Flag: South Africa
Registered: March 29, 2024
Last post: July 3, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Posts: 5

I hope they can get out of the slump as well

posted 8 months ago

I just said FNS shouldn't leave. I don't mind if crashies and/or Vic leave, but if they stay, they could turn it around. If they decide to bring in an Initiator and Flex then it could 100% work and I'd be excited to see if it could work. I just think people are being harsh on FNS and Boaster when they've won so much and just because they are heavily underperforming now that means they are horrible. Tenz 2021-2022 had a lot of shit thrown at him because he was underperforming and look at him now, Asuna also made a massive comeback. If we go into a newer meta then IGLs like FNS and Boaster could go and make a comeback and perform great.

posted 8 months ago

FNS 100% should not leave. He had 1 month with the team and a role swap for Victor as well as himself caused them to fall behind. Give them one offseason and they'll cook up properly. Chet should leave though he's a fraud. Bring in Potter or an up-and-coming T2 coach and maybe fix the strategic side and then their set. Victor, Crashies, and FNS won a Masters and Ethan won champs. They've shown their capability in the highest tier and S0m is just a cracked aimer. The synergy is there just the comps have been horrid.

posted 8 months ago

Dude Paint is so ass get him out and get some of the old furia/lev players

posted 8 months ago


posted 11 months ago