Flag: Germany
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: April 23, 2023 at 3:56 PM
Posts: 18

can i join?

posted about a year ago

it is.
the red variant tho

posted about 2 years ago

PUGSTARS is the strongest team rn in whole valorant.
Sentinels Upset against this goat team
sentinels are now top 1, nothing can stop them.

yesterday i told this story a stranger in a small city in Canada and they beat me to death

posted about 2 years ago

dude you are lost as fk
you blame yourself in front of the whole forum

posted about 2 years ago

its the viewsonic 240hz someone said.

posted about 2 years ago

they are sponsored by zowie and dont use their monitors this event?
is there a reason for?

posted about 2 years ago

I had the Hyperx fury large for a year and it was really good
since a week now i am using the Logitech G640 480x400 and its also really good
i would not pay over 100 Euros for a mousepad

posted about 3 years ago

haha this guy cost kru the series

posted about 3 years ago

i thought the same
what a bullshit

posted about 3 years ago

thank you

posted about 3 years ago

you are literally super funny today
you eat a clown for breakfast?

you are right, its a solution.
no NORMAL player has the Money to buy all daily rotations, and even if they have the money, they probably wouldnt spend it all on daily rotations to catch one skin they want.

posted about 3 years ago

right, thats also my point.
you have a ~ 2% Chance of getting your dreamskin in the daily rotation which got 4 " slots "
and with every new collection you get a lower chance to getting your skin.
so, the system will become a change on longer turn
but that would be a really easy solution.

posted about 3 years ago

no, we have still to pay for it, the ticket is no free ticket.

posted about 3 years ago

i've been still waiting for my Reaver Vandal. and i really read a lot and almost every player complain's about the Shop system and want their Items alltime Available, but i dont think riot will do this.

so, i really thought about a solution that can fit into the game without changing the Shop system at all. before you call me crazy, let me explain this.

Every player has that ONE Skin they really waiting for. and it's been frustrating to watch every day and not see your dreamskin in the rotation.

With the new Act, a new Battlepass is going on. and my idea was, why not giving an art Coupon/Ticket at Battlepass Level 40, 45? With that Ticket you can go in the Collection and unlock one Skin that you want to buy. ofc you have to pay for that Skin, not for free, thats to overpowered.

This is a simple solution. it would make a lot of Players really Happy while doesnt change the Current Shop system at all.

Please let us discuss over this, because i think this is a shot worth.Let me know what u guys think

Sorry for my English x)

Would be awesome if the people who actually think this is a good idea can upvote the reddit thread, in hope we can reach the riot dev's.
Small Idea for the Valorant Shop


posted about 3 years ago

i only have Headphones on my PC and can not play the Sound loud so that my mobile phone can detect it
i tried it but it didnt work.

posted about 3 years ago

dont find a official playlist from the event
only created from other users and the song i search isnt there

posted about 3 years ago

Anyone knows the song that was played in Halftime Break and after a map is over?
this " Lets Go! " and then its complete instrumental.

/e solved:

posted about 3 years ago