Even assuming comparing IGLs and non-IGLs in a discussion about dropping a player is valid, including FNS is unfair as he has only played breach on initiator as his APR on breach is well below mistic. Most of his APR seems to come from viper and that’s just not a valid comparison. That leaves benkai, d4v41 (who to be fair actually has better apr on initiator than his overall stats due to him also playing chamber and who I probably should’ve included first time mb) stax, shy and Leo with higher APR (though the difference w shy and esp Leo is statistically insignificant). I will also admit that while looking at this, i noticed that though his breach is very solid and his Skye isn’t bad either for support, his kayo isn’t the best when compared to others in a similar role, and that is probably his biggest weakness in role. The acs point is eh as his role is basically not to frag ever