Flag: United States
Registered: April 4, 2021
Last post: July 16, 2023 at 3:46 PM
Posts: 136
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Naruto was my first anime andd it was goated so its a rightful 10. I gave the first season of bakugan a 10/10 and season 2 a 7/10. anything after that is dogshit. if u think season 3 or 4 of bakugan is good, ur the one that needs to get ur brain checked.

posted about a year ago

for alicization I enjoyed eugeos character a lot so I rated it high and I didn't mind the slow pacing. and for neverland I only saw the first 2 episodes of it so that's why I rated it a 7. I know it gets bad later on so I didn't continue it.

posted about a year ago

bro thinks I watched 225 animes in a year. That shit was in the span of 8+ years.

posted about a year ago

It's in the span of like 8 years. I go outside quite a lot.

posted about a year ago

They won all the APAC tourneys and showed that they are a powerhouse at international stage. Came top 4 in the last masters, making it farther than all the European teams. This masters they showed up and beat 2 out of 3 European teams and beat arguably the a contender for winning this tournament (fnatic). So as far as I'm concerned they are pretty good .

posted about 2 years ago

I remember you saying APAC is dogshit and haven't won shit. But now they got a win over EMEAS best. Kind of a L.

posted about 2 years ago

You could have covid and be completely unaffected or have covid and be fkn dying out there. I know for a fact if I'm dying while playing, I won't put up numbers. So it heavily depends on each player and if they have symptoms showing or not.

posted about 2 years ago

Why don't they? What is stopping them from scrimming? Sure sick had to leave for the last 2 matches and tenz was sick the last one. But before that they still lost all their matches. Its simple to say "if they were doing this then maybe they would have accomplished that", but the question is why havent they? I see shahzam playing ranked all the time, if he has time for that, he can scrim with the team. But they simply aren't. Talent isn't everything. Work ethic matters a lot. With sens work ethic they will never be top 1-2 team in NA again the way they are right now. Sure when they game was out they were the best team in the world and that is because the team was really talented. They even won the first international tournament, but everyone elses work ethic was good and they kept improving. Sens talent simply was not enough and now they arent even a top 10 team in NA.

posted about 2 years ago

It is going to take time for a coach to implement things. Take a look at chet for example. He joined optic and optic did okay at worlds and everyone hated on chet for being a bad coach and shit. Then optic won masters and chet is all of a sudden a good coach. So its been less than a month since rawkus got resigned and they got a new 5th. They need to work out agent comps and a lot of other things since the meta keeps shifting, but once they get everything fixed, they could expand upon and get more team synergy and actually start winning shit.

posted about 2 years ago

I would put T1 at garbo, I could see them losing to renegades and whatever that other team is. Evil genius is up at great.

posted about 2 years ago

and to be fair i havnet seem much optic fans like that cuz they have always been consistent even though they got clapped at champs, been a top 5 na team throughout every year, put up good resullts at every international event besides champs and yeah. Not sure why optic fans would have to be embarrassed about that.

posted about 2 years ago

lots of teams have fans like that.

posted about 2 years ago

Not a true fan if you don't stick through the ups and downs. If you are only a fan when they are good whats the point? A fan is supposed to support their team when they are at their lowest but u just switch up until they are good again lol

posted about 2 years ago

Guess I have to prove this dumb braziliean wrong yet again smh. Optic is not a super team. First of all, FNS has been part of the team from the very beginning. He was always known as a good igl and been doing it for a while, but constantly everyone be making fun of FNS for his aim and kda. Then we got crashies who was a top 5 sova in NA, but he been trying different roles like viper. He has been a good player throughout his years on the team. Victor who was crashies duo since T1 days has been a good duelist, but he got switched to flex and has been playing it pretty well. Marved was added to the team since he was a good smoke player. Nobody thought marved would be a top 5 smoke player in the world at the time, but he played and played and just kept improving. Their last addition YAY is the only super player that everyone could have agreed upon before Optic won reykjavik. He been dropping 40+ during scrims back and forth and was really hyped up and lived up to the hype for the most part. 4 out of these 5 players have all just been good or above average and there was nothing super about them, but now with this roster they won reykjavik so people are calling them a super team from NA. They have good talent, but NA has better talent, its just Optic has a better vision for the game than others. However, ur LOUD has literally the best sova from BRazil, best Igl, best smoke, tied for the best jett along with Heat, and best sentinel player. And that team got clapped by an above average talented NA team with good structure. (U really made me type all this for no reason u delusional moron)

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think there is any point in arguing what he has accomplished in cs because that correlates to nothing in valorant. We saw talented players from cs switch to valorant and for some it worked, and others it didn't. But whats important is seans understanding of valorant. Ive been to his stream a couple of times for when he vod reviewed matches and he does seem to know a lot about the game at a high level. So we can't really judge them yet cuz they completely rebuilt the roster, but they do seem to have the talent to make it far. It just depends on how all things work out.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't really care, but when someone is as stupid as you, I gotta humble them. Talking shit about C9 being a LOUD fan. So yknow had to humble u by saying Optic 3-0d ur dogshit brazilean super team. "im not mad", yet u proceed to curse so much its sad and u just sound so mad the way u type. Must suck being a hardcore fan when ur team is ass. Any NA team violates ur region. EZ dubs. Stay mad shitter

posted about 2 years ago

I don't feel like explaining myself. Just look at how mad you sound in that message. I could care less who the better team is. This shit is just funny how mad a braziliean fan gets over their team taking a fat L. Drop the ego and know ur place lol

posted about 2 years ago

The only embarassing thing is u needed to type all of this to prove what to who? Nothing changes the fact Brazils best team got 3-0d by NA. So maybe instead of yall giving death threats to other teams, maybe calm down and just hold this L yall got.

