Flag: United States
Registered: February 12, 2023
Last post: January 25, 2025 at 2:16 PM
Posts: 40

Should they pick him up

posted 4 months ago

If he spent half the time he does typing on forums on his actually game maybe he would be diamond 1

posted about a year ago

I dont care that much about a singular team, just tryna watch some good games and rooting for NA as a whole😂.

posted about a year ago

dude what 😂😂😂

posted about a year ago

check again 😂

posted about a year ago

I just looked at your activity..... WOW dude you need to get a job because you spend an ungodly amount of time typing the most braindead things with zero facts😂😂. so sad and pathetic it's crazy. Just typing hate and being a bully through a screen. Find god, we're all praying for you

posted about a year ago

There is a reason no one hopped on this thread and that’s because of these brain dead sen fans talking nonsense for no reason at all. No one cares about your claims

posted about a year ago

How do I even get stars

posted about a year ago

They’ve been dominant in scrims😂 they def not gonna get exposed by anyone in their group

posted about a year ago

Explain to me why you believe Victor is over rated? I’m curious to what you have to say.

Victor has the most kills across VCT events no?

You’re going at this Victor crashies thing very aggro but have given zero evidence or argument to back up your claim. I’m not pressing you I’m just curious as to why you are stating these things

posted about a year ago

Why FNC always got some boring jersey. They can do so much better I know it

posted about a year ago

It's a joke lol. It's hard to write sarcastically on text. I heard someone say that on twitter and thought it was funny.

posted about a year ago

100T need to drop Asuna and Cryo. They need to get babybay and find a new flex player

posted about a year ago

Imagine EG have some sort of trade for nzr and c0m

posted about a year ago

COM going to LEV. I’m assuming Derek gets picked up. I bet they snag some T2 players for smokes

posted about a year ago

BabyJ said on his stream that they aren’t interested in him anymore. My guess right now since C0m leaving is


I think NaturE could fit in here for smokes if Zander isn’t already signed to m80. In terms of flex, there are many people who could fill that in but lmk who you guys think would realistically go there

posted about a year ago

Guy has no idea what he's talking about. Why even make the post

posted about a year ago

I have a feeling it's going to be one of those seasons where only 3 teams are good and the rest are struggling. This roster SHOULD get top 2

posted about a year ago

So the problem with Aspas rn is it seems like he wants to stay with Sadaak. However optic core wants yay obviously so that leaves sadaak alone at nrg or nrg without an IGL at the moment. Excited to see what the result is

posted about a year ago

dont have twitter kid. stop dodging. if you dont send it next message you will lose the little respect I already had for you. I have real life stuff to do ill check back on this when I feel like I need a good laugh

posted about a year ago

send ur instagram on here then stop dodging kid ahaha

posted about a year ago

im waiting

posted about a year ago

scared so hes editing his messages

posted about a year ago

bro* and you def have a neck beard and smell like shit

posted about a year ago

Brain dead comment by someone who’s probably in silver. Why do people have to make stupid comments 😂

posted about a year ago

What teams are bringing out Chamber and Deadlock?

posted about a year ago

you think ZETA take down Goliath (FNATIC)

posted about a year ago

really excited to see how they play

posted about a year ago

Im excited to see how they play!

posted about a year ago

Every tournament, there is one team who seems to shock the community with their performance. Will we see one this tournament? If so, who do ya got??

posted about a year ago

Will LOUD be able to pull together and be the dominating team they were set out to be? Or will the team fall apart due to the leaked news and interrupting the team chemistry?

posted about a year ago

I don’t see Sen moving around too much unless the players don’t want to be there. They have stated before they don’t want roster changes. I can see a coaching change and maybe one player (or two Brazilians) leaving but that’s it.

posted about a year ago

I think they pick up a few m80 guys. I think their roster should be
Cryo or Koala
Nature or eeu

posted about a year ago

I can see this happening

posted about a year ago

In my opinion everyone needs to be dropped besides Cryocells. Bang will most likely find a new home, the other three are amazing players but am unsure if they will find a team for next season in the VCT. Let me know what you guys think 100T need to do to be a more competitive team

posted about a year ago