Esse time da MIbr é ruim demais, não tem como competir com Murizz e FRZ.
Flag: | Botswana |
Registered: | September 14, 2021 |
Last post: | February 23, 2025 at 9:21 AM |
Posts: | 853 |
Esse time da MIbr é ruim demais, não tem como competir com Murizz e FRZ.
Consistently choking, not Tier S, Tier A.
2 years later and DRX still overated AF
Nope, BR Lol sucks, bunch of old washed up players in a dying scene.
Yeah, he does not even translate, just go freestyle with whatever is in his mind, lol.
No potential, bunch of mediocre players overhyped by NA fans.
This is a very young roster still, the fact that they are wining so soon is actually amazing
5) not a scummy rich NA org with oil money but still can compete
Didn't Immortals bought the brand when they got the SK lineup?
Absolute fluke, this team is not going to contend with FZR and Burriz as IGL.
Eu não to falando sobre os fatos e reportagens, to falando sobre processos judiciais, antecedentes criminais, sobre a efetiva situação jurídica dos caras, tu sabe alaguma coisa sobre isso? Por qual razão tu está jogando a merda no ventilador antes mesmo de acontecer algo? Tu quer chamar a atenção para isso porque ?
Tu tem certeza destas informações? Tu sabe o andamento e resultado dos processos ou so está revivendo esse passado para tentar prejudicar os caras?
Não é só staff né, existe um limite que a staff consegue tirar com o material humano.
Murizz, Xand melhor jogador e muito melhor igl
Yeah, i don`t understand WY some Brazilians need approval from trolls and NA/EMEA... We should just keep doing our party, enjoying the event and f them.
Sabe em qual horário e onde vão passar os jogos?
Rinha de bagre
Sure Bud, organizers are clueless and never touched the grass like most of the nerds ob this site
Oh, they are not;
Sacy was as CS:Source player before LOL
Impossível, certeza absoluta que vai dar Fntic
Sacy is a great leader and have huge knowledge of the game, but honestly, I think Frod was an absurd upgrade at coaching too, so I am not sure if tactically they did not get better. It is the first tourney of the year, all teams have a lot to grow.
It is a young team with a new lineup, their testing things and finding out on the go...
Loud is very young and this is their first tournament together...
SK won 2 majors ans about 10 more big tournaments... Too early
Honestly it is nor near as popular, and I think will take a long time if ever happens.
Honestly, the more I know sentinels, more convinced I am that this org is amateur and this is going to go south fast.
Cara, tanto na Haven quanto Ascent a tatica inicial era boa, trabalho do técnico, mas assim que a Fnatic se adaptou e mudou, a Furia demorou para se adaptar. Também em round decisivos o posicionamento ficou faltando, na prorrogação teve um que o Qck ficou aberto no janelão e permitiu que o Derke matasse ele, teve outro round na prog que o DG claramente jogou adiantado pela Kill, sendo que ele só precisava ganhar tempo e os caras desarmaram com menos de 1 sec... essas calls são do igl...
Exato, esse time tem muito potencial, mas falta um igl, esse jogo de hoje foi perdido em vários rounds onde eles tinham vantagem e tomaram decisões ruins.
This SEN team can go south really fast...
Cryyyy bsbyyyyy great song from Janis Joplin for Emea fans
Not going to lie, this round was very bad, 4x1 and you yoloing spamming from smoke... not good igling