Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: April 18, 2023 at 11:22 AM
Posts: 162
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In NA fans mind don't. The Guard and Optic are the best in the world. And we are the ones on Copium

posted about 2 years ago

I'm here just to see the NA people talking about copium while the 2° best team in the world, optic (1° is the guard), just lost to Xerxia.

posted about 2 years ago

It's called plat chat for a reason

posted about 2 years ago

Trembolona probably have some big mental issues...

Or it's just the master baiter and you all are falling.

posted about 2 years ago

I heard brazilians and latam players calling each other "boludos" before, and it was in total negative way. Bc of that i tought that it was way worse that what you said. And racism is a HUGE thing here, so i understand why brazilians are strict about this insults, but I see that are a lot of overreactions out here.

One example: I know that in other countries it's common to call babies as monkeys, but this is unnaceptable here. But yet, I understand that a lot of people overreact this things

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, I think that the problem is this weird tension that we create around us, but we have so much more in common that differences. I prefer 100% cheer for Kru with Onur and Keznit than for Sentinels with zombs.

It's so awful that the games that I played with Brazil as one of LATAM servers you hear "Boludo", "Monkey" and this kind of shit everytime.

posted about 2 years ago

Riot, just raise the budget of these events lmao

posted about 2 years ago

Wyatt 100%.

Just see the episodes where he wasnt't there, the mood was totally different

posted about 2 years ago

Why are you so mad bro? I'm just asking, chill.

posted about 2 years ago

What happened to KRU's twitter? LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

But I forgot to mention one thing, this not apply to the playerbase in general. Spanish and Portuguese is not that different, but we have different servers bc the environment between us is so toxic, that only one server (like in NA) didn't work well.

posted about 2 years ago

Problems that BR have with LATAM:
Onur: He was the KRU Coach and would be the LOUD coach, but he is antivax and they had to change him. After this he trashtalked LOUD.
Keznit: He was racist with Pava (He did monkey sounds while playing with him), with Dgzin (Comparing him with CJ from GTA San Andreas), and now people are saying that he was racist with Aspas (but this is a controversy, i'm not gonna comment that one).

  • When playing against each other I guess that BR and LATAM have a rivalry situation, but it's ok, we don't hate each other.
  • When the other is playing we cheer for each other.
posted about 2 years ago

NIP vs DRX will be a clash of two regions that are complete opposite when they play.

BR region focus is on individual performance and firepower;
KR region focus is on group sinergy and agents skills.

I'm excited for this match. It isn't the best teams against each other, but totally different strats to win the game.

posted about 2 years ago

Man, that's sad. I didn't know that.

So their only option is to get better before these international events, otherwise they will not scrim.
But if they are blacklisted, where they go to bootcamp?

posted about 2 years ago

Você quebrou todos os fake-flaggers desse jeito

~You broke every fake-flagger this way

posted about 2 years ago

They ranked the teams in Masters considering Fnatic with Derke in #2 and Fnatic without Derke in #6. In both ways they are way above NIP.

posted about 2 years ago

Idk man, i did it for the meme

posted about 2 years ago

I bought my PC over than 10 years.
I never cleaned it, I never repair it, and yet I didn't had a single problem in all these years.

Yet this new-gen PC are all shitty and keep crashing every single game in Masters.

posted about 2 years ago

bruh, surely you were not here yesterday on Xerxia vs Optic lmao. The people here are crazy

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I just don't understand why they are doing this way. It's like:

20 minutes timer
1 minute of the caster talking
a video about the teams
2 minutes timer
that weird video of the spike running
the same video about the team
2 minutes timer
1 minute of caster "analysis"
another f timer

posted about 2 years ago

But isn't he in Iceland? Will he be playing future matches this Masters?

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, we all expected that lol.

But what I mean was something like: The producers of the event have to prepare for the longest games ever.

posted about 2 years ago

Zombs is the ultimate weapon to get a team out of international competition. Just put him in your team and you will never be in a Masters/Champions anymore.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro the players need to prepare themselfs too. Nobody expected that DRX would stomp ZETA.

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh, Do you realize that NA, EU, BR, LATAM are way to big too?

Sure, unite all Asia would be an issue, but they can't make it 2 regions?

posted about 2 years ago

And none of those are japanese. So even if what you say is true (which it isn't), this has nothing to do with the thread.

posted about 2 years ago


bet on leviatan and you will lose all your money! there's no way nip lose against them

posted about 2 years ago

I think yes, based on the previous matches between these teams and the winner of their VCT.

Previous matches:
NIP played 6 maps against LOUD but they din't win a single one. Two maps (Fracture, but twice) were balanced.
Leviatán played 9 maps against KRU and won 4 of them. One map was clearly dominated by Leviátan, and two by KRU. The other maps were balanced.


posted about 2 years ago

I didn't see APAC, KR, JP and LATAM games so i just wanna talk about the teams that people are overrating: Liquid, Fnatic The Guard and Optic.

It's not like I hate all NA and EMEA teams. Let me explain:
I do think that EMEA is the top region, but 2 of the 3 best teams are in deep trouble with their players (Fnatic and FPX) and Liquid didn't play well in Masters qualifiers. But I do think that G2 deserves TIER S.

