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Registered: July 23, 2021
Last post: August 8, 2024 at 4:52 PM
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Yeah I’m surprised. His agent pool looks really good. His KAYO is getting better but I agree, spacing, timing and calling is his biggest problem at the moment, wish all the best to him o7

posted about a year ago

Who cares FNC winning Champs regardless everyone is playing for second place.

posted about a year ago

I can understand why 100T was taking mid so much but they really needed to split more, they kinda just took control and sat there. I think when Cryo missed that timing on TenZ the first time he lurked down there he wasn’t confident for the remainder of the match.

posted about a year ago

Ahh okay yeah I didn't know this, To be fair I only really saw the M1mosa tweet. But 100% I think we can all agree RRQ didn't handle the situation properly either so alot of the jp comm are pissed and I fully understand why.

posted about a year ago

I mean to be fair, since he joined RRQ he kinda cleaned his act up a little bit. Not to down-play his previous comments but the whole fl1pz v TenTen situation wasn't even him going to twitter and airing it out, It was m1mosa on Twitter exposing it all unless im wrong, TenTen absolutely said the wrong thing and should be punished, but I do feel like fl1pz should have been punished for his previous statements a long time ago. Problem is, they were awhile ago now so most have forgotten until now.

posted about a year ago

We can hope and pray but reality is in OCE unless BONK win Ascension I kinda doubt an org will go for us, just the harsh reality most OCE players are faced playing in this region.

posted about a year ago

I’m sure we can see come LCQ.

posted about a year ago

Ironic coming from a GE supporter…

posted about a year ago

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I like the SEN roster, I just don’t see it around if they don’t win LCQ. Sacy and pancadA will go back to Brazil.

posted about a year ago

I’m not sure man I don’t really see many teams running Deadlock over Killjoy especially during Champs. Not to say no one will, it’s just she’s suuper new at the moment, I’d say more a less wait till next year.

posted about a year ago

You seriously think SEN is even going to win a game? That’s legit the only game I see 100T winning. I’m sorry but that whole SEN roster will disband after LCQ if they don’t make it. Who knows if TenZ will play next year, they’ll try keep Zekken but I reckon the rest of them just leave.

posted about a year ago

Wasn’t even that hard to understand either 💀 legit said both parties just handled the situation poorly, if people think either Sinatraa or her handled it to the best of their abilities then you’re straight LYING to yourself hahaha.

posted about a year ago

Yeah look I won’t lie I don’t have FULL confidence with us winning LCQ but hey I’m happy to be proven wrong. I just don’t think MikesHD is up to the job of head coach. I loved him as assistant coach but ever since Sean left we’ve fallen apart and Stellars IGLing has slumped. Praying for LCQ but imma still support.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I was referring to how poor both sides handled it. He didn’t cooperate with an investigation, then came out and said he would bring fourth evidence that proved his innocence to which he never did. She claimed she was going to release more concrete evidence that backed more of her claims but never did it either. I don’t have an opinion on who’s right and who’s wrong because there is always 3 sides to a story, his side, her side and the truth. Im not sure what the bloke above was getting heated about, appreciate you commenting though.

posted about a year ago

Yeah something like that I can’t remember exactly but I know for a fact it was meant in a racist way. Plus I remember at the time people saying this wasn’t the first time fl1pz made racist remarks. Although I will say credit to him he has pulled his head in since joining RRQ, this whole TenTen situation isn’t even his fault, that m1mosa guy on Twitter was the one who exposed everything.

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure it wasn’t that hahah I don’t want to directly quote what he said because I can’t remember exactly what he said but he did mention WRONSKI’s race which is part Laotian. Also what he said wasn’t said in a positive manner either, again this was when fl1pz was on BOOM.

posted about a year ago

Yeah look problem is regardless if it was proven or not he’s just such a large brand risk. Those sort of allegations are career ending. I’m not picking a side between who was right and who was wrong because the whole situation was handled terribly by both parties, but sad reality is orgs are too scared to sign him because of the public backlash it’ll cause. I think he’s well aware of that now and that’s probably why you see him just stick to his own lane in contention creation.

posted about a year ago

I assume something will be done about scheduling and stuff next year. Everyone has to remember this is the first year of franchising and Riot is still playing around with scheduling and what not. Something does need to be done though.

