I mean people were saying that APAC would be the first region to go out
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Registered: | March 16, 2024 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 11:00 AM |
Posts: | 42 |
I mean people were saying that APAC would be the first region to go out
I've been saying that the schedule is shit, the winner of Lower Finals would've been playing for 4 days straight, and 2 of them are Bo5.
G2 vs EDG would be kinda boring since it's going to be their 3rd matchup already. G2 vs T1, we still have yet to see it.
The pause was no one's fault. It just sucks for T1 to lose their momentum after the pause, regardless of who called it.
A lot of fanboys from other teams hate Primmie. Because Primmie always gets compared to Aspas and Tenz, and their fanboys don't like it.
The real delusion is thinking that PRX will drop jinggg
I don't think they will make changes this year though, they probably will next year
I mean even forsaken will keep jingg. PRX might rebuild their roster around those duo.
You might have a point, but ever wondered how something would have been without PRX? I love the guy, but he's only known for Jett and opping skills. Every other main duelist out there has learned a new thing or two. Zekken, Jawgemo, Kangkang? They can play Jett, Raze, Neon. I was actually mad that something didn't play Neon, he has insane movements.
Funny that you say that, but let's be real we don't even know if he will qualify to internationals if it wasn't for PRX
I'm just saying that PRX pushes him to play other agents that's why he's not a jett one-trick. If PRX only put him on duelist, then he will just be a jett one-trick.
But if they don't make him flex, what value would he give to the team? If he doesn't like to play flex, and become their main duelist, he has to expand his duelist pool. Being a "one-trick" Jett isn't a good look (not saying that he is).
Can you explain more about him not being put in good conditons by the team?
Alecks mentioned in their latest vlog that smth has had burnouts. But to say that he is mad with PRX is reaching.
Upset? Maybe. But he will not leave PRX just because of this match lol.
Yeah tbh I don't really see him fitting with other teams well. His playstyle and vibe very much suit PRX. That's why PRX aren't making roster changes for so long, they want to make it work with this team. But I do think that they will make roster changes after this year, win or lose.
T1 literally beat PRX and TLN. PRX just faced T1 first.
They WILL NOT remove Jingg for sure. Forsaken + Jingg is probably going to be the new core.
I don't think they are going to make changes this year. But this is probably their last year together, win or lose.
Maybe they think that LEV studied their Sunset already + they can still cook surprises for their Abyss
DRX has the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever
As a PRX fan who never doubted them, I agree. Looks like they never learn from their mistakes at all. It's exhausting at this point.
I knew they were going to lose when they overheated in Map 2, then lost the map. They got overconfident, and started playing loosely.
But it's not tho, they were in a lead. They just lost their biggest chance to win the series.
SEN won Madrid, after that they looked bad and didn't qualify for Shanghai + almost didn't qualify for Champs.
GENG won Shanghai, but they are started to look bad. Now they are not making Champs Playoffs.
I can't count how many times they choked with an 8-4 lead
Those two are actually the biggest Americas glazers
Not really, do you see how he plays. He likes it too. I think he's perfect for PRX cause he has the freedom to do what he wants.
The Bind was such a fumble, 5v3 then 3v2 retake on last round OT. But copium I guess 🥲
Very sad for apac since it's pretty late and should be sleeping already
More like americas + apac teamed up to send emea home early
Right like why would they care about this loss if they all knew that it was a miracle run that they made it to Top 3.
I don't think it's that deep. How could he be mad when Monyet literally saved them rounds. Monyet played good, the team just didn't do well today.
Edit: Plus they all knew it was a miracle run that they made it to Top 3, so they don't care about this loss at all
Bro Raze is the no. 1 duelist
Yes, smth is very crucial to their success + d4v41. They could win if 3 of their players show up. Either F0rsaken, mindfreak, smth, d4v41. Only two cannot do it.
It would be a surprise if they could even get to 2nd place. Their split comp needs a change, and frankly, I don't think they have time.