Flag: Cape Verde
Registered: September 19, 2024
Last post: September 27, 2024 at 3:41 PM
Posts: 3

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills the way people talking about Reduxx like he's some superstar duelist. Bro couldn't even farm tier 2. The star of that Oxygen team was Verno who was hard clearing Reduxx while on Sova.

Look at the numbers guys like N4rrate and Oxy put up in T2 then look at the numbers Reduxx put up.

If Reduxx was the same age as Mada nobody would be talking about him like this. But because he's 17 we have to pretend like he wasn't a mid T2 duelist because of his "potential".

posted 5 months ago

Sure, if you add the quantifier "on smokes". But not even TenZ played just smokes. TenZ played Yoru, Kayo and Gekko all this year. Zander has never even played any of those agents. So he can't even operate as a 1/1 replace of TenZ the way Jawgemo would, and you'd have to change your roles around just to accomodate him.

And in general, I think "x player = y role" is a bad way of team building, You have no idea what's going to be strong before the season is done. Building your team assuuming last year's meta and team comps will still work means you are 1 meta shift or agent buff/nerf away from being behind all the other teams. Look at what happened to NRG witih Demon1 or 100T last year with Cryo. You even saw it this year with Sen. They obviously thought Deadlock was strong but couldn't use any of those comps because they lacked a player who could play that agent. You mitigate that by having flexible players who can all cover multiple roles and agents. Especially when your IGL only plays 2 or 3 agents already.

For example- SPG in APAC plays an Ascent comp that is Brim, Neon, Habror, Fade, Yoru. How could Sen even play that comp with Zander? N4rrate on Fade, and logically, you put John on Brimstone. So what does Zander play? You could put him on Harbor, but he's never played Harbor before. And even then you would have to put Zellsis on duelist. In this same comp, Jawgemo was the Harbor player for EG during their Championship run. But mroe realistic you let Zellsis play Harbor (which he used to do on Pearl for C9), and then Jawgemo can play either duelist.

posted 5 months ago

I actually like the roster with Jawgemo instead of Zander.

Jawgemo can play duelist, smokes, and initiator. With him, Zekken and N4rrate you suddenly have a lot of flexibility on the comps you can play.

posted 5 months ago