Flag: United States
Registered: September 3, 2024
Last post: September 3, 2024 at 11:26 AM
Posts: 3

Jawg Jett may be worse than cryos but his raze and neon make up for it due to todays meta being mostly made up of raze and neon. Asuna would be playing flash into

posted 2 weeks ago

Bang maybe he’s been very inconsistent but Asuna has been a very good int when not on raze

posted 2 weeks ago

Jawg- raze Jett neon
Asuna- gekko kayo breach
Eeiu-sova fade
Bang- omen viper
Boostio- cypher kj

Asuna over cryo due to the agent pool. Asuna is one of the best kayo on ascent and can flex to many agents. Cryo is very limited in todays meta due to him only playing secondary smokes and Jett. Bringing in a true duelist will allow for Asuna to not play raze on maps and instead help setup jawg up. Only map I see asuna playing raze is on lotus when they need double smokes

posted 2 weeks ago