I started going to the gym 2 years ago I've gained 50 pounds and gained genuine nutrition information and regarding to the gym. This btw has nothing to with fucking motivation and everything to do with discipline. I first started to track my diet picked out certain high calorie items off my diet and replaced them with lower Cal alternates, I'd then proceed to then figure out my maintence calories and drop it down 300-400( you can go more if you can handle it). second I incorporated activities like swimming golf basically things you'd actually enjoy. Now proceeding with the gym, I'd recommend trying out a sauna if you have one and then proceeding for doing basic cardio that you like. Thats the fat loss/calorie burner portion. To build muscle I'd recommend checking out the "Mike Mentzer way" or HIIT training. If youd like muscle building plans in easy to chew parts check out TNF, JPG, Ryan Jewers and others on TikTok. ( I'm gonna be totally honest with motivation comes and goes every morning I wake up and tell myself I don't wanna go to marine training i dont wanna do this that, You have to build discipline, sure your body is going to hurt at the start due to egregious muscle tears but as your body repairs itself it will get easier simply stick to it