Flag: Slovenia
Registered: August 11, 2021
Last post: May 3, 2024 at 2:46 PM
Posts: 143
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Our best 3 teams are on the same side of bracket. Either Heretics or Navi will have to miss masters.

posted 10 months ago

How did they fail so hard to imporve their weak points

posted 11 months ago

Sure our bottom five teams are bad giantx,koi,bbl,tl and vit but our top five are quite stacked just wait for them to warm up.

posted 11 months ago

seed 2?

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Surely kangkang is aimbot

posted 11 months ago

His utility is actually quite if you look

posted 11 months ago

He is said to be best player of the team and the hottest prospect of EMEA, do your research bro

posted about a year ago

It also says patitek is stand-in, but he will stay as a sub when wo0t comes

posted about a year ago

Vlr has it wrong

posted about a year ago

No wo0t is starting 5 but he is still 17

posted about a year ago

That's not so bad

posted about a year ago

What's your opinion on hours of games. For us europeans it's perfect, bu i am interested in other regions as we generate the least viewers.

posted about a year ago

Damn didn't know it would hurt this much. We kept the roster and had all this free time to prepare for what to go 0 and 2 . Actually destroyed my rest of the week.

posted about a year ago

His icebox game might have just given me a little hopium. But still wouldn't it be much better to have nukkye on a raze(one of the best razes in eu btw) and have fit1nho on a jett and an initiator where he can still contibute without having to pop off. Hoddy can go sentinel and redgar stays on smoke.

posted about a year ago

Don't hate bro he actually gave his honest opinion and explained it. Quite rare for this site

posted about a year ago

Not to mention he is almost bottom fragging on a raze which is his best agent

posted about a year ago

As someone who has watched every giants game and has been fan from beggining, I also saw him as a good role player not a superstar but still a good guy to have on a team but that is just not the case. Take one random game and watch only him, you will see that he is just straight up messing things up, he does enter the site but, except that that he almost never gets first blood, he enters in a such untradable way that it's almost impossible to get any value from that. I don't hate the guy besides his skill issues he is great, whenever i watched him last year and he had a bad game(almost every other match) i just tought unlucky and that he will warm up soon but that just didn't happen for a year now. His peeks are just bad and he doesn't have a good feeling of game flow. Besides a team that doesn't have a duelist who can win a round or two every so often by himself can't win champions.

posted about a year ago

Nah i would say he is consistently bad

posted about a year ago

I need your honest opinion on fit1hno because i can't watch this anymore.

posted about a year ago

He had potential for the last 3 years. His potential is one good game per split

posted about a year ago

Agree all but nukkye

posted about a year ago

Agree but timeout thing is still weird

posted about a year ago

Tbh i don't know why we didn't have a single timeout

posted about a year ago

He is on the wrong agents. HIs raze is 10000000% better than fit1nho's

posted about a year ago

The only reason he is in the team is because he is spanish!!!!!!!

posted about a year ago

Plssssss drop him already he has been terrible from the start of franchising plsssssssssss. We are playing 4v5 with hoody

posted about a year ago

We might have not beaten the record of longest overtime(fpx 22 - 24 forze), but we got the single longest map by time 3 hours 22 minutes! Congratcs VCT Pacific

Edit: Ignore the title typo

posted about a year ago

Today may in fact end tomorrow

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Did they really change our logo to yellow so china can be red. First the format video and know twitter account changed logo.

posted about a year ago

EMEA would generate much more viewers if we had more than 2 good teams, but that wont happen because teams can't improve with playing just 10 games, if there would be more opportunities teams and players would naturaly improve and they would get more fans like some teams in cs

posted about a year ago

For those that don't know each team in vct 2024 will play just a total of 10 games throughout regular season, beacuse of mostly two things. First being team fatigue, some coaches (mostly chet) like to cry how the season is too long and that they don't have enough time but that is just bs for example NBA regular season last for 5 months in which each team plays 82!!!!! matches and that's 82 matches of basketball real physical sport not esports that require much less time and keep in mind that NBA teams have to change tactics almost every game so they keep the win streak. But no valorant is somehow too hard and exhausting to even play half of that. Second reason is this: they think we just want to see top 5 five teams compiting, which if you look at the format is exactly what we are getting I mean masters madrid has only 8 teams and teams that lose 3 matches in regular season are done for at least 2 months or even for 6+ months after second split because this year there is no lcq which were in my opinion second most hyped tournaments after champs. They think we want to see short tournaments of top teams 3 times a year and that's all, we as a val community need to stand up say exactly what we want, which for me is: much longer regular seasons with each team playing at least 10+ matches a split with there being at least 5 matches per week, shorter offseason we literaly had 4 months of nothing, at least one lcq per year, and bigger international tournaments i mean 8 teams is just shameful but even that is acceptable as long as the regular season improves.

Why did we even start franchising if there are going to be so little matches no wonder orgs are going bankrupt when there is no source of income for a majority of year (viewership and growing clout).

Edit: I chose NBA because it is great a great example of succesful franchising

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If anything this raze meta suits even better to sinatraa

posted about a year ago

Actually facts

posted about a year ago

I'm interested in how you na fans see fut. Where would u rank the team if it were to be transfered to na vct. Try to compare it each team and write down who do u think is better than fut and who is worse.

For those that dont know the players as they mostly came from emea tier 2: qraxs initiator/flex with cracked aim, he is basically what people were hoping asuna would be, mrfallin is ok igl who plays sova breach and sentinels and frequently clutches, yetujey is in short less 2.0 and atakaptan is ok smoker with above average aim(turkish aim buff).

Edit: This is directed to Na but anyone can answer if they are unbiased. Personally didn't yet compare teams with pacific as i don't have any idea how teams will probably preform.

posted about a year ago

cNed --> Sentinels

posted about a year ago

Everyday with every passing moment you fall lower and lower

posted about a year ago

Actually sick but the new logo sucks

posted about a year ago

Anyone knows what happend to giants and why they rebranded to Giantx?

posted about a year ago

Aren't n4rrate, tomaszy and marteen all duelists?

posted about a year ago

Anyone know what happened to it. It says it should have started 4 days ago.

posted about a year ago

i was being sarcastic

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

might be

posted about a year ago

Is it me or did the quality of teams dwindle. I mean Emea lost TL and there weren't any big upgrades, NA lost eg, cloud9 is somehow even worse, nrg doesn't even have a roster and in china edg started trolling. Pacific might be the ony region that acctually impoved with t1 being better and Geng signing good players.

posted about a year ago

Keiko just might be ronaldo

posted about a year ago

doesn't make them any less mid

posted about a year ago

Agree but that team would 13-0 this one

posted about a year ago
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