Flag: United States
Registered: October 2, 2021
Last post: December 25, 2023 at 3:28 AM
Posts: 50

Santa🤤 I finished making all the presents, can you please give me 13 kids for Christmas 🤪🤤🤤 I want your sharpened candy cane hehehehehe

posted about a year ago

Whatever you're going through, we can be lonely kings together ong :salute: make sure to take care of yourselves fr

posted about a year ago

Could be either :]

posted about a year ago

Link to Teaser:

Background has hotpot
Hot pot which was apart of Mongolian horsemen eating practices a while back in history.
When? During Jin Dynasty.
Jin Dynasty = CHINA
What else you ask to prove it's China?
Mala peppers aka Sichuan peppers in the hotpot that make your mouth feel numb numb numb (Roblox chezberger reference) which are also from China.

EZ anyways, what abilities do you guys think the new duelist agent will have?

posted about a year ago

Team name: Team Awesome AYY AYY

  1. SicK
  2. Runi
  3. JasonR
  4. Vonnie girl from twitter
  5. Runi Gf


posted about a year ago

Replace dephh with marved & have TenZ flex
Champion team right here w/ firepower & communication skills.
Sen roster:
Sacy (IGL / Initiator) good for communication
Pancada aka Pancake man (Sentinel)
Marved (IGL assistant, Controller) amazing at suggesting change during rounds, good for in game data gathering
TenZ (Secondary duelist, Flex aka jack of all trades) good player just impulsive at times. might just b bc of old messy sykko strats
Zekken (Main duelist, secondary flex aka when doing a certain comp where tenz might j be duelist)

posted about a year ago

Got me shedding tears man.

posted about 2 years ago

Very self-less human-being. Knew about her illness for two weeks before her official announcement, yet kept quiet because she didn’t want it to affect the performance of her fiancé TenZ. Man I hope their wedding goes through in the future and we get one of those wholesome wedding videos (like pewdiepie for example). Prayers up for Kyedae and anyone out there going through some sort of illness.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

L crowd bro. We’re on the same page about that!

posted about 2 years ago

bro is mad bc i said he should’ve paid attention in class LOL

posted about 2 years ago

idk bro should’ve paid attention in geography chumbucket boy

posted about 2 years ago

the disrespect fr

posted about 2 years ago

bro we r supposed to be on the same side too…

posted about 2 years ago

glad to see NA and EU trashing on brazil together. poor crowd, that’s what you get and it was satisfying to see you guys LITERALLY crying on the stands :-). L + Brazilio + ultra bam + spring slammer 3000 + you guys smell like fart. PEACE + idc what you loud fans gotta say haha ignored xD also NEWJEANS BUFF

posted about 2 years ago

Been seeing some threads about working out this is what I've learned & hey maybe if u might get into the gym this will maybe help you:
I started off skinny, had to bulk, and went through a cut (I'm average height 5'9 US)
Starting weight when I was skinny: 106
Starting weight for my cut: 147
When I was really thin I started off doing moderate exercise 3x a week (stronglifts 5x5 routine then switched to greyskull lp routine)
I only worked out 3x a week full body comp to build muscle/strength and had rest days between workout days. I only worked out 3x a week & did the workout routines with added 1 or 2 added exercises & not spend 1.5 hrs - 2 hrs in order to not burn so many calories due to my skinniness. (I feel like a lot of skinny dudes spend way too long burning too many calories that their daily appetite can keep up with)
I also ate at least 2000 calories a day & took in as much protein = to my body weight but as I gained more weight, I added more calories & protein as I gained through an app called myfitnesspal (it may be hard but it gets easier, what helped me was thinking about where I could've been if I started earlier) (it also helps to get weight gainer)
On my cut, I'd eat at a calorie deficit but take in protein = to my body weight still while working as hard as I could. There were moments when I felt really hungry but I drank water instead or ate a protein bar in order to fulfill some of that appetite.

