Flag: North Korea
Registered: April 27, 2024
Last post: May 26, 2024 at 11:21 AM
Posts: 9

FPX 2-1

posted 8 months ago

GE doesn't need to go so hard for being $15

posted 9 months ago

FPX 2-1, I don't think EMEA have any idea how good Chinese Val has gotten and FUT are going to underestimate them.

posted 9 months ago

If you think about it, balancing the game for pro play is exactly what they should be doing. Casual and low ranked play is just about fun and having a decent variety of agents, maps, abilities, and guns is going to make sure that most people can find fun ways to play at all levels. In order for the pro scene to survive, as in continue to attract viewers (advertisers $$), it has to be fun to watch and not stagnant from one split or major event to the next. The way to do that is to balance the game around the pro meta and avoid power creep to keep the meta shifting just enough to keep things interesting to watch.

posted 9 months ago

He's really only viable on one map (Icebox) as is but I would love to see them buff his kit by replacing cascade with something more impactful. Compared to Viper mollies as a stall ability it's basically worthless. The slow feels inconsequential most of the time.

posted 9 months ago

Not really, viper is still in most pro comps for fracture and pretty much mandatory on pearl. The fact that a compact map with few small chokepoints like Split still gets a viper on both teams most of the time should be a giveaway that the agent is just stronger than the others at that role. I think the intention with Harbor was to create some diversity in controller picks which would cause a much bigger variety of comps at the pro level, keeping things interesting for viewers. They gave him a wall so that he would be an option over Viper but the rest of his kit just cannot compete with hers. Personally I think it's just cascade that is really underwhelming and the rest of his kit is fine but I'm not sure how to fix that. I think just replace cascade with a better ability altogether and we'll see more diversity in comps. (After Viper is nerfed of course, that also needs to happen imo.)

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Nerfing the most picked agents is a much better way to make balance changes than buffing the weakest ones because you can avoid power creep that way. Viper is currently very high pick rate and good on basically every single map, she's a perfect candidate for a nerf. You have to understand they can't just leave the game balance as is because people will get bored and stop playing. They can't just buff the weakest agents because the power creep will spiral out of control. It's the same for Cypher imo. He's good/viable on basically every map and the fact that there are tons of cam spots where he can just watch you clear site without you knowing is just way too much free information. These are actually good changes.

posted 9 months ago