No to hate Indonesians but I just wanna have some fun tell me the points how to do it
Make an alt account with an alias related to Skrossi and shit talk in every thread related to GE or India. Done.
ah yes Doggo alt= every indonesian
Skrossi grinder and skrossi rideer are doggos alt ? lol
every skrossi haters alt = doggo
Lmfao nt
I mean who else would bother making alts to shit on people other than him or domination lol
That dude accent are very recognizeable. People would have realized if he made a new account
I have 1 message from soulstalker asking for help/ support for one of his argument, so i assume he is 12-15 years old, cause it's seem like he's new to internet, so there no way it'd him, he probably move on from this site.
I mean this could apply to india as well
no need to be assholes about it
No he's actually not wrong
Be present in everything mentioning india and reply random thing unrelated to it
be negatively aggressive to anything opposed to their believes
There are very little threads related to Indo lmao. All I see are people making threads to talk shit about GE and India
"Everything" mentioning indo. This doesn't apply just in VLR
just shit on RRQ bro, it's easy
LOL true
but RRQ was the worst team in this tournament, that one is a challenge lol
Less goo rrq
just post VIVA RRQ on every single thread you see
he want to cosplay being an indo not Clayy