Flag: India
Registered: June 14, 2022
Last post: April 18, 2023 at 1:49 PM
Posts: 23

It was sarcasm

posted about a year ago

Keep malding, GE 13-0 incoming

posted about a year ago

You clearly have no clue about GE fans, we dont give a shit if we win or lose, people will still get mad

posted about a year ago

If this exact video came out about yay everyone would've reacted differently, this is a valorant forum, india is one of the biggest valorant markets obviously indian players will be discussed when will the sub par iq takes stop omg

posted about a year ago

it was but laptops nowadays are quite bang for the buck unlike earlier you can get a decent laptop which runs 60fps valo for 50k inr, so its open to a wider audience

posted about a year ago

there isnt any other country in SA which can match India in resources and audience, SA = India literally, BD is the only one who can come close rn, Pak and Sri lanka have an economic crisis, afghanistan is well... and nepal/bhutan are non existent

posted about a year ago

the irl audience doesnt account for shit when it comes to income, they are just there to make the vibe better

posted about a year ago

life exists outside of this website, apart from the 50 odd people here no one even looks at forums

posted about a year ago

dont joke about entrance exams in front of indians, it can turn violent

posted about a year ago

was doing jee for 1.5 yrs, now doing UCEED, feels like a relief lmao

posted about a year ago

i got banned for mentioning taiwan, and you cant get them to ban a literal racist wow

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Not last lan actually, they are going to the sky lan in Thailand in a couple of days

posted about a year ago

you son of a bitch im in

posted about a year ago

They actually taught us in school that, its too complicated for us to set 2 timezones as the one we have passes through almost the centre, getting 2 will mean that they are on 2 ends of the country which will further complicate things

posted about a year ago

if PSYNATH👽and my girl👧😍 both drowning 😱 👋 and I can only save one😤😬Catch me at the Ascent B site🚪🔴 with my boy on kayo🤖

posted about a year ago

kashe ahat bhau

posted about a year ago

Well good Job JE you killed the hype . Honestly don't even care anymore because there will be no Indians in the roster because they changed the fookin Indian flag to Korean in their twitter bio #Valorant🇰🇷. Ayrin + 4 random t3 Korean players ggez last at masters. Fkin brain-dead I'm done this is the ceiling of my patience.

posted about a year ago

well if you want the server to exist then its something you will have to live with

posted about a year ago

you dont know who my chacha is

posted about a year ago

its me, i am 6th player hello

posted about a year ago