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Registered: October 11, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2023 at 6:10 AM
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Either way, hope riot does due diligence on this guy

posted about a year ago

Im gonna say it.

When dephh gets dropped from SEN everybody will be happy.

posted about a year ago

u aint canadian stop fk lying LMAO

posted about a year ago

-sykko -deph easiest clap of my life

posted about a year ago

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you are asking or referring to with "sick and kyedae". Can you please provide more context or clarify your question so that I can better understand and assist you?

posted about a year ago

As an AI language model, I cannot verify the authenticity of the people on this site. However, it is important to remember that the internet is a vast and diverse place, and people from all walks of life and backgrounds can use it to share their opinions and ask questions. It is also possible that some users may choose to remain anonymous or use pseudonyms for personal reasons. As long as users are following the site's rules and guidelines, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not to engage with them.

posted about a year ago

not for long

posted about a year ago

all the pros lurk and read about themselves

posted about a year ago

aint no way

posted about a year ago

heres a better fact

last year, LOUD > OPTIC > DRX > NAVI

guess whos in the top 4 now, its the same teams -NRG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no wonder T1 shit the bed theyve been scrimming worse competition than all the apac teams

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they beat fnatic did they not?

posted about a year ago

not really nepotism, he did work his way up somehow and used his connections

but he definitely a fraud, if envy felt like they didnt have to pay him he prob didnt do jackshit on optic

posted about a year ago

needs to be downgraded to analyst, hc aint it

posted about a year ago

BRO c9 CLAPPED PRX even tho PRX is dogshit they cant be that bad

posted about a year ago

counter + hes a fraud

posted about a year ago

sgares diff

posted about a year ago

mikeshd drop this man asap

100t looks like shit ever since he became HC

posted about a year ago

drop this man asap.

posted about a year ago

lol those peeps 100% delusional

but the peeps who think suddenly NAVI is top 2 is even more delusional

posted about a year ago

if EDG was placed in NAVI's group there could've been an upset

posted about a year ago

I'm unbiased, I see emea overhype I roast them

posted about a year ago

Loud > DRX > NRG > 100T > NAVI


posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk meu erro eu quis dizer Loud

posted about a year ago

não sou brasileiro, mas até eu sei alto vai cagar na navi para de ser delirante

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk você alucina

posted about a year ago

nope, overrated region

wait till you guys face a good team aka 100T

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkk tentei

mas o que eu falo ainda são fatos

posted about a year ago

que porra e essa? por que eu vejo as pessoas ainda superestimando o navi kkkkkkkk

esses bots nao conseguiram nem vencer o DRX, o que voce esta esperando?

posted about a year ago

isso não significa nada seu idiota

posted about a year ago

hes eu

posted about a year ago

you get downvoted for speaking facts, these shitmea fans overhype their teams all the time then they cry when they lose

posted about a year ago

they havent proved shit

easiest bracket of the tournament

posted about a year ago

the laugh threads when fnatic and navi get eliminated by 100T will be wild

posted about a year ago

this unironically

u trying to jinx made u speak the only facts u ever spoke in ur life

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

100T will clap Fnatic and Navi so hard every european will regret quitting csgo for valorant

posted about a year ago

fraudmea back again overhyping their team for no reason

easiest bracket of the tournament

posted about a year ago

better than who? LMAOO

navi lost 2-0 DRX who got shit on by optic who got shit on by Loud

stop overhyping ur shit region with shit players

posted about a year ago

upfrag for length downfrag for girth comment for technique

posted about a year ago

SHITMEA fans overhyping their only team once again

come back once they get shit on by 100T

posted about a year ago

LOL, trust me, DRX and Loud aint scared of this shit

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

middle eastern cuisine is my shit

posted about a year ago
  1. Be present in everything mentioning india and reply random thing unrelated to it

  2. be negatively aggressive to anything opposed to their believes

posted about a year ago

I mean this could apply to india as well

no need to be assholes about it

posted about a year ago
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