Ayooooo no way SEN loses this!
Flag: | India |
Registered: | November 18, 2021 |
Last post: | December 15, 2024 at 11:26 PM |
Posts: | 737 |
Ayooooo no way SEN loses this!
I'd go for forsaken because reaver is wayyy too common
Man ngl optic is getting so many lucky kills. LOUD lining up, spam through smokes, victor mid satchel kill and the timings.
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Oh F my bad I messed up the stats. You're right.
but it got more viewership because gambit went bonkers
SEN's Master's reykjavik was a cleansweep without losing any maps so-
I really want it to beat the champions 2021 viewership.
Masters : https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/vct-2022-stage-1-masters-reykjavik
Credits to NexusFPS for the link.
Champions : https://escharts.com/tournaments/valorant/valorant-champions-2021
I just included them who made threads. I'll give you and honorable mention tho
BrazilianBeast - https://www.vlr.gg/92233/real-reason-loud-is-losing
aomilan - https://www.vlr.gg/92210/na-copium-incoming
Hon'ble mention : spookmeister - https://www.vlr.gg/92210/na-copium-incoming/#2
AcidRain - Mans comitted this day to hating Brazil. https://www.vlr.gg/user/AcidRain
feelsbadboaster - https://www.vlr.gg/92230/brazil-so-bad
Alexxx - https://www.vlr.gg/92253/unlucky-for-eu
Mrityunjay - https://www.vlr.gg/92254/loud-are-fraud
ballsinyojaws - https://www.vlr.gg/92254/loud-are-fraud
I_NEVER_BAIT - https://www.vlr.gg/92265/loud-onliners
anticemyt - https://www.vlr.gg/92235/bronzil-absolutely-exposed
NOTE : I understand that Brazillian fans have done their fair share of annoying us, but they do so by overhyping their players. Unlike them the others straight-up trash the team. Put your makeup on you mfs.
fr, I really hope they remember the bs they did as children when they grow up.
Average vlr user trashing before the game ends and yall cant even appreciate the achievements of teams you dont support.
2 weeks back people didn't believe in loud :/
bring seoldam back??? He was in NTH!
It's spelled Kiribati*
NA education??
That was actually a smart decision to knife. He couldve whiffed or stax couldve walked into the astra wall.
They could've been hella successful this year if they didn't dissolve their roster.
Seoldam was typical korean jett, TENNN is doing fine this year, Meiy and astell had a lot of potentials, and Sugerzero was the weakest link. Now he's one of the best controllers.
All regions except LATAM remain now.
If only fps games were acclaimed in Asian region-
FPX could've owned everyone chill tf out.
hard to believe some esports players are so hot
Since when does trembolona love loud and not lick vk's butts?
prime tenz was definitely the world's best at that time
Jett plays can be hella flashy, raze plays are cool, yoru outplays are ooOOffFffff and reyna plays are adrenal rushes. So from an audience's perspective plays like these are more hype than winning rounds.
exctly, asuna and scream on reyna hit different.
If timed perfectly he could've dismissed and avoided the detain
He might not play yoru this time, his gameplay on yoru would've been read and Yoru doesn't have a lot of different playstyles.
8/8 well done
Here's your crown 👑
Mans has the best ace in any val tournament so far, hopefully he gets signed.
I'm so excited to see him play because I started valorant just after he got banned. His playstyle is so appealing and he is super comfortable with his agent pool. Definitely one of the OGs of the game.
Please don't ruin this with your hate comments I really don't care.
liquid is gonna destroy zeta. No more than 26-10.