Flag: Afghanistan
Registered: April 26, 2022
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 11:53 AM
Posts: 6

That's just a lie lol, he criticised Scream (European player btw) for doing the exact same thing.

Yes he nitpicks, but his nitpick is valid whether people want to cry about the wording or not.

If you want to paint him as some sort of xenophobe, this example wasn't it.

posted about a year ago

If this same sentiment is applied to traditional sports it comes across completely nonsensical. Some of the greatest managers and coaches across traditional sports "rage" in situations, a lot of the time directly in front of or to their players and if anything it results in players getting fired up/motivated.

Maybe it's just me who doesn't understand the need for a critique here especially on a coach alone in a room raging to himself but maybe others disagree.

posted about a year ago

I think it's also important to note:

Even if they do come out with a justifiable reason for why he was not allowed to attend the event, calling him manic, crazy or saying he is having a manic episode (as he claimed) because he tweeted out his frustrations after not being allowed into the event, especially when they are aware of his past mental struggles, is really weird from their management if true.

he also said something along the lines of being told that he is not allowed to go out to places with the friends he met, despite also not being allowed to enter the event, so essentially trying to force him to stay in his hotel alone after he flew all that way to be with the team. Again if all true, it's completely understandable why he's acting in this way.

posted about 2 years ago

You need to learn what an anti-vaxxer is before describing someone as such.

posted about 2 years ago

you have to be trolling, swarmz was a contracted replacement he had to fight and pineda was the replacements replacement. he didnt choose any of them they were given to him after wassabi pulled out, he saved the event by still fighting. Why do people expect him to find and fight an exceptional fighter on 2 weeks notice after 3 years of inactivity, i dont even fuck with ksi like that i more watched it for deji but these takes are so dumb i saw this and had to respond.

posted about 2 years ago