened hours ago, Sentinels. It didn’t take long for anyone with a brain to realize the truth behind this situation. Hope Cleo is doing alright with all the publicity (and incels blaming her).

posted about 4 years ago

damn he got roasted by a dev

posted about 4 years ago

Here’s the thing. You’re passionate, I’m passionate, I doubt we change each other’s minds. I wish I could, but rape is a difficult subject. My viewpoint was more similar to yours at one point, but then I met my wonderful girlfriend who happens to be a rape victim. I’ve heard almost all of the gruesome details through the years I’ve known her (I’m sure she will never tell me or anybody everything, and that’s fine. Some things you take to the grave with you). That’s all the “education” I need about rape.

I’m ashamed to say that I was bitter about how she handled it and hid it from me. It took months to even begin to wrap my head around it, but I eventually became comfortable with it. Some things we will never understand. Why don’t rape victim go to the authorities for help earlier? We will never get an answer to that, and that’s okay.

You will probably never understand my viewpoint unless someone you love goes through rape. I hope you never have to go through that. In the meantime, try to be more passionate to rape victims.

posted about 4 years ago

He’s consistently made a fool of himself, not only on this subject lol. I’m done trying to convince him to be decent.

posted about 4 years ago

Well bud, she clearly said differently. Not all women are the same. The video was not the only time it happened. Your constant categorization and stereotypes are typical of a misogynistic woman hater.

You’re in the wrong here. Maybe you will understand one day. Also, stop upvoting your own comments. That’s sad.

posted about 4 years ago

Did your parent or high school ever teach you anything about healthy relationships? I’m not sure if I should feel bad for you or flame the shit out of you.

Rape includes not stopping when your partner wants to stop. Rape includes crossing a boundary that your partner sets, such as finishing inside of them. “No” means no at all times during sex.

I know what rape is. Someone close to me was raped as a child for 6 years. It really changes your perspective on things, so I try not to be so hard on you guys.

posted about 4 years ago

To use your own words against you.

“Why doesn’t he just break up with her? It doesn’t matter than she won’t let him, why doesn’t he just leave? If he doesn’t like what’s going on, just leave.”

Sounds very similar to your shit about “Why doesn’t she just stop riding him and leave then?” Disgusting. You’ve been exposed as a hypocrite, and nobody worth a shit is taking what you say seriously at this point. Get help.

posted about 4 years ago

No, you’ve got it all wrong, and you sound completely horrible. “No” does not mean to push harder. That’s disgusting. “No” means no - the tone doesn’t matter. This is elementary. Real “men” don’t hear “No” before sex. They hear “No” before respectfully backing down and, idk, NOT raping someone.

I’ve never heard “No” before sex. Hopefully some other men will speak up to show you it’s common. I have heard “No” before, though, even with my GF. Sometimes you’re not in the mood. It’s absolutely possible to rape someone in a relationship.

posted about 4 years ago

In an attempt to educate you:

You’re missing the “original sin” here, if you will. Sinatraa treated her poorly to begin with. It doesn’t matter that she “let it happen.” You spend more time harassing her, rather than acknowledging that, without Sinatraa’s toxicity and rape, none of this would have happened.

You blame the wrong person. You also exhibit a fair amount of woman hatred, which you should really reconsider. It’s not healthy.

posted about 4 years ago

Oh sure, let’s ignore the biggest mental health issue in this situation - the fact that sinatraa RAPED her.

posted about 4 years ago

Naturally you would say this. Isn’t the age of consent 14 in your country? I bet that’s a lot of fun for you. You have a nasty take.

posted about 4 years ago

The people in this thread are so much more educated than the virgin friendless rape supporters in the “overblown” thread.

posted about 4 years ago

You didn’t hear the girl telling the guy not to ejaculate inside of her? It was kinda the main point of the video.

posted about 4 years ago

Nope, and here’s why. Rape rarely gets proven in a court of law. Best case scenario, he takes a plea deal for a light sentence and never truly admits to anything. Worst case, he walks away completely free. Don’t let the legal system make up your mind for you. You know what you feel in your heart.

posted about 4 years ago

He’s gotta go watch some Stephen Crowder videos to reinforce his belief that women are lying, career-destroying manipulators.

posted about 4 years ago

I’d love to call you a pathetic fuck like everyone else, but you’re not gonna understand rape unless you been through it or know someone close who has. I knew a bunch of sinatraa fans would take his side and pull the typical misogynistic “fake rape” card, and it saddens me. Y’all don’t know any better, and nothing I say will convince you, but don’t blame the victim here.

I admit that I grew up with a similar mentality. “Women accuse powerful men of rape just for money and clout.” It took a grueling few months to realize that mentality is wrong. Try to do the same.

I can’t believe someone would read a lengthy Google Doc, listen to the audio recording, and read all the discord/text messages and still lead with “it’s overblown.”

posted about 4 years ago

Not sure how to reply directly to your comment, first time using this site, but he should have a bright future. I never watched CS:GO, Val is my first FPS, so I don’t know how good Ethan was in CS (aim, game sense, etc). A lot of people knock Val for being a minor-league CS, so if Ethan was an average pro in CS, he’s probably goated in Val (no disrespect to Val, I obvi prefer it to CS). It was clear that he improved during Challengers 3, going from -19 against NRG to +6 against FaZe (when all his teammates were neg). Masters 1 should give an indication of his skill, and we should know for sure during Challengers 2 (if 100T plays in that at all, not sure how that works).

Regardless, fuck 100T lol. I’m a hopeless TSM fanboy because Wardell was the first Val streamer I watched. At least 100T beat their asses hard enough to hopefully make some roster adjustments.

posted about 4 years ago
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