Flag: Malaysia
Registered: May 7, 2023
Last post: February 21, 2024 at 11:24 PM
Posts: 5

Also I think nova signed more players just that haven't announced yet. I'm pretty sure they signed swerl cuz he streamed in the same house as Guang and teased on twitter

posted about a year ago

This shion7 guy is the up and coming player to watch, guy is a ranked demon and I know ranked is very different but he definitely has a lot of potential and still pretty insane player overall

posted about a year ago

what happened to Maizi tho? felt like hes way more consistent than suyjing

posted about a year ago

Why is gagaaa starting over Hunter now? doesnt make sense considering HunTer has been really solid

posted about a year ago

Yes, I remember he was T1A redlight for a while on hong Kong server since he never hid his name now he changed into DYG redlight since DYG qualified for fgc. Can check his acc on valorant tracker and see his duo partners are all korean.

posted about a year ago