Flag: United States
Registered: February 13, 2025
Last post: March 27, 2025 at 6:49 AM
Posts: 34

The Organization might not but Leo and Sayf are best buds, he is really the only person who knows what's going on with Leo consistantly.

posted 1 day ago

Do y'all believe that when Leo returns he would want to stay with Fnatic? I Don't believe he will but I could be wrong. If he does where would you like to see him go? Personally I think if he were to go to Vitality that would be outrageous.

posted 1 day ago

Don't get me wrong I was high on Asuna stocks going into this match because of his performance during Kickoff, but he's just pissing me off right now.

He hits insane shots like he did in Round 11 of Haven, but he cant stop overheating. He just cannot stop PUSHING! It pisses me off. If he would just take it and leave it 100T would be a much better team. Either put Asuna in check or bench his ass i cant anymore ngl

posted 4 days ago

Bang is in the middle and I do not believe they would let him be there if he isnt.

posted 4 days ago

My Predic

Jett (demon1
Waylay (King)
Viper (rossy)
KJ (tex
Sova or Tejo (c0m

Edit Fuck

posted 5 days ago

If you told anyone during the playoffs of VCT Champions 2023 that Demon1 and Aspas would both be bottom fragging whilst playing against each other one day, nobody would believe it lmao.

posted 5 days ago

It’s not, she has nothing to help herself on the Dive. It’s statistically better to dive with Jett so why not run her instead, or have a double dive to give Waylay something to work with.

posted 1 week ago

How do pro teams not realize that her capabilities as a Solo Duelist is worse than any other dive Duelist. I’ve never been above Diamond yet realized before and still do that she should only ever if be used as a Secondary Duelist. Yet teams (For granted only in China) are trying to push the narrative of this shit agent. All Gamers just got shit on 13-1 with Waylay, and XLG who were one of my picks to make it to Toronto decide to run Waylay with barely any ideas on Icebox and Fracture, with any other duelist they would have beat BLG, I digress.

posted 1 week ago

XLG overcooked with Waylay, she is not good for a Solo Duelist. Put Rarga on something else and they will be great.

posted 2 weeks ago

At their peak they butt fuck C9 and convincingly beat EG, might contest NRG and even SEN. 100T Clear them though. So much higher on the leaderboard than that for sure.

posted 2 weeks ago

This was built off the idea of only taking players that have been in T2 for the better part of the past year or two.


Duelist: Reddux
Flash Initiator/IGL: Mitch
Scan Initiator: Verno
Sentinel: Nightz
Controller: Ion2x


Head Coach: Bonkar
Assistant Coach: Dapr

You have the Oxygen Esports Core of Reddux, Mitch and Verno. Verno is controversial right now, you cannot deny his talents and he clearly had much better synergy with Mitch and Reddux than anyone on NRG.

I don't know if Ion2x would be a better pick than Skuba for the controller role, I am just more impressed with his aim and I have seen him evolve for years. Ion2x and Skuba are interchangeable, my pick would be Ion for now. Nightz is currently playing with Reddux and i am really impressed with how he plays on the Sentinel, I am quite confident some of that is the teachings form Dapr so that's why he is an assistant coach.

Cooked or Burnt?

posted 2 weeks ago

He is taking the Piss 😂

posted 2 weeks ago

It’s not happening but that would be the funniest shit 😭

posted 2 weeks ago

Games sick right now! Who do you think is going to win?

posted 2 weeks ago

They can and should have honestly. If Chichoo didn’t have a life match and even if he still did the Mouse Problems during the final minutes of the game causing there momentum to break fucked them. They should have Won and still can, EDG is shaky.

posted 3 weeks ago

The Title was a bait so people can come in here and even though It is close to what I am going to say, Aspas is still one of the best to ever do it.

