Flag: China
Registered: June 16, 2023
Last post: February 3, 2025 at 6:51 PM
Posts: 25

Nah, it’s not about fps or genre of the game. It’s about esports schene. Korea is way way more ahead on this in terms of coaching/player management/audience/business model etc. Live off playing pro games is considered a legitimate job in Korea while in other countries it’s still a relative niche thing. Do you think Putin cares about Russian esports?

posted 1 month ago

If you value all 2024 games equally then maybe it’s a reasonable list. But imo some games just matter a lot more and the weights are higher. For example aspas did all good consistently throughout the year but underperformed at the 2 maps where matters most, this should drag his rating by a ton. And when kk did not do so good(still above average) in masters, he dominates the most important finals of the year which should not be valued equally to a, say regional loser’s finals.

Just my 2 cents, again if you value all games equally and negelect the mental pressure/big stage stellar performance on important games, then it’s a valid list.

posted 6 months ago

“or mods can ban me”

Lul no one gives a shit on your existence on vlr. Bro acts as if hes important

posted 6 months ago

He needs more to be recognized as goat, but he is definitely world top 1 player at the moment now.

posted 6 months ago

you right, it’s like nba finals mvp, not a playoff mvp. But still, this is the hardest series for EDG this tournament and kk carried hard. Like he literally carried all 5 games, even the ones edg lost.

posted 6 months ago

esports celebs in china in general are more popular in real life comparing to western. I honestly can’t name a single irl friend of mine who hasn’t played a popular PVP game in their life. Girls like mobile games better and almost all guys played a bit of League/Dota in their life.

Uzi, the league of legends star is among the top 10 most famous internet celeb/influencer in china.

posted 7 months ago

8/10, she still has a bit of accent speaking Chinese and some phrases/word choices may sound weird, had no issue understanding tho.

posted 9 months ago

You guys dont have the skills nor money to appear in international tournament. Can only whine on vlr, very sad.

posted 9 months ago

Life was on EDG before the chamber nerf, which forced Life out of position because KangKang is the better oper and plays jett. EDG then replaced Life with Smoggy which imo is a win-win condition for both Life and EDG.

posted 9 months ago

Not really ancestors. Yinsu is 2nd generation Chinese, and I believe most 2nd generation immigrants speak their parent’s language fluently.

posted 9 months ago

I mean, they lost to edg who got stomped by loud. But edg got one map off geng too so i dont know.. I’d say loud is still better than PRX

posted 11 months ago

That’s the danmoku chat. I found it way more entertaining when chats are “flying around”. Might be an Asian thing.

posted 11 months ago

I mean LCS dont deserve any slots but they still got 3-4 teams going to worlds for 10 years… LEC is slightly better but still they don’t deserve to have 4 seats.

posted 11 months ago

I’m sure Indians find cricket more entertaining. People have different opinion on the definition of entertaining, but viewership is solid facts. So I’d say League is more entertaining because more people choose to watch League rather than CS.

posted 11 months ago

The 2 australian imports are fluent in Chinese. If there’s a talented Mongolian player that communicates well in Chinese he’ll be imported for sure.

posted about a year ago

China population > NA + Europe population

The real question should be, where dafuq is Indian teams all at?

posted about a year ago

No seafood no rice? That’s like 80% of Japanese food options excluded.
Bruh just go to the states and eat some burgers.

posted about a year ago

havent touched pubg in years

i guess you just answered urself :)

posted about a year ago

yall know she also does the korean translation right? Also she speaks Cantonese, just impressive.

posted about a year ago

Won’t be surprised if new China league buys every talented player from pacific region in the next year or two. Just like LMS in league.

posted about a year ago

Per month wise it’s a not bad salary, but nothing competitive still. I wouldn’t be surprised if kk gets 7digits usd offer by edg or other chinese clubs.

posted about a year ago

If edg moved to any of the main regions = way more practice/scrim chances against top tier teams = their macro and strat pool improves + their already very good mechanics.

I’d say as of right now, edg are around top 10 itw but by moving to a new league they can be top 5 in a year or so.

posted about a year ago

Thats not even minimum wage for esports player in CN.

posted about a year ago

Most Chinese call TL 液体

If you’ve never heard of that you probably not from mainland China.

posted about a year ago