posted about 2 years ago

They aren't a super team though. It's the same roster it was for about a year now. Only difference is they added Yay. You brazilians be taking Ls and Ls and keep changing roster and are like "this time we will win", and this was by far the best team you created, the best players in each respective role, and yall still took a fat L by NAs team.

posted about 2 years ago

Didn't ur super team with the best players from brazil get 3-0d by Optic? embarassing

posted about 2 years ago

They did actually. They won the first time and lost the 2nd time. But they are better than guard at LAN which u could tell from the guards performance at reykjavik.

posted about 2 years ago

I could see crashies and trent top 3, but eeiu this year so far hasn't proven to be a top 3 sova. His performance this year has been a lot worse than last year. Maybe a top 5 sova at best, but so far derrek has been better than eeiu.

posted about 2 years ago

We have to see how good asuna does on Flex. Bang was a decent smoke player before, will was decent on duelist, stellar has always just been good, and derrek is top 3 sova NA.

posted about 2 years ago

cryo - chamber
yay- jett
marved - smokes
trent - initiator
victor - flex

so who here igls?

posted about 2 years ago

It's the guards first lan as in the whole team, not just 1 player. People handle it differently but in the end paper rex handled it better and performed better.

posted about 2 years ago

I mean sure if Surf pushed FNS would be 5 iq. BUT FNS read Surf like a book making him 500 IQ predicting he wouldn't push. Think about it.

posted about 2 years ago

I think they started trialing a while ago. They just decided to inform us today.

posted about 2 years ago

and this month just started. They release new rosters about a week before tournament. They got time.

posted about 2 years ago

Aspas is really good but as a jett player individually heat is better. He's not that good at awping imo, but his rifling is top tier. Aspas just had the better team so it made him player better against Heat.

posted about 3 years ago

TSM Academy is a tier 2 team.

posted about 3 years ago

3 of the 5 players live in texas. Tenz moved to Texas to play in the tournament where he did good. When he lived in LA he kept bottom fragging.

posted about 3 years ago

TSM violates Paper Rex

posted about 3 years ago

This is why Paper Rex didn't make it past groups. LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

They gave him an opportunity at a Tier 1 Pro scene at that time. Sure they put him on omen first, but they were testing ideas and things. If you kept up with the scene, you would see they got him off the omen and put him onto duelists. And he was doing really good, but since T1 wasn't winning anything nobody really talked about it. But since the dd8 joined, they pretty much got rid of him. But now he is back on the scene and is proving what he can do.

posted about 3 years ago

whyd ur change ur flag from brazil to sweden ?

posted about 3 years ago

I never said he was shit duelist. Just said he isn't all that. And its not just that 1 match. Instead of being an overdefensive fan, look at the stats yourself, and watch the vods. He has more impact on flex agents than duelist.

posted about 3 years ago

When he was a top 10 jett was before Liquid was a good team. Ec1s helped set him up for a decent portion of his kills and some of his kills were lucky (I KNOW ITS HARD TO BELIEVE). People back during those days weren't as structured as people are now. And they did put scream on jett for a while last year during champions and he wasn't really doing anything special. He was just an average jett. I think during the match Liquid vs SEN on breeze, he was like 0-11 cuz he kept smoking and dashing on site and instantly dying. If that's how you play you are def not a top 10 jett. Now him on any other agents, he is fragging out and allowing his teammates that do play duelist to play it and also get frags. He is def a flex/support player imo.

posted about 3 years ago

U down bad homie. Mfer gave overflow and miru tights a 10 LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

Hey this mickey mouse tourney had some big names, T1, Gen G, FaZe, and TSM 2-0d all of them.

posted about 3 years ago

Can we take a moment and appreciate the fact that TSM won a tournament. And now that subroza is igling for the team I think it will be successful, cuz TSM at their peak when they beat SEN in Faze Clan Invitational was with Roza igling. Now that roza is igling again they finally won a tournament and who knows, maybe they can go far in big tournaments as well. But all in all, its a good sign for TSM.

posted about 3 years ago

Cloud9 = 9
version1 = 1
9-1 = 8

posted about 3 years ago

I mean if you think about it. He had to have been special. They flew over an igl from EU when there were plenty of good igls that they could have bought out from here. But since they did bring him from EU, he must have been good. But the results don't show that. And TSM isn't even that bad rn. They need more tournament exp and will get better over time. ALready they beat Gen G 2-0. ANd now they have to face T1. I Think they will lose to T1 but hopefully they can make it closer than the last time.

posted about 3 years ago

Then they need to fire the coach LMFAO

posted about 3 years ago

My dude comes all the way from EU to NA after having very little success there. He as part of the reason Liquid was trash. Goes to NIP, they were an alright team. Now in NA, he makes Asuna play chamber in ascent? and gets 13-0d. Like even TSM ain't that bad. They would at least get 1 round lol.

posted about 3 years ago

ec1s is terrible.

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah they didn't fight any tier 1 teams. But that's not what I'm talking about. You can't say wardell is a bad chamber, when all he has been doing is playing consistently good on Chamber against the teams he had faced so far. Sure, maybe if he faces tier 1 teams he won't do as good, but we don't know that. So we can't say he's a bad chamber. It goes both ways. So from the data available, all we can conclude is his chamber is pretty good.

posted about 3 years ago

wardell plays bad with chamber ? My boy. Wardell has 1 of the highest ACS as chamber, if not, the highest.

posted about 3 years ago

Crashies got sova diffed the whole match against Rise by Derrek. But pre VCT, he was definitely a top 3 sova. Maybe he just had a bad match. We gotta wait and see tho.

posted about 3 years ago
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