Flag: Malaysia
Registered: October 26, 2020
Last post: June 19, 2023 at 1:45 AM
Posts: 9

You'll get out of iron

posted about a year ago

By season did u mean act or episode?

posted about a year ago

Is it possible to get iron gun buddy if you already have bronze or above gun buddy?

posted about a year ago

so I've watched shahz's stream recently and I noticed that he can randomized picking player cards, and that's what I want to know how ... I tried right clicking, settings and googling it but nothing came out

posted about 2 years ago

So i've been reading/watching a lot of sentinels valorant content right now and since the absence of tenz and sick in the last match i've been hearing people saying to put zombs in or saying zombs better than this guy and so on ... but as far as I know when zombs was in the team he was hated a lot and people memed on him so many times

posted about 2 years ago

well yeah tenz isnt the only one that is bombarded with utilities but he's the one that probably the most effected by those, looking back he couldnt adjust to Kayo flashes and knife ... and I also didnt talk about only last match, I was also saying this from all of the previous matches like optic, V1 and the guard

posted about 2 years ago

In my opinion the reason why Tenz doesnt get high headshot % is because he haven't got a chance to actually shoot his gun, Tenz is probably one of the crack aimers in NA but in his previous matches he has been bombarded with utilities and set strats that he haven't even got a chance to shoot a bullet ... from what I see whenever Tenz actually got a kill it's usually when he have an op, and that's also one of the reason why he doesnt have a high headshot % is because he Ops

posted about 2 years ago

everyone has beaten sentinels in scrims tbh

posted about 3 years ago

damn I hope xeta and t1 spyder can stay in the US later .... playing with 200ping specially on a tourney is brutal man

posted about 4 years ago