Flag: United States
Registered: April 4, 2021
Last post: January 18, 2023 at 3:02 PM
Posts: 17

meh it's typical cancel culture stuff. There are maybe a couple thousand people who care, the vast vast majority of people don't give a fuck one way or the other. Orgs I don't think really cared, several were in the process of giving him a contract, and Riot unbanned him. That's when the girl decided to make her 2nd conveniently timed twitlonger and everyone was like fuck it, not worth the hassle.

Like there are a couple of casters who said that they refuse to cast any game that he's in. I'm really curious to see how it's going to be handled if one of Sinatraa's matches eventually makes it onto an official broadcast. That shit is going to be awkward as fuck lmfaoo.

posted about 2 years ago

2-1 Optic

Babybay has a history of smeaging over the best players in the region and it's shown time and time again that you can't stop him by trying to get your star duelist to fight him. He's smeaged over Tenz, Asuna, Corey and Yay before. Yay has also had trouble slowing down and stopping Sayaplayer. Something about OW duelists hits different.

The way you stop Babybay is by cutting him off from his support line and surviving the first engagement. Optic is the best team at fighting a man down and Faze is known to throw rounds when they have the advantage. Marved also knows exactly how Babybay plays. Faze is going to lose some crucial eco rounds, fuck their economy and slowly lose. Babybay stats won't be impressive because of that and people will blame him because they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

posted about 2 years ago

2-1 Sen

As we all know, the greater the mass, the greater the momentum and there are few things more massive than the Rawkus Dumpy.

posted about 2 years ago

Assuming that Fade along with Sova nerfs don't completely upturn the meta (because at that point all predictions are meaningless as every team is starting from scratch) I think this matchup is going to come down to how well Sayaplayer has adapted to the Jett nerfs.

I predict Saya will be flexing off of Jett more to Chamber and Raze, if his Chamber/Raze can play even close to the level his Jett was at then The Guard will take this. His Raze has been mediocre and they've lost most of the series where he's played it but as a team Guard is much better than 100T. Especially if Trent returns to form.

The Guard 2-1 over 100T

posted about 2 years ago

Move to KR or JP. This is honestly just destroying the brand name. At least in another region you can have a PR reset there and players/management will be closer to the parent org.

posted about 2 years ago

Tenz is a monster, but it's like what Dapr said, Sinatraa was the best teammate he's ever played with. Not because he was an amazing fragger but because he has an "x-factor". Dude could read how to take the other team apart and would call plays mid-round. Maybe even more important, Dapr said even when they were getting their ass kicked he made everyone believe they were going to win.

Sentinels sets Tenz up to frag out. Sinatraa sets Sentinels up to frag out.

2-0 Sen Win but next game is going to be real close.

posted about 2 years ago

Babybay and Dicey have been unbelievably consistent with how much the roster has been changing around them. Those 2 always pop off.

posted about 2 years ago

T1 aren't going to make it to this match. Watch, it's going to be TSM vs Renegades. Unlucky really.

posted about 2 years ago

The issue is the younger players folding under pressure. They're like 16-18, with some more experience this team will be deadly. You can see from the stat lines and in the games that the older players, Babybay and Dicey were consistently doing well throughout the entire match but as soon as the pressure is on or when they need to close the map out the younger players start making a ton of mistakes. They choked a bunch of 2v1s and rounds they should have won easily.

posted about 2 years ago

So Corey was playing like a bot but Rossy going -13 was decent....bruh. You're completely full of shit.

posted about 3 years ago

There is no FPS GOAT. Unless there's somebody I don't know about who is a champion in multiple different FPS games.

posted about 3 years ago

He's cool with Subroza and plays with him on stream. He's also friends and been teammates with Corey who they might be signing. Hazed was also cool with Sinatraa.

posted about 3 years ago

She tweeted right before that that she isn't "pursuing" the investigation, but she might later. Then she deleted the tweet. It's obvious as fuck that she's just holding his career hostage.

posted about 3 years ago

He's not the greatest FPS player of all time. He's the best CSGO player. Lol if you've ever watched his streams you know he sucks at anything that isn't a Tac FPS.

That's like saying Usain Bolt is the greatest athlete of all time. Nah man, you put him in a pool with Michael Phelps and he will get smoked and you put him on an NBA court and he'll get dunked on.

posted about 3 years ago

Except none of the guys playing for Faze ever scammed anyone.

posted about 3 years ago

Suspect being the operating word. He's innocent until ESIC or the FBI say otherwise.

posted about 3 years ago