Flag: Vietnam
Registered: May 13, 2024
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 11:39 PM
Posts: 3

Look, i'm a long time EU fan, mostly Fnatic (League + Valorant) and G2 (League) from league to Valorant for over a decade, and as much as i love Leo as the next Fnatic fan, Aspas is just way too impressive as a solo duelist to not consider as the best duelist atm, and the natural of the role and his playstyle just makes him very hard to not be considered as the best player right now.
You just knows whatever duelist role/agent you wanna put him on, he either gonna carry the whole team even with an Ascent only Radiant AverageJonas on the team or just crash with the team cause he's outnumbered.

Leo, chronicle, Alfajer are to me the goats, with Chronicle being the absolute man. But unless i'm like 15 years younger, i don't have enough bias to shit on the players on the other teams to bring them up.

posted 9 months ago

My man, if yay was this mythical being of never being his fault, he deserves to be in the tip top of valorant competitive and it was BLD fault, then you are on a whole another level of delusional than the yay haters.

He was being paid "EXTRA" cause they still thought he was a click head god, but when he can't even do that, he doesn't worth the "EXTRA" . His utilities are terrible while playing flex like have you seen his viper game(s)?

At the end of playoff split and even now, Aspas still put on numbers showing he's the best duelist in the world while his team was underperforming, and he's doing it in Americas tier1 and in shanghai against teams Yay couldn't do shit against, let alone yay was playing in APAC and still put on subpar stats against team that don't even clear main with utilities. People aren't hating Yay cause he made BLEED weak, there aren't that many BLD fan in the first place, most people who flame him is just to have internet flame war against people like you constantly butter him up. He himself says he been playing terrible individually trying to flex, cause he needs to adapt instead of being called a chamber merchant forever, but somehow you guys ignore his own words

posted 9 months ago

Now what? lol

posted 9 months ago