Flag: India
Registered: February 17, 2023
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 6:36 AM
Posts: 8

FINALLY they brought ZEST back!

posted about a year ago

A 13-8 win, an overtime loss, and another 13-6 win doesn't paint a picture of two teams on the SAME level. Also FNS too is in his thirties, so age isnt a huge factor here for Ange1's performance or lack thereof.

posted about a year ago

So now will DRX bring back ZEST???

posted about a year ago

Just like old times. Banger either way, want NRG to win but GO VALORANT, EL CLASSICO!

posted about a year ago

VICTOR PLAYED 4 FREAKING AGENTS! damn that man is crazy! Ardis stepped up finally, Crashies playing the role of secondary IGL to perfection! s0m has completely cemented his places the primary controller and got out of Marved's shadow. FNS's needs to work on his aim again, he got good at the beginning but it has come down BUT MAN his calling is still top notch, up their with Valorant's great! And chet needs to rest his eyes, lol, jk. El Classico here we come!

posted about a year ago

Victor dropped the ball big time. He needs to improve A LOT! Som is amazing, not doubts anymore at least when it comes to fragging but his controller gameplay still needs work to be upto the level of Marved. Ardis, man he put his heart and soul in the last two maps, i feel sad for him but yeah, yay is not missed that much now. FNS, his aim is still ..... but gotta trust his calls still.

Excited for the year ahead, will keep supporting NRG all the way.

posted about 2 years ago

Man, the hype is real. Does riot intentionally always puts them in the same bracket? At this point this match has become an inevitability! (not complaining)

So many things going on this time

Both team's teams core are intact
Both team's have two new players
Its a payback match for NRG

The crowd better be jam packed for this showdown!

posted about 2 years ago


FNS v Saadhak
Optic Core v Loud Core
2 New NRG players v 2 New Loud Players

This ladies and gentlemen, is where it's gonna be!

(I hope that NRG wins, payback. But in any case we are in for a banger of a match of VALORANT!)

posted about 2 years ago