Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 16, 2021
Last post: November 12, 2023 at 1:43 PM
Posts: 40


posted about a year ago

Tell me more about it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ez for LOUD. They're sending another EU team home

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NRG playing for their spot in playoffs. LOUD keep running the same strats every map to save new stuff for playoffs. NRG winning this one does not say much.

posted about a year ago

dgzin clears

posted about a year ago

LOUD is 100% hiding strats for playoffs and NA teams are still free for them. Thats what we learn today.

posted about a year ago

LOUD is even hiding strats for playoffs.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, make a word class initiatior play smokes to make a lot of bad players more confortable. Who would know that is not gonna work....

posted about a year ago

Bzka is Chet's father.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago




posted about a year ago

L crowd

posted about a year ago

NA = clown crowd. Even EMEA is better

posted about a year ago

2-0 ez for FURIA

posted about a year ago

I understand that they don't want pancada in smokes due to communication issues. So I'll keep him in the sentinel role (even though he is the best controller in the world).

Sentinel - pancada
Initiatior - Sacy
Flex - dephh
Smokes - Marved
Duelist: Zekken for Raze games, TenZ for Jett games

posted about a year ago

Good point. I think that playoffs are a real possibility for MIBR and EG. 6 spots out of 10. Sentinels will take time to find some chemistry between the players. So, I am not expecting them to insta perfom well. I'm also expecting Marved to join the initial roster at some point , with Zekken leaving the team (most people believe that Deph is the one getting out). FURIA and 100T have great chance of giving upsets to LOUD, NRG and LEV. I really think MIBR will surprise us positively. There is no world KRU and C9 get playoffs with the current lineups.

posted about a year ago

Kenzit was a great addition, but KRU still needs more upgrades in my opinion.

posted about a year ago

I'm curious to see some tierlists for the upcoming VCT Americas. Teams on the left are better than teams on the right. Please share yours.

Tier S: LOUD NRG Leviatan
Tier A: FURIA 100T
Tier B: Sentinels
Tier C: EG MIBR C9
Tier D: KRU

posted about a year ago

All good, we win Champions once more in the sequence. Meanwhile, NA fans mad they don't have good teams nor good crowds.

posted about 2 years ago

Look who is in the house. Good luck in franchise zekken !

posted about 2 years ago

I couldn't agree more with you.

posted about 2 years ago

I totally agree that this issue is not exclusive to Sentinels.

posted about 2 years ago

Let me give you an example. Let's say Chamber its nerfed and he is not in the meta anymore. The team is gonna play Fracture and zekken is picking Neon or Raze. What is TenZ is going to pick ?

posted about 2 years ago

He didn't play a realible ammount of games. However, Mixwell, for a specific time as a G2 player, was a really nice sucessful exemple of a full duelist switching to full flex. Maybe TenZ can do it too.

posted about 2 years ago

You might be right. But I honestly think they should do the opposite based in what we have seen so far from both of them on Raze and Neon.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like there is a conflict of roles in this new Sentinels roster between TenZ and zekken. In my opinion TenZ it is an amazing player with Jett, Chamber and Reyna (if she gets more buffs). On the other hand, zekken is way better with Raze and Neon. Riot already public said that Chamber is getting more nerfs. That means that if they play any composition without Chamber, one of them will have to flex. If its zekken, it is OK. He already did that on the past. He won't be able to play initiatior now that they have Sacy on the team, but I can easily see him adapting to other picks. But let's say the team needs a Raze and TenZ has to flex ? Then what is going to happen ?

posted about 2 years ago

Less >>>>>> TenZ

posted about 2 years ago

Tá safe. O Spacca vai doutrinar o Tuyz na role de controlador.

posted about 2 years ago

This is not a weak team. Better than FURIA and MIBR so far.

posted about 2 years ago

That was extremely accurate. However, the downgrade version of Optic is much better than the downgrade version of LOUD. Sentinels got only 2 LOUD's players wich did not include their IGL. Ardiis and Som are good replacements for Yay and Marved. I'm not sure if you can say the same for Zekken, Deph and Tenz, specially comparing them to Aspas, Saadhak and Less.

posted about 2 years ago

You guys didn't realize yet that LOUD is falling apart. The players already received offers from NA and EMEA teams. Since they count as imports for EMEA, it is really likely that we'll see their players either on EG or Sentinels. Money dif.

posted about 2 years ago

Acho que não. Eles vão jogar nas franquias mesmo que pela LOUD. Nem que seja para esperar ate o próximo ano para ir pra org gringa.

posted about 2 years ago

Are you guys ready for the world where Sentinels get LOUD's players ?

Duelist - TenZ
Initiatior - Sacy
Flex and IGL - Sadhaak
Controler - Pancada
Sentinel - Dapr

posted about 2 years ago

Se a Loud der disband tem 2 cenários. Ou os jogadores vão para o EMEA ou para times do NA.

Se forem pro EMEA, vai ser no máximo 2 por time, porque eles contam como import. Se forem ficar nas Américas, tem apenas 2 possibilidades. Seria ou EG ou Sentinels. C9, 100T e NRG já fecharam a lineup. A EG tem a possibilidade de contratar a line inteira da LOUD. A Sentinels não vai jogar fora o TenZ. Tem um rumor que seria Aspas e Less pra um lado e Sacy, Sadhaak e Pancada para outro. Existe um mundo então de Sentinels com Sacy Sadhaak Pancada TenZ e Dapr. Eu vou continuar torcendo por eles.

posted about 2 years ago

Hey bro, the brackets were randomized. The only condition was to put teams of the same region on opposite sides. There is also a lower bracket so you can see more games of your region. It is free to cry.

posted about 3 years ago