Flag: South Korea
Registered: July 12, 2024
Last post: November 29, 2024 at 10:33 AM
Posts: 20

I really don't know about it making the game sweaty, I remember back when I was 12 or 13 years old back in CSGO days where learning the spray pattern was something cool to learn to be better at the game. However, we are so used to the randomness by now that would make it hella weird even for the pro players to be changing the way they shoot cause implementing spray control patterns = the shooting style will drastically change and the best precision players might not have a place in an environment where its just spray control

posted 3 months ago

Idk if you are joking or not, but this is a very small region where the playerbase is even smaller than you might expect in higher ranks. It is hard to develop any talent over there since nobody that is good can scrim them on good ping for both teams. So this is pretty small and narrow minded POV

posted 5 months ago

Sorry forgot every1 has dogshit pcs in silver

posted 7 months ago

It's just something we can complain about during down time honestly. We really dont need any replay system in today's market with so many recording softwares anyways

posted 7 months ago

Some people from SG seem to be omega toxic and this could be another case of that

posted 7 months ago

Seeding is pretty important + there is a prize pool so idk what your waffling about.

posted 7 months ago

The 1k was based on Pacific only if it counted for everything the 1k would have been achieved a few weeks or month ago

posted 7 months ago

Many of my friends who are fans of TS always say to always expect a failure when it matters the most so i guess they were right especially against a team who has 2 players that can't even communicate with the star player is crazy

posted 7 months ago

Dude asked people to stop downvoting his post and instead over 400+ ppl downvoted his posts and every comment he does on other people post gets downvoted as well

posted 7 months ago

Honestly you really are missing out on some banger matches or goated casters if you only do watch the English streams. Like the JP streams or even the hype from the KR streams are good even if you don't understand what they say you can just feel the energy and somewhat understand plus it isn't that hard to understand what is happening without casters especially since some Tier 2 NA casters are questionable if they ever played the game before

posted 7 months ago

This also might be a korean thing. A burnout happening on a game we love is like a 10% or even 5% thing of happening. So it doesn't really exist for most of the KR pros when the average koreans around me also don't experience burnout even if they played the same game 5-8 hours a day

posted 7 months ago

The 1st map became close with DRX vs TALON but the 2nd map which was Abyss just looked like DRX figured out the meta for the map already so it was a masterclass but Primmie looked super solid even in a 0-2 loss

posted 7 months ago

Primmie is good but surely TLN should test out a team where surf plays cause if the language barrier for Primmie is still an issue surely 4 Thais and 1 Korean is better than 3 Thais 2 Koreans in terms of overall comms and teamwork

posted 7 months ago

Feels like they always create the meta for these new maps, it's pretty impressive how they did it for Icebox too

posted 7 months ago

Sorry some PRX fans see criticism about their favourite player's agent pool and they go crazy

posted 7 months ago

I miss n0thing from the CS days tho

posted 7 months ago

Owhhh that seems alright then

posted 7 months ago

The Jessie and manager situation is a bit messed up honestly cause who would put a married couple with a child in a professional environment especially with one person being a manager that has decisions for roster changes and the other one who is the IGL which essential has the most power in the team since there are no superstars in PH Valorant. Feels like they have control over everything just from their 2 positions. Idk just feels weird to me.

posted 7 months ago

He was already scouted a long time ago, like a whole year ago but his family pressured him to finish studies first so he actually had to do his irl stuff before commiting to a team. The time frame of him being rank 1 every act which is 4-5 acts is also the time frame of him finally finishing his studies so please research before you open your mouth. Thanks.

Edit: Yes I did create an account after so long of lurking on this site cause this take was too horrendous to even look at

posted 7 months ago