Flag: United States
Registered: January 10, 2022
Last post: March 15, 2022 at 9:32 PM
Posts: 24

That was one report, but another said Nitr0 wanted to play with Elige either in CS or Valorant.

posted about 2 years ago

In a stream clip Hiko talked about the reason they didn't sign zander and cryo was because they were waiting on or thought they had another duo. I'm pretty sure this was Elige and Nitr0

posted about 2 years ago

This is gonna be an issue with younger players. They need a coach and IGL that will hold them accountable.

posted about 2 years ago

I think there is too much history with Sgares and Sentinels for him not to join them as a coach.

I know nadeshot is willing and wants to win. If I'm him, I'm importing a top EU coach. Also, with Ascent being out, I'm calling them and offering them as much money as they want for cNed.

posted about 2 years ago

I somewhat agree with you as well. It certainly is structural as well, but he's not a lockdown Oper and that is NEEDED. It's hard to say if Ethan is a good IGL as he's only had a few matches doing so. This takes time to develop.

I do agree they need to take a look at their coaching staff. I'm not sure what their strats are. They do look lost at times. That said, most NA teams don't really strat well anyways.

In all honesty, If I'm 100T. I'm BEGGING Nitr0 to come back lol

posted about 2 years ago

Not a drOp hIKo tHreAd. Their main issue is that Asuna(as great as he is) is not an Oper. Jett is not his character.

  • Find/Sign TOP TIER OP main
  • Move Asuna to Flex/Second Contact - He is an INSANE Rifler
  • Keep Ethan as IGL & Sova/Chamber
  • Keep JcStani as Controller
    -Keep Hiko as Sentinel - Allows him to play passive or "Bait"

I love Bang and think he is excellent. He would be the unfortunate casualty of this scenario. I think him and asuna on the same team is really redundant. They are too similar.


posted about 2 years ago

He said he wasn't going to stream cuz he had to had to take his dog to the vet

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Sentinels better pray they dont qualify!! hahaha jk

posted about 3 years ago

He just shouldn't be their Jett. They should have kept the same roster as last year and worked to improve. They were good.

posted about 3 years ago

He wasn't that bad at all. They probably should have looked at a different change.

posted about 3 years ago

I've watched every stream of his from NA and even watched some of his from EU. He has good aim. He obviously isn't Tenz or CNED level or even the best on 100T, but it is still Radiant level and better than anyones on this thread LOL.

The IGL of the team doesn't have to have the best aim. They are generally playing a controller or sentinel and are the last to make contact. The real measure of his value to 100T will be his call outs, strats, and overall leadership.

posted about 3 years ago

What??? lolol

posted about 3 years ago

I don't know why NerdStreet doesn't have more of the games streaming.

posted about 3 years ago