Really hope you read this, im just going to speak from browsing your page.
For starters, your headshot % is way toooooooo low to be using a vandal, switch to a phantom. I played cs for 15 years, and not I'm not radiant I'm your average decent diamond player, but if your hs % is 7% you should not be using an ak, use the phantom. I'm average 20%, and with precision weapons my hs% shoots up to around 28-30% and i use a phantom.
Secondly, your agent selection is all over the place for a bronze player in competitive. Find someone you are comfortable with, that you can use instinctively, and stick to them. Don't go from omen, to raze, to kj roles. Valorant isn't CS, you really do have to play your role, and all these characters have different mentalities when playing. I play controller and only controller. If i need to flex i play someone i can combo with my duo, so like a breach with my duo raze, or someone i can abuse on a map, like sage on split.
Lastly, why are you dying SO much? Value your life more man. You die way to damn much, and you cant make an impact for your team if you are dead. I rather have a sova that is 8-10 with perfect util than a top fragging sova thats 25-20 thats literally getting traded right after taking first contact.
Again my page isn't some insanely charted pahe with crazy stats, but with good coms, and some game sense to go with good util, you should improve.