Flag: Bulgaria
Registered: February 12, 2025
Last post: February 13, 2025 at 8:34 AM
Posts: 3

That's how all of Europe ranked is played lol

posted 1 month ago

Delusional af

posted 1 month ago

Why would they be embarrassed? Rankers are much better than many T1 teams, they deserve 3x their salaries, that's why they have consistent views as streamers because they are clapping pros daily in ranked. Pros are overglorified pro players from cs and other games, they are shit compared to many radiants, they just don't compete in esports. The average russian is better at aiming than your T2 NA "talents". They have strategy but they also have GAME SENSE, thats how Inspire always succeeds on flank, ranked and pro play are the same, there's strategies in ranked as well but it's ALWAYS BETTER to aim better, win ur 1v1s and then strategise. You would know if u acc watched their streams. Most pros are just connected scammers who are just extracting money from the business, if they aren't in top 400 radiant they shouldn't even be in T1 or T2.

posted 1 month ago