congrats 100T for winning NA LCQ
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | March 5, 2021 |
Last post: | February 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM |
Posts: | 2574 |
congrats 100T for winning NA LCQ
in my heart BBL 2-0
in my mind TL 2-0
had to clarify not the indian team lmfaooo
or maybe it was just skrossi, but still weren't they the SA team sent to APAC challengers?
Congrats BBL
speaking of SA valorant, what tf is GE doing? I always saw Indians hyping them up as the top SA team but they haven't played a match in over a month
us NA fans need to support the best NA team
I doubt the chamber nerfs will do too much to affect the chamber 1 tricks, the thing that really was broken about Chamber was the untradeable first contact and that hasn't been changed, the only thing that has changed is every duel after that
I legit forgot that the team he's on was in Copenhagen lol
the roster of the top 8 from each region I think would be fine, it's not ridiculous to have 240 players and it would be way more challenging (it'lll also expose the ppl who don't actually watch other regions lol)
Imo whoever made valorant Lu should expand it to whoever made the regional challenger playoffs, basically everyone will get it if they watch valorant at a decent rate as it is now
wow this Vision Strikers team is pretty good huh
it's probably bait, no way Liquid sign a streamer to their team, that's just wasting the talent they have on the squad
so Liquid are going the Sentinels route and going full clout farming mode?
Misterrobot is the most reliable valorant news source, moreso than Leorge Leddes
his vlr page shows that he literally only played in some T3 German tournament, idk who tf that even is
she was rlly pretty ok I was just wondering
What has she done in the past bc tbh I've never seen her before, I'm assuming VRLs?
Trash vs Garbage
Fraud9 2-0 Midsion1
I'd say that there are a few, not many but a few, better than Kyrie in basketball, his handling is unmatched tho
it didn't look like pansy, pansy is blonde and white and this girl had black curly hair
I looked on liquipedia and the valorant esports website and I could only find the names of the 2 guys on the desk, what is the girl's name
the only thing that scrim results mean is that a team needs to prac more on whatever they were working on if they were getting rocked
he's just not good enough to compete with the rest of the competition, especially if he wants to stick on the duelist role
Holy shit every single time I see someone reference scrim results for why a team is good it actually pisses me off, scrims are literally just practice games, they're meant to get your reps in working on NEW stuff, good teams can still get blown tf out in a scrim because they are trying out a new comp or a new map, or maybe they're practicing their A retakes so they give up site easy and practice their retake spacing and utility. Nobody other than T3 teams who have no idea wtf they're doing plays scrims the same way they play in officials because by the time they play on officials they are already using strats they are familiar and comfortable with, while in scrims they are going to use strats that feel awkward because they are new. The only difference I can even conceive of would be scrims from teams in masters/champions tournaments, but even then they would still be practicing certain things and not playing them exactly like officials. PLEASE VLR STOP TALKING ABOUT SCRIM RESULTS
American but only learning english?
jett C tier is a bit questionable
she's still a pretty decently viable OPing agent, you just can't take stupid duels anymore, but if you have a planned hit for map control then it works well, plus her entry ability is very flexible, a lot more imo than neon and raze can entry. Neon is kind of limited by her wall bc if she doesn't stay in it the site anchor can just kill her with her gun not out, and raze is kind of just set on a fixed path that can be shot out of the air. I'd put her at a solid B tier, she's not the absolute best duelist as raze and neon have more site utility, but she's not on the niche level that yoru is
English (first language)
Spanish (barely passable, from school)
Tagalog (passing phrases/swear words from family and friends)
Mandarin (I literally only know how to say "I fucked your mom/dad")
scrims results don't matter, if they did then DRX would be the greatest team in the world and not chokers
No particular order
edit I forgot about LOUD, maybe replace FNC or FAZE with them
why wouldn't you copy from the best, they are at the top for a reason
United States
game: 7/10
it's one of the biggest games in the pc gaming community, but casually people see like tiktok clips and that's it, a bunch of my friends don't even play pc games and have never heard of valorant
esports: 9/10
Healthy amount of orgs in the scene, huge viewership and talented players, the only problem I see is the behind the scenes practice stuff not being on the level of EMEA
I feel like people have very mixed opinions about NRG, some have them very high, others really low
nobody's saying he has to compete with Marved, he just has to do his job and do it decently
scream bald would really throw me off with his majestic head of hair
they should bring back the whole C9 csgo team, we already have ska and auti playing val and n0thing is just a streamer, the only one left is Stewie
SEN vs G2 in playoffs would def get that
we're gonna need way more agents, because if someone bans something like jett and raze or sova and fade, then you lose an entire niche that is crucial to the pro game that can't really be worked around
Masters CPH actually had the lowest peak and average viewership between all 5 of the international LANs, it had about 30,000 less peak viewers and 80,000 less average viewers than the second to last, masters Berlin
edit: tbh, I wouldn't really think much of this, I think the numbers only being slightly worse than masters Berlin is pretty good considering that there wasn't a single "clout team" other than maybe Optic or KRU in the event, this signals to me that there is quite a large audience that doesn't care for the teams involved but just want to watch high level valorant
TenZ has more twitch, tiktok, and twitter followers. Therefore he's better
Actually good nerfs, maybe also reduce headhunter to 6 bullets to keep it in line with the deagle?