Flag: Brazil
Registered: July 11, 2022
Last post: February 1, 2023 at 11:47 PM
Posts: 6

Chora não, bagre! Peidou na hora do vamo vê, nunca ganhou um camp internacional pq sempre chocam. Vc e seu time são superestimados mais que qualquer coisa nesse jogo, nunca ganharam nada e nem vão, PQ SÃO BAGRES.
A crítica maior é de colocarem um Bagre igual vc acima de player com muito mais resultado. Devia se preocupar mais com o tiktoker do seu time q paga de IGL e faz eco no OT, doq ficar rebatendo comentários de espectadores q machucaram seu ego inflado.
Tenho inglês fluente já faz 10 anos, mas tô escrevendo em pt mesmo, gringo metido aqui não!

posted about 2 years ago

You don't know Noyn?

posted about 2 years ago

KRU deco chegou

posted about 2 years ago

Well, I think that Onur will continue in LATAM, but if he was going to train Mwzera, he would have to make sure the player would listen to him

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, for me, it doesn't make any sense to bring mwzera to a super team, it's obvious that he has possibly the best aim in the scenario, but he plays without brain, eats smoke and rush like a sick person, besides he doesn't accept criticism of his team about him (as we can see in the VK video on YT).

The next super team will need people who communicates well and makes good use of utilities, I thought something like:

Jzz - Duelist
Heat - chamber/operator
Nzr - flex
Frz - smoke (yes)
Shion - 2nd flex

posted about 2 years ago