Flag: Seychelles
Registered: May 2, 2024
Last post: March 22, 2025 at 9:03 PM
Posts: 553
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W to everyone who came out to support the charity today

posted 5 months ago

I didn't know about the "0" one originating in counterstrike. I'm pretty new on the esports scene (first watched 2022 champs) and I never played counterstrike before I got into val. I like the point about the intellectual baiters though. Maybe baiting is a little more nuanced than I first thought

posted 5 months ago

We'll be reading about CanadaMan in our history books some day, I'm calling it

posted 5 months ago

I swear on my life I wrote it myself

posted 5 months ago

I wrote it myself but I do sound like an AI sometimes

posted 5 months ago

Its for a school assignment. I'll tell you what grade I got when I get it back

posted 5 months ago

If you actually read it you'd realize its human

posted 5 months ago

Just copy pasted

posted 5 months ago

I'm trying to find a way to upload a file

posted 5 months ago

VLR: A Dissection
On a small corner of the internet with only 11,000 total users, there is a website dedicated to the Valorant e-sport. It has information on games, matches, tournaments, vods, and statistics of all kinds relating to agents, maps, and teams across Valorant. It is just one of many user-made websites dedicated to furthering the e-sports community and the general informative side of it. But if you look closer, this specific website has developed its very own subculture in the forums page. A much smaller number of users lurk around the forums than there are users on the website (we only know it’s less than the 11,000 that use the site), and in that breeding ground of gamers something special and unique was born.

Created 4 years ago, VLR is dedicated to providing a simple platform that people from all levels of the game can use for a variety of reasons. It has many features, but we will be focusing on specifically the forum side because that is where you get direct interactions between users. The other features will only be reviewed in the context of the forums. To start off, the users of the site are all interested in Valorant in one way or another. It only attracts people who have been in the scene long enough to have heard about the website and who have taken some time to research. This is generalized and can be taken with a grain of salt, because showing an interest does not mean you actually know a lot about the game or are very knowledgeable about Valorant. What it does mean is that people are familiar with the topics at hand and can provide opinions on discussion. Now, there are 3 main types of people that branch off our main user type: the shitposters, the intellectuals, and the baiters. The shitposters are simple creatures. They never post their own opinions, but commonly regurgitate common lingo and internet trends. They will post things like “y0y” and “S0nt0n0ls”, simply replacing all vowels with a zero (a common way to make fun of somebody or a whole team). They may also post internet wide trends and shitposts that have nothing to do with Valorant in the “off topic” channel. The intellectuals are my personal favourite user, because they engage in discussions about Valorant e-sports, unlike the other two groups. These users will make posts, replies, and comments, using the app as originally intended. They may not have a lot of knowledge, and occasionally post bad takes, but they push through all of the usual internet filth to talk like human beings to each other. They may also voice their grievances on the other two groups from time to time.

I’ve reserved a whole paragraph for the baiters because they are what occupy the largest number of threads. The baiters are people who run rampant of VLR, posting bad takes in order to make people angry (rage bait). These people may use caps lock to emphasize their points, post many threads in a short amount of time, or affiliate themselves with one team and promote them no matter if they are good or bad. These people may be mistaken with users in the “intellectual” category who post bad takes and actually believe in them. Other users will think it is bait because of how outlandish their claims are, but in reality, they are just misinformed. Because of the prevalence of baiting, a system has been created to “rate” baits on how believable they are on a scale of 0/0-8/8. If a bait is too obvious, people will say 0/8, but if it is successful in baiting, users will rate it 8/8 (and anywhere in between). There is also a final, secret VLR user. They don’t show up often and lurk to avoid detection, but they’re there. I am of course talking about professional players who have accounts. They carry the verified tag and only appear once in a blue moon. There is no sign that they will show up, but as you scroll the forums pages their checkmark will appear before your eyes. That thread will then go absolutely crazy, because the objects of the countless discussions VLR users engage in has shown up in the flesh.

The last unique feature of VLR that isn’t immediately obvious is the size. The number of users who engage in forum discussion is so small that you can recognize many users on the site. Popular names start to rise, like n1cf, bulkylettuce, cloudberry, and Canadaman. These users begin to build personas on the site that will be recognized by most users. Some even gain notoriety and will be discussed by other users in threads. Some will even receive the “0” treatment if they are a known baiter. This fact reveals something that has an even greater impact on the community: it is very small. Most internet and online communities are so large that only prominent figures in the genre are recognized, but on VLR, average people can get there simply by being involved. It is possible for anybody to achieve a level of popularity that is significantly higher than anywhere else on the internet. Its why popular trends will come and go so quickly; there is only so many people that need to understand and replicate it to be considered mainstream of VLR. It also has the affect that everyone is on the same page. There is no isolation on VLR because VLR itself is the isolation. It is a community that is much more like a small town than a big city. This community is even smaller than our own town! It is remarkable to think that I have a better chance of knowing someone on this site than I do knowing someone in my own hometown.

In conclusion, VLR is a small community that has evolved to have its own unique culture. It takes inspiration off of gaming and e-sports culture and combines it with small town culture to create a place that is not like any other. Through whatever happens, the VLR community persists in its struggle to stay relevant to Valorant e-sports as a whole, and its not leaving anytime soon.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Jobless vs. jobless

posted 5 months ago

We finally have a good schedule and you already want to change it

posted 5 months ago

Flag: United States
Registered: October 1, 2024
Last post: October 2, 2024 at 4:02 PM
Posts: 8

posted 5 months ago

I'll join

posted 5 months ago

I have a project that will attempt to define the VLR sub-culture. As a part of my studies, how would you describe VLR in one sentence?

posted 5 months ago

FNC had the best year in 2023

posted 5 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Americas just seems more interesting because their players are overhyped. The players are good don't get me wrong, but narratives and different marketing styles leads to more hype.

posted 6 months ago

He deserved it tho

posted 6 months ago

EDG-TH Lotus let it be known

posted 6 months ago

Aspas still 1000 kills in champs. 2 bad games and he's a fraud all of a sudden

posted 6 months ago

Doesn't league only have one map tho?

posted 6 months ago

Would it not look bad for americas who just lost to them?

posted 6 months ago

Valorant is a much different game than cs tho. There's only a limited amount teams can prepare against the infinite combinations of util, comps, strats, teams, and players, and not to mention burnout from all of this.

posted 6 months ago

It's been 3-3 in SEN FNC all 3 games

posted 6 months ago

Apac winning champs would

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Texture goat

posted 7 months ago

Lev almost threw

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Lev are better at thrifties than they are at pistols

posted 7 months ago

Most exciting match of the year so far and its only been map one

posted 7 months ago

Kru played very well today tho. Their Haven defense was especially something to look at

posted 7 months ago

What else do I need to say

posted 7 months ago

What do you think

posted 8 months ago

Ah yes remove the brazilian teams from North America

posted 8 months ago

make chamber have instant shooting 100 bullet ultimate that costs 1 ult point his head hunter 1 tap to the legs and his tp can go wherever you want it to go using your mind

posted 8 months ago

The controller class is fucked right now. Astra needs a significant buff but omen also needs a small nerf to his smoke regen. As it stands he gets the most smokes out of any other controller besides harbour, but harbour can't smoke from afar and I guess clove but their smokes last 13 seconds. His blind is also just better than any other controller utility to set up his team, which isn't a big problem, but having that plus 5 smokes in a round is absurd. Nerf his smoke regen by 10 seconds and reduce his smoke range he should be balanced.

posted 8 months ago

Especially for such a mid team

posted 8 months ago

Astra sucks enough that no one will pick her over omen with few exceptions

posted 10 months ago
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