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Registered: March 5, 2021
Last post: February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM
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alr whatever South America is poor, sure, but in what games has CN been good at, it's mostly MOBAs, in CS they barely crack the top 30, in R6 they are basically nonexistent, and the only game they play is crossfire and that's among themselves as far as I know. There's no real precedent in FPS games nor in the valorant scene to even consider giving China their own league when regions like NA with far more FPS and valorant pedigree are getting put into combined regions

posted about 2 years ago

It makes the most sense, the CN scene isn't as well developed as other scenes and combining them with JP and KR with better teams could help it develop. If it gets too big then they could just split of into a China league

posted about 2 years ago

I meant South America retard why tf would I be talking about India

posted about 2 years ago

M3C is still connected with Gambit so it's not like they're completely orgless

posted about 2 years ago

SA is one of the biggest FPS scenes in the world and they're getting lumped into the Americas league so I don't get your point

posted about 2 years ago

that is way too many for the KR orgs

posted about 2 years ago

they should put APAC SA and Oceania in their own league and put KR JP and China together, that makes the most sense geographically, maybe not competitively tho

posted about 2 years ago

Turkey has a big valorant scene no?

posted about 2 years ago

Gold 2 is good

posted about 2 years ago

yeah they are really lagging with this shit, if they had actual plans announced for the T2 scene then I bet NYFU or Akrew would have stayed or atleast considered staying

posted about 2 years ago

Nearest Airport will dominate the NA T2 scene

posted about 2 years ago

NYFU gone too sadge

posted about 2 years ago

it's fucked but I'm guessing it's so they can keep their players for if they continue to play in the NA T2 scene, there's supposed to be some type of VRL system in NA again and they want to keep their players for that

posted about 2 years ago

DRX needs to hire a sports psychologist and a replacement for rb

posted about 2 years ago

send context pls

posted about 2 years ago

come back trembo

posted about 2 years ago

still what exactly have DZ done to differentiate themselves from any T1 or T2 team in NA for franchising. They don't have the brand name that Optic, NRG, 100 Thieves, GenG or T1 have, they don't have international success the way Optic and Sentinels have ( or had lol), they haven't even appeared in the main event for NA challengers, and teams like Knights and T1 have hosted events to support the T2 scene. I just don't see a world where riot sees DZ as a viable contender for the slot

posted about 2 years ago

they played 2, once in the Lower Final and once in the Grand Final. That doesn't take away from my point that playing even playing 1 BO5 is mentally exhausting for most people, let alone 2. And especially now that there's a crowd? Even tougher

posted about 2 years ago

I don't even play league and I still watch some of the playoff stage and if 100T is playing I'll watch their group stage games

posted about 2 years ago

Riot would be scraping the bottom of the barrel to bring in DarkZero, they have virtually no fanbase in valorant other than people who are really serious about the T2 NA scene, and that would mean kicking out a bigger org with more of a fanbase in valorant like SEN, 100T, NRG, XSET, FAZE, TGRD, or C9, and I'm willing to bet that other T2 teams like T1, Knights or GenG get in over DZ

posted about 2 years ago

can you imagine how exhausting as a player it would be to play 2 bo5s in a row?

posted about 2 years ago

the problem is I think it would take a lot of travel for teams to be able to participate in the Blast events

posted about 2 years ago

Wow I lurk on this site for many months. Recently I see before masters a lot of baiters make account and region bait wars start. There are a LOT of baiters.

People like babysasuke and shownu make a name for themselves by spamming baits in every thread they see and every chance they get. i got nothing against these 2 but I had to show examples

Constant hate and stuff, makes site uninteresting, yes fun at start but its repetitiveness make it boring. Still other users keep replying and supporting. no logic takes. no fun times. only baits.

