Flag: India
Registered: October 14, 2021
Last post: August 3, 2024 at 3:33 PM
Posts: 65
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Also texture is not good most games lol. He's quite inconsistent. If anything Karon is the most consistent fragger.

posted 6 months ago

All of this is subjective. But stats wise, I hears casters say he'll the least flashed player. He turns a lot .

posted 6 months ago

damn lol. heating up after that game 3 for sure it looks like

posted 10 months ago

wait. when was this? i missed it

posted 10 months ago

So Monyet picks up the orb on C 3 rounds ago, double satchels into c without the ult then uses the ult after 3 entire rounds into a A fight stun?

posted 10 months ago

I mean, they said M*M was shitting on them....

posted about a year ago

I'm not even kidding. I watched less on main that round he killed 4 and thought round isn't over. and he actually fucking killed everyone. the number of times i've seen him do that is ridiculous. truly afraid of him

posted about a year ago

i mean, that's just perma ban for teams now

posted about a year ago

So lev picked Haven both times they played C9 and lost really bad, they won lotus just now which was c9's map pick. Ascent used to be their best map way back when and they've just been losing to eveyone on ascent nowadays. So, what map are they even good at ?

posted about a year ago

If i was pissed off in ranked at my team, i'd go for the same play

posted about a year ago

No whoever wins will just get an extra LCQ slot. they would still have to play LCQ right ?

posted about a year ago

Just the top 3 seeds ? what the fuck will giants play for then ? region supremacy?

posted about a year ago

I was just looking at the final champions format and it says 3 teams each from regions and then 4 LCQ teams along with 2 china teams will play champions. right now. EMEA has 4 teams decided for Tokyo. which out of those 3 get selected for champions ?

posted about a year ago

better than expected. they looked shaky vs Kru just last week

posted about a year ago

Not even sad. They played well. Tenz didn't agress. aim was on point. Zekken was fucking insane on split. It was good valorant overall today from them and I'm just really happy dude.
It's all right they don't make playoffs. Deserving teams make it. simple.

posted about a year ago

I didnt say zekken is bad or that tarik invitational is anything great. Just find it weird that zekken used to be soo good just last year

posted about a year ago

Zekken hasn't gone positive in a single map this year . 5 maps in the tarik Ludwig tourney and lock in now. What happened to him man

posted about a year ago

fuck syyko yes. Too much otv

posted about a year ago

I just find it amusing that Tenz was the only let part of the roster SykkoNT(is the spelling right ?) wasn't sure on. Everyone else he believed in .

posted about a year ago

Yeah. gambit done already. can see the preview of the bo5 already

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, apparently all sen had to do was play angles

posted about 3 years ago

my point was they were overhyped and they are. You the one in "cloud9"

posted about 3 years ago

lol. you were saying??

posted about 3 years ago

I think People counting on VS again is hopium just because they were topping their regions. They haven't done well against EMEA ever

posted about 3 years ago

Sick played like he usually does. it's pretty good, but this is stage where he should've improved

posted about 3 years ago

i know dude. logic is out of this forum

posted about 3 years ago

Nah man. Envy def won't win the whole tournament. That's again plain copium. It's gonna be mostly EMEA.

posted about 3 years ago

Okay, all you 15 16 year old kids need to chill the fuck out. Zombs, Shahzam and dapr played really well, Tenz is the only one who didn't live up to his name. But that happens. We can't just forget all the times he did carry the rest. No roster changes will help NA. You could put all 5 best agents in one Team and they will still lose, if you're depending on just taking fights and winning.
Na lost because they thought they were the deal, but they sure fucking not. No team will ever win when they have a single person who out frags everyone. Also the Reason why gambit is so good.
At least learn from this and get better, as they should have after losing masters 3 so horribly.

