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Registered: September 18, 2021
Last post: March 3, 2024 at 12:26 AM
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sure bro but like I said just not top 10

posted about a year ago

again solid player but any starplayer would do that and more with 2 OT maps and 1 really close map

posted about a year ago

My take still stands, he is barely top 10 jetts in the world not even top 10 duelists cus he cant play any other agent for the life of him

posted about a year ago

wow a starplayer that has one good round, there are literally players who do this every 2-4 rounds lmao

posted about a year ago

Tarik Ludwig tournament where the only franchised team couldnt win and lost to tier 2 teams twice, lock in where they didn't win a single map and got owned most of the game

posted about a year ago

Well he has not been it since Masters 1 but I thought I would give him another chance since its a new roster

posted about a year ago

Derke, Aspas, Ardiis, Yay, Cryo, Sayf, Buzz, Cned, My bad I could only name 8, he is still top 10 lol

posted about a year ago

Never said he is not been solid, I just said there are prolly 10 better Jetts out there

posted about a year ago

most of kills have been exits but you guys wont stop dickriding

posted about a year ago

I didnt watch map 1 but from what I have seen of him this year, does this guy even make the top 10 Jetts in the world?

posted about a year ago

Modric 5 champions league, getting to a WC final with croatia >>> portugal euro, Modric >>>> Ronaldo

posted about a year ago

Messi, more WC, more ballon dor, more golden boot, more goal contributions, more trophies and the list goes on, keep crying

posted about a year ago

Doesnt matter, he could have retired straight after the WC and would still have the greatest career any football player has ever had or could ever have.

posted about a year ago

How is Skadoodle here? He wasnt good back in 2021 either lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the whole team was shit, why single him out?

posted about a year ago

Asuna is literally the only one still on the roster LMAO, wtf is this guy tryna prove

posted about a year ago

I doubt he is paying them, 3/5 of em are well off streaming and I dont think he has any ambitions other than content for the team cause this team aint really making it far.

posted about a year ago

Well, he was the champions final mvp wasnt he?

posted about a year ago

I still believe he will do well on a franchise team or will be a top player on a challengers team but I dont think he is willing to re-locate to the states so I doubt any team will pursue him. At the end of the day stats dont lie and he has carried every team he played on including V1 when they needed a sub.

posted about a year ago

He doesnt have a buyout, he is a free agent and not affiliated with c9 at all.

posted about a year ago

Idk, thats why I asked, in traditional sports you usually have to payout the contract so I was wondering if its the same in esports or not.

posted about a year ago

Based on this I am assuming, there are no financial consequences of dropping a player, damn thats kinda fked up.

posted about a year ago

No, what I am saying is, wouldnt it have been better for c9 to just keep him or do they not have to payout his contract?

posted about a year ago

Guys, How do contracts in esports work? If you drop a player dont you have to payout their complete contract like in traditional sports or are there no consequences of dropping a player? If its the same as traditional sports, it just doenst make sense to drop Yay cause wouldnt paying out his contract and then replacing him with another player be significantly more expensive than just playing with him or am I wrong?

posted about a year ago

They didnt let him go, NV poached Marved from Faze and Marved left cus he had a better chances of winning at NV

posted about 2 years ago

too bad these "decent teams" couldnt make it far on lan

posted about 2 years ago

you just made one...

posted about 2 years ago

if you tuned into shahz stream even for 10mins when they were at the top, you would always see him shitting on some team or some player.

posted about 2 years ago

yea cus Sentinels literally brought it upon themselves by being cocky and toxic when they were at top, they are just reaping what they sowed especially Shahz

posted about 2 years ago

The Op is the best gun in the game and as long as it remains that way, Wardell will remain a tier 1 player no matter which agents get nerfed.

posted about 2 years ago

restructured? Wardell literally played the same role as wippie and even gave up his one trick for penny on fracture, 0 iq take

posted about 2 years ago

That has more to do with dropping Aleko and picking up Gmd, If we swap out Wardell and Seven I still think TSM will do just fine if not better, also Corey had a bad showing during the first challengers which held them back too.

posted about 2 years ago

Still feel like they will be better with Wardell but hey Seven is doing his thing and has a lot of potential

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Our time has come guys. After 2 years of suffering, our team is bordering tier 1 again, the bois still look shakey but one step closer to seeing Yassine Toufreak on lan. #TSMWIN
Now time for Wardell to win it out for V1 and its a good day :)

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh TSM just 2-0ed Faze with ease.......

posted about 2 years ago

Guard/potentially NRG/LG

posted about 2 years ago

The only team I see 100t beating is NYFU out of the 5 you mentioned

posted about 2 years ago

Thats not a fking excuse to lose to a unpaid team you braindead fk

posted about 2 years ago

If you honestly think TSM is better wihtout Wardell, oh I got some bad news for you

posted about 2 years ago

Now that he is actually on a good team, it is inevitable that he performs like he always did even on TSM, so the haters aint gonna be around for much longer.

posted about 2 years ago

name checks out

posted about 2 years ago

dude, please touch grass

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I dont think he has a problem bootcamping in Texas, he just probably doesnt wanna relocate to Texas which I dont think 100t will force him to do.

posted about 2 years ago

huge downgrade man, harmfuls never played in a tier 2 team let alone a tier 1 team which TSM aspire to be

posted about 2 years ago

He is a tier 1 player and the 2nd best OPer in the game imo, alot of teams can benefit from having him, I have no doubt in my mind he will get picked up soon if he still wants to be a pro player.

posted about 2 years ago

G2 is my EU team

posted about 2 years ago
1 •• 88 89 90 91 92