Flag: India
Registered: August 17, 2023
Last post: February 23, 2025 at 9:53 AM
Posts: 13

Nats Supremacy !!!!!!!!! sending Sentinels to airport.

posted 4 weeks ago

It would have been ge vs prx most likely not really see the potential in ge rn to pull that it's fine tho definitely would have been nice first time ge making play off

posted 10 months ago

yeah and some how lower bracket / play-in winners get map veto advantage too this format is joke no incentive for winners

posted about a year ago

why is map advantage being given to lower bracket and not upper bracket in kick off?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nats please come online and win

posted about a year ago

Damn completely forgot the Chinese skins are left and they have colourful logo tbh might get some decent skins...

posted about a year ago

XD even in India any real traction only started in covid b4 that that one incident killed it pretty much or ppl won't watch or support much.

posted about a year ago

The format had teams like:
Zeta play 5 series in 5 days on 4 days not to mention it will be 2 series back to back
TS as well had it rough 4 series in 3 days and again 2 series back to back in play ins
Geng maybe due to luck had it paced out comparatively and getting break in 2 playin series

Overall the games could have been 2 a day like other leagues this started after Americas and ending way before Americas.

Group stages were 4-5 days for most teams compared to 7 to 9 days in other leagues.

This quick group stages could have been utilized to make the playin one a day ( tho I understand not really works out well) to prevent teams having back to back 4 to 6 maps.

Again geng was given map veto advantage despite being play-in team (lower bracket / lower seed) didn't riot say that upper brackets are given map advantage to reward them for wins so why this now.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but even last year he was performing when his team was not Nats is too consistent

posted about a year ago

🫠🤣🤣 LMAO. GE defense looking weak in general same story yesterday too much choke.

posted about a year ago