Flag: Germany
Registered: July 16, 2022
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 8:23 PM
Posts: 9

So? Potter is there because management thought Potter is good, Potter thinks the players she picked are good and in the end we can all agree they did good right?

posted 8 months ago

he literally farmed them on astra and brim why are people mad? I peronally love the fact that they are a flexible team and demon1 isnt just a jett onetrick, it adds alot of value to him and the team.

posted 8 months ago

still trash?

posted 8 months ago

how is it that hard to get a visa for him many months in advance

posted 11 months ago

correct me if im wrong but you are replying aswell, sry im not sitting in vlr and chatting away every day

posted 11 months ago

idk who you talking to

posted 11 months ago

Marved was the MVP in Masters last year bro how clueless are you?
Ofc there are teams where he cant go into their spawn every round but he is still incredible in clutches and one of the best controler players in the world. Besides that hes fitting better into the teamcomp than tenz does because zekken and tenz are both main duelists and they dont have a main controler player besides marved...

posted about a year ago

As you stated, T1 teams have money, which is the sole reason you would chose going to t1 over a t2 team, look at yay hes arguably the better player and still is sitting in fucking DSG losing every game now because he wasnt worth the high pricepoint, tenz has a similar price to his name but if they see the team working better with marved now its obvious marved will stay and so far it looks like it. They have their duelist with zekken already, that was one of the problems all along that there were 2 duelist players and sacy had to play smokes which he isnt used to. There are alot of reasons to think tenz is not coming back, if marved keeps up his performance and is willing to keep playing for sen tenz will probably be the benchplayer or maybe even be dropped.

posted about a year ago

2:1 with the 2 lost maps being double and trippe OT is not really a roll over honestly, the trashtalking from both sides was kinda cringe but there was no roll happening today for xset

posted about a year ago