When people ask "Why is Aspas the greatest of all time", the generic answer is that he has been so good for so long. This is true but if you want to use that logic to find the best player it would be Derke, he has done nearly as good, won more International and Regional Events than Aspas, just for longer. This leads to a question I am going to ask which is, if somehow Vitality win the tournament I dont think they will, would Derke be the GOAT?

posted 4 weeks ago

Exactly and It is a Comp that you cannot counter. I hope this Meta does not overstay its welcome because it will get boring when we just get a Yoru, Breach and Tejo on every map, I just hope they don't nerf any of them to the ground.

posted 4 weeks ago

Can we go ahead and assume G2 have won Bangkok. My reason for believing that they are almost guaranteed the trophy is how good their Map Pool is right now. G2 had one of the best Map Pools coming into Bangkok and probably the only one to have turned there worst maps into ones that they can dominate on along with the Abyss and Pearl that they already had. Them, 2024 GenG and 2023 FNATIC probably have the best map pools in the history of Valorant so far.

posted 4 weeks ago

First of all, calm down. What are you trying to argue here? I was saying how it’s unfortunate that T1 had those issues because without them they would have won because of Momentum.

posted 4 weeks ago

This is not cope and I know it was T1’s Pause. I’m pointing out how unfortunate it was for T1 that they had to loose all of there momentum because of an issue during the match.

posted 4 weeks ago

EDG should have lost today. They were not playing as good as T1 in the last two maps and got bailed out because of Tech Issues ruining the natural flow of the last maps trajectory. I had EDG winning today in my mind and Pick em’s but seeing how things played out T1 should be in the upper bracket not them, shit happens at least my Pick em’s are Up!

posted 4 weeks ago

I'm Joking I know its not rigged but that was too believable of a "Rigged Fake Pause".

posted 4 weeks ago

You can argue the same for Sylvan. The Vast Majority have doubted him and he has been good for them this whole series and is even topping Chichoo Rn.

posted 4 weeks ago

Sylvan is looking Snappy here on Pearl. This man earned his spot on this team.

posted 4 weeks ago

All Players from Pacific, doesn’t have to currently be playing right now. Now Imports Allowed. Create your Team.

My Team

Duelist: Texture
Controlled: Karon
Sentinel: Meteor
Flex/IGL: Munchkin
Scan Initiator: Kushy

I know it’s Basic but the core of 2024 GenG was already incredible and Kushy looks incredible on RRQ

posted 4 weeks ago

I had high hopes for this Roster during the Offseason, I'm glad that they finally defeated DRX. GG WP Drx

posted 1 month ago

I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that they are Night and Day compared against the match against VIT and it’s not just because they are going against a worst team. I am lead to believe Sylvan does most of the macro for the team that’s why they look so disjointed without him, his utility is incredible and timed almost perfectly. He may not be a fragger but he looks like the best piece to T1’s Puzzle.

posted 1 month ago

I Swear this guy has to do some Macro for the team because why with him do they actually play together and not without him, the difference is night and day.

Also they are shooting out of there minds rn, actually looking like the Korean Superteam.

posted 1 month ago

Other than those I don’t believe so. I believe they should really try and have some Regional Lans and promote them highly, they should be short so that they don’t get interrupted by Tier 1. I know that was a bit off topic from Allocating Money but they should advertise Tier 2 if given more money.

posted 1 month ago

Should Riot should start allocating more money towards the Tier 2 scene? I see it as a way to give Tier 1 Organizations more of an incentive to care for their academy roster or make one if they don’t already. The Talent down there is too good and I believe the majority of T1 players are not near as good as some of the unknowns and they are not known because we don’t have much reason to watch T2.

posted 1 month ago

It wasn’t just a Troll I’m mad because everyone was acting like they haven’t made it out of Platinum half the time and were continuously giving ones. I have a feeling Sylvan maybe did some Macro because they didn’t play this separate during the Off Season

posted 1 month ago

They just seem like a bunch of Individual Players (Other than Buzz and Stax). I have no clue what the team chemistry is like but either they drop Autumn since they seem to complain about him, or drop some players. I was excited for this team but they just seem like a slightly better 2024 NRG.

posted 1 month ago

I remember that Mako was the IGL for Champs last year but I have heard talk about Free1ng trying to lead early on during Kickoff and I would like to know if there is confirmation on who is IGL’ng right now for DRX.

posted 1 month ago