Flag: Wales
Registered: June 14, 2023
Last post: March 5, 2025 at 1:11 PM
Posts: 98
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You were close to being bald tbf

posted 3 months ago

G2 Gozen is clearly the underdog here. Pointing that out isn’t misogynistic just because you don’t like it. I think some people could be a little more respectful sure. But there isn’t one misogynistic comment here.

Edit: well well well…

posted 3 months ago

So you want to limit the amount of player spots available even further from what it already is in tier 1 and hire someone not because of their skill. But because they’re not a man? No player should want that, imagine knowing you only got a spot on a team because of your gender. Why would u want that? Players earn their success not gifted it. If anyone in GC is good enough they can make it to VCT. Enforcing something like that is ridiculous and also not as inclusive as you think it is.

posted 3 months ago

This aged well 😂

posted 4 months ago

I mean the build up to the final, and yes even the final despite a loss, were more memorable IMO than any of Madrid. Especially for a team that 4/5 players were tier 2 last year... waaay more impressive.

But yes everything that happened in Champs, including that rematch were also more memorable because like I've stated - champs is the most anticpated tournament of the year.

posted 5 months ago

Ye I never denied reality. I just stated my opinion of it. But yes those "few things" at champs are more relevant than winning 1 trophy at the start of the year. (Congratz to China) Also if you navigate to some of my other comments you'll notice I mention Shanghai as well.

posted 5 months ago

Anyone who makes that joke is just showing they are new to esports xD

posted 5 months ago

lol now who's coping

posted 5 months ago

I can actually, SEN were literally forgettable for the rest of the year. Didn't even make it to shanghai, and every match that involved Heretics was insane throughout the year. Best matches in Shanghai? Involved Heretics (FPX, all the G2 ones lol, GENG final). Same for Champs.

posted 5 months ago

2nd Champs > 1st Masters :)

posted 5 months ago

Look I'm obviously biased, but imo staying consistent throughout the year and doing well in champs is more impressive than winning the easiest trophy out of the 3. Now the years over Heretics were way more memorable, successful and hype than SEN overall.

Its just the way you said it like its some never seen before thing is weird. SEN seem to like winning the forgettable trophies tho.

posted 5 months ago

Turned out EMEA sent home every AMER team in the hardest and most anticipated tournament to end 2024

posted 5 months ago

This is such a weird thing to say when there are only 3 international events in a year.

“It’s not how you start that’s important, but how you finish!”

posted 5 months ago

Bro, literally nobody said that about M8. And people’s prediction on Apeks was correct (mid table). Also Heretics was technically a tier 2 team as well btw.

posted 5 months ago

Im referring to your “Apeks got lucky” comment. Since you agree Apeks chocked on Haven, you could say - Pcific got lucky. So it’s a 1 for 1 trade, take away the “luck” Apeks win Haven, Pcific win Lotus, result of Ascent is the same - same outcome lol

posted 5 months ago

following from cloudberry. Apeks were deservingly hyped last year being undefeated until the final where most people would probably agree Apeks were overall stronger than Gentle Mates. Which was also proven this year when TL destroyed them.
This year the hype of Apeks started off with the renown of the org from last year and signing renowned ex tier 1 players in Soulcas, Avova and Molsi. They then went on a similar run in Polaris, and now here pulling off what the 2023 roster couldn’t.

posted 5 months ago

Don’t remember anyone saying that about Gentle Mates. People even criticised their reliance on Phoenix and not being able to have the same results in tier 1. I remember people saying last years Apeks would be fighting for middle of the table and they were correct. Team Liquid (3/5 Apeks players) were fighting for mid table.

posted 5 months ago

You can say the same for pcific on Haven :)

posted 5 months ago

Since Day 1 of 2023 I wanted them to win, had to wait an extra year. But finally, they deserve it <3

posted 5 months ago

Mmm, kaayak might have something to say about that. And Soulcas technically already has a tier 1 position. And Anguist and the other CGN players will probably at least get trialed.

posted 5 months ago

Anguist cleared, cleaned, thrown them in the bin, drove them to the skip, recycled them, created a new bottle, filled it with water and drank from it.

posted 5 months ago

Literally none of them said China. Its pretty common for any player to say those three since the majority of teams speak English.

Don't get too cocky after one trophy bro lol.

posted 6 months ago

Everyone saying to drop Boaster. Who do they get to replace him as IGL? (literally anyone you say is a downgrade).

posted 6 months ago

Ok? What's your point, all the teams were invited. And you had to have a perfect run to win. No second chances like Masters and Champions. And Fnatic still went on to dominantly win Masters after that. Saying its a fluke is literally what every hater says for every event XD

posted 6 months ago
  1. LEV isn't NA
  2. Fnatic clearly isn't the best EMEA team this year
posted 6 months ago

Anyone who uses the "Mickey Mouse" argument loses all credibility. It doesn't matter what the format of the tournament is. And you could literally argue LOCK//IN was harder since its single elim.

And "fluke" is just so opinionated and biased its just dumb.

posted 6 months ago

Imagine thinking the seeds actually mean anything lol

posted 6 months ago

Nice one buddy

posted 6 months ago

Can't wait to come back here when Heretics perform the same if not better next year. This was always a team built for the future and they went above and beyond expectations for a rookie roster. You're delusional, and before you say "i've never seen someone say slurs over an opinion". "This is horrid" isn't an opinion.

posted 6 months ago

"NA is much ahead of EMEA" Both NA teams got sent home by EMEA teams...

posted 6 months ago

Second map didn't go to overtime

posted 6 months ago

That IGL is better than every player in India

posted 6 months ago

The Brazilian teams could do with having a few "health issues" rn. Then they might actually qualify.

posted 7 months ago

Only being guaranteed 1 year and earning consecutive years based on performance is a huge positive imo. Ascension teams should only stay "into the elite" if they can prove they derserve to be there. And 1 year is enough for the players to prove themselves and potentially be picked up by a franchising team. Team Heretics have already proven both, 4/5 of their players were tier 2 last year.

Edit: My only criticism is, imo, it should work like Football. Franchising teams shouldn't be safe from relegation either. If they're getting outperformed by ascension teams why should they be safe? Looking at KOI.

posted 8 months ago

Why are you bringing up the amount of nationalities? Since when has that mattered? That’s always been the case in Esports. That’s just how regions work. India has x2 the population of Europe so where’s the Indian team?

posted 8 months ago

NA5? Americas I assume you mean

posted 8 months ago

All the NRG fans mad 😂 couldn’t even reach the tournament

posted 8 months ago

Happens a lot on attack sided maps. Could've happened to any team. They will be proud they won, and vod review to clean things up. Nothing to be ashamed of :)

posted 9 months ago

FNC 3 - 1 FUT :)

posted 9 months ago
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