TLDR: stronglifts 5x5 or greyskull lp work out routine free online
skinny: eat more calories (look up calorie to bodyweight calculator & eat more than the calories it gives you while eating as much protein as your bodyweight)
fat: calorie deficit but eat as much protein to your bodyweight and workout as hard (you'll get noticeably weaker but it's normal)
Do it for yourself & own wellbeing.

posted about 2 years ago

let me touch ur fart cloud kid u know u want me to

posted about 2 years ago

rate: 4/10
full grown baby with patches of beard hair
tbh: u seem like the kid to say some outta pocket shit right after someone says a joke & then everyone just stares at you while u wonder "wtf did I do wrong"

posted about 2 years ago

rate: devil god chad
rate level too high
tbh: u seem like u walk down the street looking to start violence. you see that old little kid on the road? yeah you DID but nope u kicked him 2 miles away. greek god zeus comes, "fight me bro". u guys fight and u punch him and punch him and kick him and he cries "waaahh oh my goodness y u do dat to me waaahh" and then u laugh while saying " yup yup im the best"

posted about 2 years ago

rate: giga god 10/10
genes of an athlete
tbh: idk u but u seem like a very likable person, always positive & appreciative. u seem like the type of dude to help a blind old lady across the street, get praise, n then push her down only to help her up to get more praise.

posted about 2 years ago

rate: 8/10
normal person
tbh: idk u but u seem like the quiet kid in the class that plays with eraser shavings while everyone is doing group work. doesn't bother anyone & have a chill normal group of friends to eat at lunch with

posted about 2 years ago

rate 8/10
nice wavy hair, decent looks
tbh: idk u but u seem like a funny guy that browses the forums to say the funny stupid shit & ppl irl prob think ur funny too

posted about 2 years ago

rate: 9.5 / 10
has brown hair, giga chad
tbh: idk u hehekekw but u seem like a chill person, type to walk away unbothered when a crackhead to ur right is blurting out satanic words

posted about 2 years ago

Doing one of those middle school rates / tbh lol
Comment and depending on your team and thread comments, I will imagine your appearance and depict what kind of personality you have and give you a rate & tbh.
Rate = 1-10 imagined appearance + guess what u look like
TBH = honest opinion about depicted personality & takes

posted about 2 years ago

I was going to write about how some players never got punished & got away with situations like this but unfortunately didn't have time to find articles bc I procrastinated. I had to resort to a more general topic. my gf even supported that initial topic xD

posted about 2 years ago

Greetings everybody,

My professor has allowed the class to write an argumentative essay about anything we'd like. I'd love to hear the VLR community's opinions on whether or not match-fixing has any solutions or deterrents. Esports is second to soccer when it comes to match manipulation via a report by SportsTradar and CS:GO lead in annual reports of suspicious matches in Esports specifically. Once again, I'd love to hear whether you agree or disagree about a solution being possible and your reasoning. I've already submitted a thesis and sources I will use therefore there will be no influential factors towards my essay (also not allowed to use opinions, just statistics and facts). I am just intriguingly curious.

posted about 2 years ago

eat filling foods that are almost 0 calories such as shirataki noodles, eggplant noodles, zucchini pasta, etc
instead of having the usual coke, get a diet, although it has substituted types of sugars, it's basically almost water (learned this from my professor) BUT don't drink it like it's water bc even too many artificial sweeteners can be harmful. DRINK WATER
one thing that stands out amongst those who may be considered overweight is getting enough sleep.
vegetables like bok choy and radish!
It's mainly diet and commitment.
i believe in you man, but hey, don't beat yourself up about how you look too much.
you can accept yourself but not in the way you are right now. (more so of a "this isn't me but I can change" mindset)

posted about 2 years ago

ah i see, idk they removed his MVP skin and made a statement about it so I assumed he was

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know how drop works but I've read that the owners or idk give sinatraa permission to have drops enabled. does that mean he's on good terms with blizzard again ?

posted about 2 years ago

it's just a normal part of competition and obviously if your team isn't doing well then you're going to criticize them. it's a psychological game as well for pros to get them pumped up depending on how they take it

posted about 2 years ago

i don't hate him, he's just not a good person and everyone should be more open-minded to why people dislike him. it's people like you making excuses towards the lack of growth and having morals. pros have taken accountability for their actions and he snitched on people for his own benefit. if anything it makes him even more worse of a person.

posted about 2 years ago
TLDR; Hiko saying ShaZam asked him to throw matches in csgo and that he deserved to get banned

Edit: For those that ask, "What does this have to do with the on-going discussions?", this is on-par with the discussion two days ago of the clip on of steel saying Shahz is a bad person and lacks ACCOUNTABILITY. The trait that is questioned currently of Shahzam is "ACCOUNTABILITY". Whether it's towards hate or other things like the whole scandal.

