The Hate Game on Esports

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#1. - If you did anything minimally controversial, use your trump card.
BR trump cards: Say that they were were racist with you.
NA and EU trump cards: Say that they are sending death threads to you.

#2. Don't do nothing about it.
After all, why do I have to proof something, right?

#3. Let your sick fanbase do the dirty job for you.
You said that they attacked you and now you're the victim, so the fanbase are angry with, guess who? The enemy team players!

#4. Use the reverse card.
Reverse card: The enemy team will start to get hated and now they are back in step #1.


Meanwhile RITO:


That's all they wants. How can they be so silent about this type of situation? Valve did this but they didn't give a f* about CS, but RITO it's close with the community, they can do something about this.

But they won't, your game got #1 on BR trending topics, everyone is talking about it, it's good for the game to get more visibility, even if the new potencial players were toxic af


The thing is some br people send threats to those who didn't do anything controversial
The rest is a byproduct of that


Players have a public image, they all receive messages of any kind, any time, from the both sides. The girl that created the hashtag #justiceforkeyd are getting death threads in english, and she's not even related to the players. I'm not saiyng that are only saints in Brazil, but this as well apply for every region. What pissed me the most is that no one talk about WHO SEND the death threads, they only care about generalize an entire region. Like, i know that in internet he have all the anonymous thing, but, we can't take a legal decision against anyone?

Above all that, if you're receiving Death Threads and is worried about your own live, how provoke the rivals after this is gonna help you?


Oh so you're saying they can be as toxic to me as possible and I have to stay shut
Fuck no you idiots


I don't understand how you interpreted my comment this way. This is far from what I said even.

What I REALLY SAY is, if you have a public image, you must care for your image, bc the internet IN GENERAL is full of hate. Example: The new Resident Evil adaptation actors are getting hate for their apperances (even racists. And you know that this happens a lot with non american actors and i'm not lying) and are shutting down their twitter and instagram accounts. What, it's the Brazillians fault too?

Please, don't force to missunderstand what I say. The path to get away of this kind of situation is not saying to someone you disagree "Fuck no you idiots".

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