posted about a year ago

Yeah iunno man, seeing as I’m from OCE I’ll never forget the racist comments he made towards WRONKSI that literally nothing came of that LOL not even sure he apologised for it. I’m sure WRONSKI and fl1pz are well past it now, but to be fair, it wasn’t fl1pz making a big deal of the TenTen situation, it was that m1mosa guy on Twitter.

posted about a year ago

How could you hate us though? cmon were nice people!!

posted about a year ago

crowd is cringe but these casters just GLAZING the fuck out of ANYTHING Bleed does is getting annoying, giving barely any credit to BONK. Minute Bleed win a round they go NUTS.

posted about a year ago

I just read over all the comments you posted in this thread and basically what your saying is you only respect people who work hard otherwise to you their subhuman. My brother in Christ just because you’re doing an engineers degree doesn’t make you more of a human or a “hard worker” than anyone else. You forget some of the sacrifices these streamers have made over the years. They didn’t just become big from putting in zero effort. Also Toast is one of the nicest blokes, bro is humble as shit, praying on the downfall of someone who is out here trying to help people and give them opportunity with the platform he has? Nah ur fuckin weird dude.

posted about a year ago

Yeah imma be honest half the comments on this thread are the reason for his comment. Not to mention he isn’t going back as a pro, he’s just talking about streaming CS2 more because he enjoys faceit more than Valorant ranked currently but as he also mentioned, he will still continue to play Valorant. You all quick at someone’s throat when they don’t just glaze valorant 24/7

posted about a year ago

Ethan has only been somewhat consistent these last 2-3 games other than that he was just like the rest of the roster.

posted about a year ago

Whole of EG is shit except Demon1 and Boostio, was never a massive fan of boostio but I like how consistent he’s been surround by a team full of frauds. Can’t wait to watch EG choke as Masters though.

posted about a year ago

I’m not sure if they deserved it. Definitely deserved a shot at playoffs which is what they got, but they choked against EG and didn’t look any better against NRG.

posted about a year ago

Honestly just looked like an off day for C9, as much as I've been calling it a "honeymoon" period for C9 I truly do think they can pull themselves out of this. Off day shouldn't define them. Plus to be fair, EG is playing really good currently so credit to them, I still think they should drop c0m though, still not a fan of him.

posted about a year ago

Very good way of looking at things and to be fair i'd agree. It does seem TGRD hit their skill ceiling with the players they have. I think mCe is one of the best coaches in NA I mean I was massive fan of what he did over at TGRD and when C9 picked him up I knew they didn't make a mistake. I just hope long term C9 can keep up what they're doing, They're a team thats easy to love and the way they're playing Valorant currently easily puts them in contention to win Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

I understand this but he has the backing of mCe, mCe did the same thing hes currently doing with The Guard. mCe has this ability to pull the best out of their IGL's but we haven't seen it long term yet. Valyn's IGLing after a poor Master performance really impacted the team, sure they got over it after awhile but still, it's something worth noting. Didn't help TGRD's case that mCe left for C9 and TGRD didn't get into franchising.

posted about a year ago

Very true and I love mCe as a coach, but lets not forget The Guard when they first came onto the scene mCe did the same thing with Valyn and he was up there with some of the best IGL's in NA, long term though The Guard started to slip after a bad Masters performance. Look don't get me wrong I'm not trying to be a hater or whatever, I'm just pointing out lets look at this after a year and see where C9 and runi's IGLing is. That will be the true test I feel and I really hope they can do well long term.

posted about a year ago

I agree, look demon1 is playing good right now in his moments, but hes still young and fresh to this, you can see that in some of the plays he does. EG got suuper lucky with him, most players would have fallen flat on their face with his experience, Especially being up on stage too. I don't like the way EG runs it's Valorant side of things. 10 man roster just to sit so many of them on the bench? Not to mention why on EARTH did they bench BcJ and leave c0m on the starting roster? EG needs a complete over-haul.

posted about a year ago

Alright look, I love runi as an IGL CURRENTLY, he's doing really well on C9 and getting results I dont think anyone thought they would get, BUT lets also realise that C9 is clearly honey-mooning, yes they look great and are playing insanely well, but lets not forget, Everyone called ShahZ one of the best IGL's. Long term matters and I just really hope runi can keep up what he's doing because watching C9 play right now is amazing.