posted about 2 years ago

Shahz has a big ego and is always being toxic to people in-game. You look at youtube clips and it's him yelling someone or giving out a lecture, you look on his stream and he's yelling at someone. He ratted out csgo players (which is a good thing) but only for his own benefit to not get banned and not involved with the FBI. He's a child and I hope this doesn't get on the wrong foot and I did feel sorry for mans but, when steel trash talked him without context of knowing his father passed away, Shahz used that reason against him (bad timing) and he got hate for it. He's hypocritical and he shit talked a lot of the international teams at the VCT master's events. He's avoided what he's being doing himself for a while now. Props to you for trying to see the good in him though. It's good that he's taking accountability but I don't see him as any better of a person.

posted about 2 years ago

dude is malicious towards people in-game too lol like dam i wish mans wanted to win in a pro game as much as he loves winning in ranked (jokes). seriously though, every time i see clips of shahz it's always him yelling at someone

posted about 2 years ago

lenz and mystae

posted about 2 years ago

should be carrying regardless if anyone is shitting the bed wdym

posted about 3 years ago

link to tweet?

posted about 3 years ago

immortal 2
800 dpi
usually anywhere near .36 to .41
currently experimenting with 1600 dpi .185

posted about 3 years ago

With the tweets of TSM’s remaining players & corey, i’m pretty excited to see a new potential-filling roster especially of how confident they are in themselves. Roza, on stream, has basically shot-down the speculation of tiGG joining. I’m curious to know thoughts of who their fifth player & coach could be. Thoughts?

posted about 3 years ago

ppl r probably sitting on their toilets trying to pass time anyways

posted about 3 years ago

atp it’s just interesting reading abt tsm bc wtf will their next moves be & even though they’ve been on a downfall for a long time, it’s still a bit of a “wow factor” to see a promising team turn out like this.

posted about 3 years ago

From seeing TSM’s days of promise to straight up seeing them, as one might say, “shit the bed”. It is without a doubt that TSM is nearly extirpated. This is why TSM has been on a downtrend.

  1. Sentimentality of players - It first started off with the sentimentality. For example, keeping Tailored as a coach for an unnecessarily long time. Though they won tournaments in the early days of Valorant, I question whether it was because of the players themselves being ahead of time/being able to adapt to the game quicker than others w/ player synergy aiding or if it was actually Tailored helping them out. Main reason, DUDE was SILVER. MOTHERF*CKING SILVER ELO & you know where this is going. Most might argue that “you don’t need to be at the highest rank to have god game sense” although, there definitely needs to be a minimum rank that fits credibility. The only thing credible was TSMs lack of adaptation to the meta as in, playing around Wardell, let him get picks, & if he does go off from that. The sentimentality of TSM that caused Tailored not being dropped for an excessive amount of time has caused TSM to build bad habits & with small changes, time will catch up to you with the meta adapting & teams inventing new things.

  2. This leads me to my further explanation to why TSM is on a downtrend. Once they’ve noticed that Hello Kitty & friends wasn’t it, they’re solution was through capricious changes. Constantly over the past year, they’ve made capricious roster changes. For example, bringing in players like Brax or Bang for a tournament or two. When they’ve failed to reach what they were aiming for, BOOP you’re benched but to make you feel better we’ll let you stay on the org until you find another team. I can understand why Cutler & Drone were dropped to which through the year & end of last year, TSM might’ve felt like they weren’t as impactful as they are.

tldr; Sentimentality can unnecessarily cause bad habits for players on the team due to lack of changes. When that was noticed, TSM underwent a phase of capricious changes that affected the team & players that have just joined. Only now are they taking time on their next moves because there are no big tournaments this year. Though that means less practice for a stable team they could (maybe) have.

This is not to hate on TSM but give people an understanding of why TSM’s own sentimentality is their downfall.

posted about 3 years ago

TSM is hated although seeing them win just brings this nostalgic feeling into the competitive aspect of the game though it's only been out for 1.5 years.
I am still questioning if it was just luck that they made it far into the Challenger playoffs.
With TSM roster changes & pickup of Chet do you think TSM is going into the right direction?
Though TSM dropped bang & many TSM fans salty, I feel like it was the right direction to go through with in hopes of wanting to try and pick up someone more experienced.
It still is too early to tell if Chet has made a big impact but at least they are finally doing the bare minimum (better comms, etc).
What are your opinions about the current state of TSM & what do you think needs to be done/improved on?
Who should they look to sign? (I know Sinatraa CAN be a thought but rumors say Riot is telling teams not to pick him up & I assume teams would be unwilling to deal with his situation)

posted about 3 years ago