Flag: Canada
Registered: January 19, 2022
Last post: March 15, 2024 at 4:43 PM
Posts: 38

where did you get those stats from, on vlr it says that his sova is 0.99 KD.
his gekko tho has 0.93

never mind, just saw you edited your comment

posted 11 months ago

Not sure how I discredited Sen, all I said was that it was the only time that a team won with an actual fragging igl.

But yeah, I mean I guess we will see, but history doesnt seem to be on your side.

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying I'm an expert in the matter, but considering every international event (Beside Reykjavik 2021 with Shazam) has been won by a team with an igl that barely frags, I think brain > aim when it comes to igling. Redgar (I guess he fragged a bit more when he was with Gambit, but still), Bonecold, Finesse, Ange1, Saadhak (That guy doesnt frag, not sure why some people think he does). Even Boaster, who also some people talk about him like he is a fragging igl really doesnt frag much more then a guy like finesse.

posted about a year ago

Technically, Navi has no trophies no? Only the players do with 4/5 having a Masters and the other having a Champions

posted about a year ago

Well CSGO majors have what, 24 teams? Thats double then what we have at masters and 8 more then Champions, so that helps. Also, there is like what 17 EMEA teams making it to the major? So as long as you are on a fairly good team, you are probably making it.

posted about a year ago

I mean, Leaf isnt the Raze player on C9, its Xeppaa. The last time he played Raze was at Homeground last year. So while I do agree that he was a good Raze player, its kind of hard to still call him one right now.

posted about a year ago

NA fans have been clowning on Sentinels tho?

posted about a year ago

mwzera isnt even the best Furia player, how is he top 10? Right now, Khalil has been way better then him.
Also, not having s0m is crazy to me.

posted about a year ago

I didnt explain it in details, but here it is, the first way of seeding is record, all three teams have the same record of 4-1, so it goes to the first tiebreaker, which is match record between all three teams. Since, like aylez said, M80 won against TSM, TSM won against TGRD and TGRD won against M80, there is no way to seed one above the other using this way. You then go to the next tiebreaker, which is the round differential. And thats how we got M80 first, TGRD second and TSM third.

posted about a year ago

I had to read a couple of time also, the rules for qualifying and seeding are kinda confusing.

posted about a year ago

Head to Head to qualify to MSI, except if you have a three+ way tie, where you then look at the records between those teams specifically. If its still a tie, then its round differential (this situation happened between M80, TGRD and TSM, they were all 1-1 against each other, with a 4-1 record overall, so M80 finished first because of round differential.

Now seeding for MSI is different, it uses directly round differential because both groups gets combined for the seeding.

I think I'm right, but also, the rules are kinda confusing.

posted about a year ago

Isnt the first part of your message only if Faze had won? At least thats what the source you linked seems to say.
I think only this part of the post matters now that Faze lost :

Loss: Regardless of the outcome of G2 vs Shopify, FaZe will qualify as fourth in their group if Oxygen beat TT (FaZe holds H2H against both TT and SR). If TT beats Oxygen, then Oxygen will instead qualify as fourth in their group (Oxygen holds H2H against both SR and FaZe).

posted about a year ago

Masters Reykjavik 2021
Masters Berlin 2021
Champions Berlin 2021
Masters Reykjavik 2022
Masters Copenhagen 2022
Champions Istanbul 2022
Lock In Sao Paolo 2023

Thats 7

posted about a year ago

It mentions that seven players on stage hold an international lan trophy. Who is the seventh?

edit : It got fixed

posted about 2 years ago

Crazy none of you even understand how they were making that list.
I'm not saying all their picks are good, but most of them are defendable if you consider they were mostly going by how far do they think the teams will get.
They don't rate C9 very highly, so if they think Yay is only gonna play 1 or 2 game, then of course they rank him lower then expected.

posted about 2 years ago

On the Valorant esports website it says: Masters will return in June and will feature the top teams from each international league. The second international event of the year will reward top teams from each territory with a direct qualification to Champions.

So I'm guessing it means that the best performing team from each league at Masters automatically gets into Champions?

So something like :


  • 1 Master
  • 3 League
  • 1 LCQ


  • 1 Master
  • 3 League
  • 1 LCQ


  • 1 Master
  • 3 League
  • 1 LCQ

And China gets one spot?

posted about 2 years ago

im pretty sure its a franchise of a lebanese fast food chain called Amir

posted about 2 years ago

iron 1 back in beta, now diamond 3 (Peak Ass 1)

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone knows why today's Game Changers games aren't in the Matches/Schedule tabs? I don't think its the first time also.
I can find the games when I go to the Game Changers tournament tab, but its more work and I'm lazy.

posted about 2 years ago

I think the mmr range you can have in deatmatch is just pretty big to fill games quickly. So people aren't necessarily smurfing, they're just better then you and got put in the same deathmatch.

Anyway, its fucking deatmatch, who cares. You should use this as a warm-up, or to try new things when shooting, like not crouching as much.

posted about 2 years ago

they are 8-2 on Bind right now with the new comp, lost two close games to Luminosity and Akrew where they lost after having pretty big leads because they couldnt defend, which is a Sentinels problem, not a comp problem (they basically never try to play retake).
I'm not saying they are dominating, but they are doing fine on it right now, its not that different from before.
I definitely think they have bigger problems then trying to change their bind comp. (like having a 8 match loss streak on split).

posted about 2 years ago

Good try, but no, I just changed my flair becausd of him, it'd Gmd

posted about 2 years ago

Damn, more then 2 months later you are still doing it? Impressive.

posted about 2 years ago

Have you watched lothar's watch parties? unfortunately i don't think he can watch the rest of the tourney from my understanding, but he is incredibly invested. Gives a lot of round by round analysis and stuff. Really worth a watch.

posted about 2 years ago

So either Brazil's teams or ZETA wins? Also, why no mention of the APAC teams?

posted about 2 years ago

Putting Koosta as a potential player seems crazy to me. He wasnt good on Gen.G, Didnt even like the game from what i heard and could possibly try to comeback to CSGO. Unless new info came out?

But for the rest, I think you definitely keep Asuna no matter what. I would probably say the same about Ethan. I'm also a fan of Bang so i would keep all three and build around them.

posted about 2 years ago

are you me but with even more anime experience? big fan of your list

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

To add to what the others have already said, the person in the screenshot says that it is currently allowed in VCT, where I am pretty sur Nerdstreet don't make the rules? So if you somehow want to be mad about something not really controllable, it should be Riot and not Nerdstreet?

posted about 3 years ago

Technically, TSM has won 5 games in a row more recently then 100Thieves.

TSM won 9 games in a row during VCT NA stage 3 : Challengers 2

100 Thieves last won 5 in a row during VCT NA stage 3 : Challengers 1

Not saying it means anything, but your statement isnt really appropriate. you could find better shit talk.

posted about 3 years ago

Considering Soar lost their 2 best players to V1 and XSET and don't really have an actually official lineup right now, i'm kind of wondering why you think they will stand out? They also just lost to a random ass team in the NSG winter tournament.

The rest seems fine, at least they are all understandable choices

posted about 3 years ago