I just can’t see Sen thriving in the glue
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Registered: | March 13, 2022 |
Last post: | February 21, 2025 at 9:53 AM |
Posts: | 39 |
I just can’t see Sen thriving in the glue
Sen doubters in absolute shambles. No way they lose to 100Frauds.
the last time FNS was good was in a slow meta, defined by slow attack-side defaults using Skye utility. We're currently in an exec-heavy meta. If you expected FNS to be the S-tier IGL he once was, you don't even understand why he was ever S-tier.
it is fucking SHOCKING to me that anyone expected anything else from an IGL who was retired last year.
I have Sen eliminating FNC in my pickems...
My pickems were bad but I still believe in Sen. As long as they ban Haven FNC are gonna get obliterated.
I love Sayaplayer. He's my favorite pro. I hope he lands on a roster where he is happy.
I can’t fucking wait for only 1 NA team to make it out of groups
I love Shaz but man G2 was a such a cringe org. Good riddance tbh
…there is no 2024 lock-in lil bro
Guard 3-1 M80 and then go on to be better than C9 next year
NRG barely scraped a win against a tier 2 team FNC clears ez 2-0
Posted before Demon1 was confirmed in Tokyo
DRX 2-0 EG in a game closer than the scoreboard indicates
This match is EDG winning 2-1 over NRG
Forreal. Especially considering that both of the teams that beat Sen are teams that should have beat Sen. The org literally fired the coach for expected results. Common Clout Org L.
I am a Day1 XSET and Sykko doubter. I’ve always thought they were overrated. But fuck dude. This is so fucking stupid. This is why I hate clout orgs. SEN have played FOUR GAMES. There are still 6 games left in the split. To do this after losing to two teams they should have lost to is so incredibly knee-jerky. It’s ridiculous. I’ve never rated Sykko that highly. But this is fucking ridiculous. Fuck Sentinels.
I hope anyone who ever had the thought "Babybay should be in franchising" losing their college fund to crypto betting
100T fans (by and large, I see some reasonable takes from people with 100T flairs here) need to calm down with the Doomium. It's a single elimination tournament. They lost to one of the tournament favorites, a team most called "an EU superteam." We don't need to call for Michael MikesHD High Definition to be fired, we don't have to lose our minds over the Cryo Omen or Cryo Raze (it's not his fault the Raze ult is shitty and unintuitive in its splash damage) let's just all take a deep breath. With C9 turning heel and deciding to self-sabotage after a single loss, 100T are easily a top 2 NA team with NRG. Probably Top 4 in all of Americas with Loud and Leviatan.
EU is not good India win ez
MCE learning that just because you beat someone who talked shit doesn’t mean you can’t be beaten after talking shit. The lesson to everyone? Just be quiet and let the results do the talking.
I have no idea how this is gonna go. We barely saw C9 break a sweat against PRX. How good are they really? I honestly didn’t see enough to pred them. There’s no world where DRX give them as many rounds for free as PRX did. I’m sure we’re gonna get Pearl and that it’s gonna be a BANGER regardless though.
Nothing against C9 but I just gotta go 2-0 DRX
he specifically makes content for esports viewers.... 90% of his content has nothing to do with ranked.
Yay is insane and should be rated very highly. But the idea that OPTIC wasn't the perfect team for him to pop off and that he'll just automatically be as good with a different core around him is a huge discredit to OPTIC as a team.
this was a shameless bait post that i made while he was streaming today and reading the VLR forums
but also L take
Ghost are the truth. Sick of people hyping up these clout orgs that just don’t have it. We have a lifetime of clout orgs at the top once franchising hits. Let’s enjoy the small orgs having success while we can.
This is a bummer for M3C, but they aren’t eliminated yet. They can still make it to playoffs. But it’s hard to imagine them going far. Can’t imagine how hard it is to stay motivated when you know you can’t travel to international LANs even if you qualify.
What happens if 2 teams try to take a timeout at the same time?
Obviously very unlikely to happen, but if 2 teams tired to take a timeout at the same time, what would happen? Whose timeout would be used, and whose graphic would appear on the screen?
What if the coaches hit the button / submitted the timeout at the literal same exact time? Do you take away an available timeout for both teams? Just for the team that's ahead? Just for the team that's behind? Do we know what's in the rulebook? Any VCT casters / analysts known the answer? Do Riot Officials know the answer? Does it even matter?
Fracture Round 7 lmao.
Clout teams and making roster decisions based of a single loss. Name a more iconic duo.
Lol well the Zeta Division comp beat the Neon comp on Fracture so at least I was right about that part lol
Optic's Icebox comp is my favorite right now. The Sova Recon and KO Knife make it really difficult to out-rotate them, especially in conjunction with the Sage Wall they use on Defense. Team's really need to prioritize breaking that wall early to deny info, and not having the whole team stacked there to be tagger by the recon / knife when they finally do. It's so readable and just puts Yay in these beautifully advantaged positions from which to absolutely dominate.
I don't like the Optic's Fracture comp at all though. I feel like the Zeta Division comp would just farm Victor. I think Raze is really strong on Fracture, and after watching Xeria (against Optic) and Kru (against Liquid) completely fail to shut down the Neons without Raze, I'm just even more convinced that Raze is a must-pick if you can't run the Neon yourself.
I really hope we get OPTC vs TL on Fracture, which might happen if TL beat Zeta and OPTC lose to DRX. Fingers crossed!!
There's no way to balance the bracket where it was guaranteed to avoid any intraregional matches in round one. It could have happened to NA or EU, and if you swapped the seeding around to avoid it, it would have made it possible in BR and APAC.
Xset kinda flopped but CLG had some great ideas on Split. Xset could have won a few more rounds with a little bit more discipline and some more finely-tuned fundamentals, but CLG was operating with so many more ideas and better protocols that it wouldn't have changed much. A great showing from CLG, idk who their IGL is but she and Shinobi have been cooking up some gas.
Sentinels are my favorite team but they needed to lose here. I won't pretend to be smarter than them, but they have not been playing the game as tactically as they used to as compared to other teams. When they were the best team in the world, they had better strategies and better protocols than anyone else. But the game has evolved and left them behind. Early in the season is the best time for them to lose. For their long term health as a team, I hope they get knocked out of the playoffs and don't make it to Iceland. Force them to re-asses. Give them the time to develop. Then they can come back better than ever and be the best team in the world like we all know they can be.