NA teams are good but they beat NA biggest teams the same way EMEA teams did in Champions, so I think that they are all in TIER A, with Liquid and Fnatic.

BONUS: I did watch brazillian teams, but the one measure that we can use are comparing matches like: FUR x SEN, VKS x GMB and VK x ACE in Champions and then LOUD x VK, LOUD x FUR, LOUD x NIP and NIP x FUR in VCT BR. I see that BR teams are getting way better, and I'm cheering for LOUD (personally i think that they will be like TIER A), but we don't have sufficient data to place both BR teams in a tierlist.

posted about 2 years ago

I thought that was JhoW. So VK has no reason to keep JhoW on this team, yet why is he there?

Replacing Jhow with Cauazin, putting V1xen as controller, Murizzz as sentinel, Heat as Duelist (sometimes picking Chamber), and Mwzera as Flex (agents that combine with his agressive style). I think that this team would be good. Not the best in BR scenario, but at least it will not get stompd.

posted about 2 years ago

Not anymore, you ruined it

posted about 2 years ago

Changes that can make VK better than make a complete new roster:

Murizzz and V1xen are good, but they need to be more consistent in the matches.
Heat Need to play another agent in maps where Jett isn't good, like Chamber.
Mwzera must drop Sova and play Duelist/Flex. He is good but don't perform well with Sova utilities.
Jhow needs to be replaced by another IGL, there are better players doing this than him. Murizzz can replace him as a sentinel.

posted about 2 years ago

Sacy literally simping AverageJonas and both laughing in that interview just gave me diabetes lol

It was so sweet, and I'm talking about 2 grown up bearded men.

posted about 2 years ago

Shhhhh. Trembolona will come to say that mwzera is 1000000% better than sacy.

posted about 2 years ago

Wow, so the scandal was that big?

posted about 2 years ago

Wait what? i just searched on Liquipedia and Skrossi is still playing

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry I didn't follow the CSGO scenario back than. I just now realized that the nickname is the same, so I had to ask.

posted about 2 years ago

Ok. So it's not him but that Forsaken is playing Valorant too. Did he clean his reputation? I didn't follow his career.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm sorry if i'm wrong, but this forsaken guy in Paper Rex it's that one that cheated in CSGO?
I didn't recognize him by his face so that's why I am asking.

posted about 2 years ago

A NIP não teve opção de banir mapa pq a LOUD ganhou pelo Upper. A LOUD baniu o mapa da NIP e depois podia começar escolhendo o primeiro mapa.

posted about 2 years ago

In CS the teams in the Upper Bracket start with 1 map advantage (In some tournaments, not all). The other team literally start playing 0-1. If you think about it, the upper bracket champion didn't lose any game, so it's fair to give them a bonus.

posted about 2 years ago

Never ever the entire Valorant community had so fun together

posted about 2 years ago

I don't understand how you interpreted my comment this way. This is far from what I said even.

What I REALLY SAY is, if you have a public image, you must care for your image, bc the internet IN GENERAL is full of hate. Example: The new Resident Evil adaptation actors are getting hate for their apperances (even racists. And you know that this happens a lot with non american actors and i'm not lying) and are shutting down their twitter and instagram accounts. What, it's the Brazillians fault too?

Please, don't force to missunderstand what I say. The path to get away of this kind of situation is not saying to someone you disagree "Fuck no you idiots".

posted about 2 years ago

Players have a public image, they all receive messages of any kind, any time, from the both sides. The girl that created the hashtag #justiceforkeyd are getting death threads in english, and she's not even related to the players. I'm not saiyng that are only saints in Brazil, but this as well apply for every region. What pissed me the most is that no one talk about WHO SEND the death threads, they only care about generalize an entire region. Like, i know that in internet he have all the anonymous thing, but, we can't take a legal decision against anyone?

Above all that, if you're receiving Death Threads and is worried about your own live, how provoke the rivals after this is gonna help you?

posted about 2 years ago

That's all they wants. How can they be so silent about this type of situation? Valve did this but they didn't give a f* about CS, but RITO it's close with the community, they can do something about this.

But they won't, your game got #1 on BR trending topics, everyone is talking about it, it's good for the game to get more visibility, even if the new potencial players were toxic af

posted about 2 years ago

Well, I planned to be only the Champions teams players, but that's ok.

posted about 2 years ago

#1. - If you did anything minimally controversial, use your trump card.
BR trump cards: Say that they were were racist with you.
NA and EU trump cards: Say that they are sending death threads to you.

#2. Don't do nothing about it.
After all, why do I have to proof something, right?

#3. Let your sick fanbase do the dirty job for you.
You said that they attacked you and now you're the victim, so the fanbase are angry with, guess who? The enemy team players!

#4. Use the reverse card.
Reverse card: The enemy team will start to get hated and now they are back in step #1.

posted about 2 years ago

My opinion:


SEN TenZ for obvious reasons;
VKS Sacy and Saadhak are a top duo, they give nice support and even get top frags;
NV Marved, I didn't know much about him until the Champions, but he is so good with controllers.
The last position I seriously had a hard time. I was between Derke, D3ffo and Heat, but they all played Jett and I already pick Tenz. So I put TL Scream (with Reyna) bc I am a fanboy and that's it.

posted about 2 years ago
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