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Registered: September 18, 2021
Last post: March 3, 2024 at 12:26 AM
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well c9 took a map off loud aswell but you are ruling them out? whats the logic here?

posted about a year ago

which isn't easy, especially cus their mental might be boomed after losing 3 in a row

posted about a year ago

I dont expect 100t do any better against NRG either, NRG are just miles ahead of the remaining NA teams, also it doesnt matter if Sen winning was a "fluke", they still won and the standings are based on head to head, so if 100t and Sen finish the season with same record and are competing for the 6th spot, Sen will make it over them.

posted about a year ago

There are 6 spots, so they definitely have a chance but it's gonna be really tough, I can see them missing out in favour of 100t and c9 along with NRG, LOUD, LEV and Furia

posted about a year ago

100t choking actually could have saved them, I would have completely ruled them out if they would have gone 0-4

posted about a year ago

I just saw their next 2 games and they are against Lev and Loud, so they may possibly go 1-3 if Lev doesn't choke. Do yall think they will be able to bounce back from 3 losses in a row?

posted about a year ago

if they start winning, your prolly gonna start hating them then cuz theyre fans are loud and annoying af

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nukkye has looked good on every team he is been on, he was G2's best player for large portions

posted about a year ago

Good luck getting Babybay off Jett :)

posted about a year ago

if Sentinels are depending on Tenz's firepower there is no hope for this team cus Zekken and Pancada are powerhouses, they have got Marved on the bench for more firepower and Sacy pops off occasionally, this team should not be reliant on Tenz on firepower.

posted about a year ago

2-0 City or a jammy 1-0 for Bayern

posted about a year ago

No doubt this situation is absolutely terrible and hope no1 has to go through it but with how rich Tenz actually is, he can easily take a break from pro play, theres literally no need for him to stress himself even more by playing pro or hold his team back cause he is not able to give the game attention.

posted about a year ago

lmao my bad then, this shits confusing, anyways thought it would still be easy to understand what I said since only the teams from franchise league should be in the consideration for tier 1 but yea my mistake lol

posted about a year ago

learn to read brother, I said teams that make playoffs which is 6 teams, but honestly, I can only guarantee seeing NRG, LEV and LOUD maybe Furia in playoffs so currently I only consider these teams tier 1 in Americas.

posted about a year ago

DSG made top 8 without Yay, he is only gonna make the team better, ofc it wont be easy but I definitely see potential

posted about a year ago

What is T1 according to you? cus I only consider teams that can make VCL playoffs as T1, cant be having 10-15 teams in tier 1, the word loses its meaning.

posted about a year ago

Yay will still stay relevant + otv clout bonus
Contract must be super flexible cus pretty sure Toast knows he cant hold on to him for long
gets paid something instead of no money
gets to be a pro instead of playing ranked all day
he maybe rusty and may not have a great agent pool but is still good enough to farm t2 players
also its hard for him to not be the best player on a team like DSG
Shows he can settle for a lower salary

only way is up for yay

posted about a year ago

Everyone other than Tenz and Sen fans know he is overhyped, sadly there are just too many of them who think he is the best player in the world

posted about a year ago

Bro he is just chilling playing games instead of sitting at home jobless, This situation is literally no risk high reward for Yay, he is gonna be starman on DSG and is always gonna perform so if any top teams wants a replacement they are always gonna have him in mind, he is not at risk of being forgotten like Wardell

posted about a year ago

Still think M80 and Guard are much better but I would say they are definitely top 4 now

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Zekken is literally their best player

posted about a year ago

Nah, I can definitely see MIBR causing some upsets

posted about a year ago

I don't see EG giving a tough match to a team like MIBR

posted about a year ago

the problem is there arent many good igls in NA, like who do they pick up?
Shahz: thts not happening
Vanity: he just signed for SR
Johnqt: he is doing good on m80, wont leave
Zander: same as johnqt

posted about a year ago

Ethan is still playing

posted about a year ago

Bro I pray to god I am not this immature when I am 60

posted about a year ago

would be nice to see an APAC team win tbh

posted about a year ago

tbf s0m can flex any agent if fns/chet want him to

posted about a year ago

We hear this before ever tournament just for them to end up top 4

posted about a year ago

NRG always starts slow, so their game against LEV is really not a good indicator how good LEV is

posted about a year ago

"forced to ego peek" LMAOOOOOOO

posted about a year ago

isnt that 90% of sen fanbase?

posted about a year ago

Oh, you must not have seen the hate Zekken got

posted about a year ago

In lock in, it was Zekkens fault
today, it was Dephhs fault,
Whose next? (Hint: anybody except Tenz)

posted about a year ago

he has had this problem since CS, he is just not that guy

posted about a year ago

That whole Xset roster fluked to lan last year cus everyone except Optic in NA was shit, now all of them are getting exposed, Zekkens the only good one

posted about a year ago

Here is some truth for you:
Beating 100t does not make you good, it makes 100t shit
Tenz aint a top 10 Jett, its not 2021 anymore
Your best player is on your bench
Chet owns Sykko
FNS owns NA
so come to NRG and support the only hope NA has :)

and NRG fans, wtf were yall worried about? loll

posted about a year ago

I got hate for saying he is not top 10 jett, but its just the truth

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

When they start losing moron

posted about a year ago

What are you tryna say, his duelist didnt really work last week and if his sentinel doesnt work today, how is it not his fault?

posted about a year ago

I mean this is literally the time to experiment so I think its fine

posted about a year ago

Wait till he gets that hair transplant, its over for everyone

posted about a year ago

Tenz gonna get diffed so hard

posted about a year ago

Replace Yay with Prod and this roster would be unstoppable

posted about a year ago

he is there just to save NRG some funds

posted about a year ago

you dont know keif bro?

posted about a year ago
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