Flag: Brazil
Registered: September 26, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 8:03 PM
Posts: 631
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What category does Pancc fit in? Because he expressed the desire to had sexual relationships with a minor but never actually did it (as far as we know). So he's more of a groomer than a pedo.
And also, i'm not excusing his actions by any means, i'm just curious...

posted about a year ago

*14 with parents aproval
Edit: it also can't be a sexual relationship

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Mr. Robot is Goated

posted about a year ago
  1. Breaking Bad
  2. Mr. Robot
  3. Atlanta
  4. Better Call Saul
  5. Daredevil
posted about a year ago

He has "sasuke" in his name, he is obviously unemployed

posted about a year ago

Com ctz é um downgrade.
Acho bem difícil eles ficarem mais q top 8 em qualquer lan ano q vem.
Mas tem minha torcida de qualquer jeito ☺️🙏

posted about a year ago

La ele

posted about a year ago

Agora é só esperar...

posted about a year ago

Hardly disagree, they're at least top 4 if they secure Havoc. He's the best duelist in BR imo (aside from Aspas ofc).

posted about a year ago

Biscoito ou Bolacha?

posted about a year ago

Nah dude, she needs a hard rework like they do in LoL
No matter how much you buff her abilities, KJ/Cypher would still do the same thing but 100x better

posted about a year ago

2022 Pancada

posted about a year ago

Yeah, Armored Core, love this game ☺️

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Pancada 🥵🥵🥵

posted about a year ago

I like the fan in my bedroom more, keeps me fresh on the summer ☺️

posted about a year ago

Furry? 😳

posted about a year ago

Come to Slick, best team in BR by far

posted about a year ago

Omen better

posted about a year ago

You better lock your windows tonight 😈😈😈

posted about a year ago

I am the washing machine, nice to meet you

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It's pretty much common knowledge at this point

posted about a year ago

Go on, do the "sisifus" joke idk...

posted about a year ago

Khalil 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

And koala

posted about a year ago

Wholesome thread ☺️

posted about a year ago

Ah yes, a 35 year old sage one-trick and a washed t2 jett main are our best talents...
We are not doomed at all Clueless

posted about a year ago

Sato 🗿

posted about a year ago

GE Aspas

posted about a year ago

Very spooky

posted about a year ago

That's a pretty hard question, but the first movie that comes to my mind is Baby Driver for some reason. The first 2 acts of that movie where the most fun i had watching a movie in years

posted about a year ago

Cauanzin tied with leo on skye imo

posted about a year ago

Bro 💀

posted about a year ago

Seria uma ótima resposta, mas quero me manter empregado kkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Qual foi mano kkkk

posted about a year ago

Ta certíssimo, eu sei q nao tem motivo pra eu me importar, mas na hora fiquei mal tlgd

posted about a year ago

Seguinte, trabalho na farmácia de um hospital aqui na minha cidade, e sou o mais novo do meu setor (23). Ou seja, n tenho muito assunto em comum cm o pessoal de 30-40 alem de futebol.
Só que nessa segunda eles colocaram um aprendiz pra trabalhar cm a gente, mlk deve ter uns 19 anos. Aí papo vai e papo vem eu descobri q ele também joga vava. Só q aí q ta o problema, quando estavamos no assunto valorant, minha colega mais velha ficava olhando pra nos cm uma cara de desgosto, e eu tava ficando desconfortável, tipo cm muita vergonha alheia.
Mais tarde parei pra pensar e não tem nenhum motivo pra eu me sentir assim, mas mesmo assim na hora eu fiz de tudo pra mudar de assunto.
Será q sou só eu ou mais alguem da comunidade de vava tem "problema" em conversar sobre o jogo cm os outros?
Fiquei curioso e queria saber a opinião de vcs q são forum dwellers da mais alta qualidade.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sim 🗿

posted about a year ago

The "You made me big" incident...

posted about a year ago

Teve o incidente do -7 rounds tbm. A verdade é q por muito pouco não tivemos 2 times br nos playoffs

posted about a year ago

Obrigado Saadhak e Sacy 🙏

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I can see a comeback if they win the pistol round
The morale boost is insane

posted about a year ago

Yummers 😋

posted about a year ago

He's catching Jerry this time for sure

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No way little loud is winning against the great PRX team of gods..
Its joever for bronzil sadly 😭

posted about a year ago
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