While users like @Mortadelo making posts for 2 years. logic takes. is nice. doesn't want attention but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be appreciated. he hit 5000 posts recently. no one cares. There are many like him but not mentioned cuz they are not attention seeking leeches. shame on you vlr users

While baiters keep spamming and spamming and make everything boring. no original stuff. "this bad that bad". i don't like :(

No system by devs to down this stuff even a little bit. TBH admins really good. delete weird posts really quick. BUT posts which are baits not deleted cuz even though baits it is about Valorant. I mean it's their site so its their choice. but don't u think its a little overdone now :( @admins

I know it's not that deep. I know people only here to have fun. but plz don't you see its not fun and funny anymore :(

ok I go now bye

posted about 2 years ago

bro seeing those comps is a blast to the fucking past, Reyna was an actually relevant pick on Icebox lol

posted about 2 years ago

bren and sideshow are good too

posted about 2 years ago

Some Optic, FNATIC, and FPX players have LAN experience, a couple have even played on the main stage at Majors in CS, I only don't know about PRX but I doubt it will make too much of a difference

posted about 2 years ago

If Liquid Fnatic and G2 don't make EMEA franchising then Riot is making a huge mistake, they are going to be alienating 3 of the biggest esports orgs in the world

posted about 2 years ago

seems like they left CS:GO for the same reason

posted about 2 years ago

3,000 person venue could still make some noise, especially if it's a smaller venue. Might make the game feel a lot more intimate bc of how close everyone would be instead of being in a massive stadium

posted about 2 years ago

do you know exactly how full the crowd is going to be?

posted about 2 years ago

the Grand Finals sold out the Lanxess Arena which holds 20,000 people

posted about 2 years ago

so they can move to the arena they are playing the last 4 matches in

posted about 2 years ago

I can't wait to finally see a crowd for valorant, I hope it's as good as the IEM Cologne crowd was last week

posted about 2 years ago

vlr shut up about Sinatraa challenge (impossible)

posted about 2 years ago

what it's supposed to do is basically make the game look better and run better on newer PCs. However, it's possible that it could change the way that gameplay works in CS, like peek timings, counterstrafing, bunnyhopping, and lineups.

posted about 2 years ago

absolutely no way valve releases source 2 lmaoo

posted about 2 years ago

chemistry problems combined with some questionable comps, which is kinda weird considering that of all the players I would think would be an insane chamber player Cned would be up there with players like yay

posted about 2 years ago

if it's on LAN with a crowd like SA LCQ is then I have The Guard as a dark horse contender, and then C9 and 100T as the favorites

posted about 2 years ago

you would think the org would look at the results and notice that DRX are literally unable to win a lower bracket match and try to do something about it

posted about 2 years ago

they ain't even talking about valorant regions anymore they comparing whole countries lol

posted about 2 years ago

KRU are probably the for sure team coming out of LATAM, but if there's 2 teams from LATAM I could def see them making it over E-Xolos Lazers or any other LATAM org

posted about 2 years ago

I just hope that there's no tech problems, they've done a pretty good job this tournament but in the past they've sucked with tech problems

posted about 2 years ago

it's mostly regional homers that are way too aggressive about regional performances, I bet that most of the valorant viewership agree with you

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like a game as complex as R6 was destined to never have a massive fanbase, it's hard ash for a casual to understand what's going on with all the different gadgets and abilities and cameras, and the map complexity definitely doesn't help. Games like valorant with it's flashy highlights and csgo with it's simple to understand but complex to master gameplay were literally built to be massive esports scenes

posted about 2 years ago

the match I linked was played at 8:39 AM PDT while Prodigy vs fish123 (the one you linked) was played at 11 AM PDT, still the same day but about a 3 hour difference

posted about 2 years ago

hltv has some of the most immature ppl ever

posted about 2 years ago

actually the first ever valorant esports match (that I could find) was a group stage match in the COOLER Cup Invitational between BOOMER and Ninjas in Pyjamas, played on April 25, 2020 at 3;39 PM UTC, NIP won 13-1

posted about 2 years ago

Loud doubters and Guild copium huffers ig

posted about 2 years ago

then DRX have shown no ability to play when their tournament life in on the line

posted about 2 years ago

when have DRX been able to win a lower bracket match in an international event

posted about 2 years ago
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