posted about a year ago

Love me some EMEA Val, Plus you guys have some of the best casters. Hypoc & Pansy, Mitch & Tombiz too

posted about a year ago

I follow NA pretty hard but imma be honest. The strategic side of EU is so fun to watch, I dunno, just something I enjoy so im happy to see 4 EU teams go.

posted about a year ago

Miss him on 100T man, his analysis and brain for the game is insane, ever since he left it feels like we have such a hole in our structure. Glad to see him back on the desk though and would love to see him at Tokyo.

posted about a year ago

Time will tell, last time he was playing duelist at an international LAN he did pretty well.

posted about a year ago

I mean there is no doubt that C9 are honey-mooning right now. Although I think they will do well in Tokyo, leaf back on perma duelist most maps is what they've needed for awhile. I think they'll be fine.

posted about a year ago

I don't think she should be fired either but I think she should be demoted down to Assistant Coach, Her anti-stratting is really good, We saw that against LOUD on Split and they just played VERY well on Split against LEV especially for being down at the half. Problems circle around the roster though, and the players on it. We're not even half way into the first year of franchising and it already looks like it needs an overhaul.

posted about a year ago

Almost doesn't win you matches though. I hate when people use that excuse especially when the 3rd map was literally a 13-0. Yes map 2 was close but LOUD pulled through when it mattered, EG didn't even look like they wanted to win map 3 against LOUD.

posted about a year ago

I mean true hahah, I just remember him for being the weakest link at XSET and when I saw SEN sign him I was like "why" think it might be time for him to hang it all up though, he doesnt seem to be able to adapt.

posted about a year ago

Probably true, I mean C9 took a risk with a collegiate player and it’s paying off already. Maybe orgs need to start doing the same. Kaplan is an amazing coach and I truly believe he could mould a fresh IGL, I’m not sure what’s wrong with Dephh though and why he can’t fix him.

posted about a year ago

I was never a fan of SEN picking up Dephh as the IGL in the first place. He was only part time IGLing on XSET whilst he shared it with Ayrin. Problem is IGLs are really hard to come by so I guess they just took what they could and assumed with a good coaching staff around him he would mould into the role better. Sadly it’s not working.

posted about a year ago

Anyone who genuinely thought TenZ was the problem is clearly stupid. TenZ never was or is the problem. People also forget he is going through personal stuff right now and a break like this is probably also the best for him mentally so he can spend time with family. The decision to keep Marved on the starting roster honestly makes a lot of sense. People are quick to jump at SEN over a loss but are truly forgetting how hard C9 are honey-mooning right now. Trust me, as a 100T fan I’ve seen it.

posted about a year ago

Not entirely, I don’t agree with full on hating him, but I for one am someone who has been super critical of him in the past and I truly think he deserves it. He isn’t at a tier 1 level of talent. The only thing he has going for him is his util. With the deep talent pool of NA and the fact that BcJ can literally play his role, it makes zero sense why this kid was even kept in the first place.

posted about a year ago

Yeah just honestly looks like were recycling the old strats. There isn't much adaptations on the fly and Stellar's calling looks poor at the moment. It's really starting to show we have such a large hole in our structure since Sean left. I liked MikesHD as the assistant coach I thought that role suited him REALLY well, but as Head Coach he looks like he's way in over his head. As a 100T fan its looking dire for us.

posted about a year ago

Yeah for sure, I like the double controller meta, but post plants really do become really skill-less, teams aren’t playing a post plant for space anymore, they’re just giving site and playing off for spam.

posted about a year ago

Kinda yes but kinda no, still have to make sure your execs work, when you run double controller you have to understand how to play around the comp and how to make sure your execs work. I’d say it more a less lowers the skill gap on post plants, legit is just a spam fuck fest.

posted about a year ago

Being able to op consistently round after round comes down to economy. If you aren’t winning rounds you won’t have money for an op. Pretty simple. 100T’s problem is they aren’t winning the rounds to even get an op in Cryos hand. I think on Fracture he only had like what? 3 rounds on an op?

posted about a year ago

It’s really not all that hard, all you need is your viper and harbour to communicate with eachother, all you’re doing is when the Viper wall goes down you put a harbour wall up to block site lines again, you’re just wall cycling.

posted about a year ago

Look at the C9 v NRG game, C9 showed a pretty good masterclass in how to play that map on attack. Pearl is a map that needs reworking imo.

posted about a year ago
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