GG Sentinels. You tried. It's fine. Especially Zombs, Shahzam and dapr, you guys improved a lot individually.

posted about 3 years ago

Let's be honest. Ascend definitely not it. And Fnatic has looked strong, but not sure it will be the same against other emea teams. Has to be liquid or Gambit. Liquid looks strong but Gambit just plays val like it's a team game.
Still hoping Sen will make a comeback but that's that.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I thought sentinels was the only Na team who was completely mechanical, I didn't watch any of envy's matches in masters 3 except the one with sentinels, but they seem more braindead than sentinels. wtf is with NA teams.

posted about 3 years ago

People either get jett's like Tenz, derke and Cned where they will outperform everyone in the server or Duelists like Buzz and Gtn where they don't have much impact compared to what they should be doing on the only duelist.
I think Liquid and Gambit are the only team where everyone performs on an equal footing.
So why is it just ascend called cned and friends??
And jett has a 100 pick rate for a reason, and even though duelists don't have to outperform, they obviously have the utility to do so.

posted about 3 years ago

So far in this tournament it looks like Nivera, Derke and Tenz are the people leagues above in their server. Tenz although did seem very off.

posted about 3 years ago

The more and more I look at teams, I feel like I'm getting ready for a letdown with sentinels. A lot of teams are looking really strong and lot of match ups with be really close I believe. Hopefully our team has put on actual effort, because as far as I remember, they just fucking streamed 10 hours a day

posted about 3 years ago

i mean, there haven't been any tourneys since berlin, they couldn't possibly be the only form of practise they have. it's literally the most important tournament of the year. and they've had more time than anyone else to grind, which they should be utilizing . They knew they were going to champions since before berlin, and if they don't win champions that is definitely because they are just slackers , because sentineals was the first team to qualify to champions by circuit points, and is they can't make use of that time, they need to stop calling people cringe (dapr and zombs streams :( )

posted about 3 years ago

honestly, this isn't exactly assuring. kinda sounds like the classic ' will start studying from tomorrow morning' loop. but better than nothing i guess if they're gonna go 2 weeks prior

posted about 3 years ago

oh. okay . Phew !!

posted about 3 years ago

I recently saw in a thread that he streams a lot. i do seem him whenever i open twitch. he even did a 24 hr stream yesterday, and he is online again now . wtf is going on? did he tell the stream anything about practise? i don't watch his streams. did anyone hear anything? what's going on?

posted about 3 years ago

Okay, first of all. Practise i'm sure consists of a lot of parts other than scrims, which i'm sure they're playing, maybe less so than others. And ranked is never considered practise, it's literally helps 0% to pro play, infact most pro's will tell you that playing ranked will make you learn habits that are contradictory with what you should be learning to play at a pro level. so fuck ranked. and dude, knowing tenz, he has never given any reason to think that he is a person wo thinks aim is all. Right now that is what he is known for, but literally so is every other jett main that is famous this year.

posted about 3 years ago

okay. this def helped. so 100T had both hiko and ethan who were top 20 atleast once hu

posted about 3 years ago

what's that now.

posted about 3 years ago

are there like rankings somewhere i can see to understand how good all these people were ?

posted about 3 years ago

oh. i guess i misunderstood then. i thought all these bans were a result of unfair practises in a event. like how forsaken was caught cheating in a big league. didn't know they made a big deal of cheating in friendly games

posted about 3 years ago

tenz and scream were washed? lol what will happen if good players come to val

posted about 3 years ago

no wait. i meant, how is he playing as a pro when he was 13

posted about 3 years ago

wait 13? i thought you can't be under contract before 16

posted about 3 years ago

what's acc sharing? like someone else played online for him?

posted about 3 years ago

So i've never watched cs. infact valorant is my first FPS game that i follow the professional tournaments of, so i've never heard of any of these big names before. But today i was just looking into kennyS and one thing led to another in the and i saw that JJampi was banned for cheating? even steel, i even saw a name sayf, dk if it's the same one from valo sayf but yeah, wtf is this. how are these players who are known for cheating so adored ?? it was really surprising for me because forsaken is a name i've heard of before, and people hate him

posted about 3 years ago

why is ur highest rank iron if ur friends is silver and kills all

posted about 3 years ago

Damn. knew riot cracked, but this cracked??

posted about 3 years ago
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